HEALTH RESEARCH IN AFRICA <p><strong><img src="" alt="" />ISSN: 3006-4090 EISSN: 3006-4104</strong></p> <p>Health Research in Afr<span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">ica (HRA) is an open access, peer reviewed medical journal that is partnered to </span><a style="background-color: #ffffff; font-size: 0.875rem;" href="">Health Sciences and Disease</a><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">. </span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">HRA values high quality research with impact on clinical care in order to improve human health in Africa. HRA covers all aspects of medicine, pharmacy, biomedical and health sciences, including public health and societal issues. Like HSD, it is an “online first” publication, which means that all the publications articles appear on the website before being included in the print journal. The papers are published in full on the website, with open access. Acceptance of manuscripts is based on the originality, the quality of the work and validity of the evidence, the clarity of presentation, and the relevance to our readership. Publications are expected to be concise, well organized and clearly written. Authors submit a manuscript with the understanding that the manuscript (or its essential substance) has not been published other than as an abstract in any language or format and is not currently submitted elsewhere for print or electronic publication. HRA is published by </span><a style="background-color: #ffffff; font-size: 0.875rem;" href="">Afrimvoe Medical Services</a><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">, Yaounde (Cameroon).</span></p> AFRIMVOE MEDICAL SERVICES en-US HEALTH RESEARCH IN AFRICA 3006-4090 <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:<br /><br /></p> <ol type="a"> <ol type="a"> <li>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a <a href="" target="_new">Creative Commons Attribution License</a> <a href="">CC BY-NC-ND 4.0</a> that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li> </ol> </ol> <p> </p> <ol type="a"> <ol type="a"> <li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li> </ol> </ol> <p> </p> <ol type="a"> <li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work</li> </ol> Please, Download the Guidelines for Authors Here, and Read Carefully Before Submitting <p data-sider-select-id="ef909ded-cc9d-4ea3-a98e-cab0d97e14ab"><strong data-sider-select-id="cfee881a-445b-4fd0-84f4-8a4eb62ebb1f">AIMS AND SCOPE OF HEALTH RESEARCH IN AFRICA</strong><br>Health Research in Africa (HRA) is a peer reviewed scientific that is partnered to Health Sciences and Disease. HRA covers all aspects of medicine, pharmacy, biomedical and health sciences, including public health and societal issues. It is an “online first” publication, which means that all the publications articles appear on the website before being included in the print journal. The papers are published in full on the website, with open access. Our mission is to inform and educate all the health professionals and to promote constructive debate on health issues that matter in the management not only of diseases but of health as a whole. Acceptance of manuscripts is based on the originality, the quality of the work and validity of the evidence, the clarity of presentation, and the relevance to our readership. Publications are expected to be concise, well organized and clearly written. Authors submit a manuscript with the understanding that the manuscript (or its essential substance) has not been published other than as an abstract in any language or format and is not currently submitted elsewhere for print or electronic publication. Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript. The submitting author takes responsibility for the article during submission and peer review. The HRA editorial team is based in Yaounde (Cameroon).<br><strong data-sider-select-id="dea94b25-97f5-465f-95f4-5ab521e6a65c">EDITORIAL POLICIES</strong><br><strong data-sider-select-id="e6fb24e0-9527-446e-8d51-1a5aca2ea343">Ethics</strong><br>HRA’s Publications Policy Committee follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for guidance on policies and procedures related to publication ethics. The policies for HRA have been adapted from those three advisory bodies and, where necessary, modified and tailored to meet the specific content, audiences, and aims of&nbsp; HRA.<br><strong data-sider-select-id="772fe98f-4293-4150-a149-8f8bf9a9c073">Peer review process</strong><br>Research manuscripts are initially checked by the editor in chief or section editor for identification of gross deficiencies. At this stage, the proposal may be rejected. After this initial screening, articles are sent to one or two-reviewers whose names are hidden from the author and whose review is guided by a checklist (single anonymized review). The review summary is signed by the reviewer and is not posted with article. The review process may take days to weeks to reach a final decision that is the responsibility of the editor in chief. The duration from submission to publication may take one to six months (average: 6 weeks). So, the authors should avoid contacting the editorial office less than 6 weeks after the initial submission.<br><strong data-sider-select-id="3fb1cea7-5c74-4441-aad8-446ba70bee9c">Plagiarism, Scientific Misconduct</strong><br>Manuscripts are randomly checked for plagiarism with available free tools. Those proven of plagiarism are returned to the authors without peer review. The editors reserve the right to request that the authors provide additional data collected during their investigations. The editors also reserve the right to send a copy of the manuscript and data in question to the author’s dean, university, or supervisor or, in the case of an investigation being funded by an agency, to that funding agency for appreciation.<br><strong data-sider-select-id="e1154ec6-7318-46dd-a0f2-274731aaaa39">Conflict of Interest</strong><br>At the time of submission, authors are asked to disclose whether they have any financial interests or connections, direct or indirect, or other situations that may influence directly or indirectly the work submitted for consideration.<br><strong data-sider-select-id="19a56dd1-a083-4f33-93fd-67949ad42702">Human and Animal Studies</strong><br>Manuscripts reporting results of prospective or retrospective studies involving human subjects must document that appropriate institutional review board (IRB) approval and informed consent were obtained (or waived by the IRB) after the nature of the procedure(s) had been fully explained. In any case, medical research involving human subjects should comply with the Declaration of Helsinki (2013).<br><strong data-sider-select-id="5e203eeb-3df4-482d-bf92-77e4aa7737e1">Authorship</strong><br>To be listed as an author, an individual must have made substantial contributions to all three categories established by the ICMJE ( (a) “conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data,” (b) “drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content,” and (c) “final approval of the version to be published.” Individuals who have not made substantial contributions in all three categories but who have made substantial contributions either to some of them or in other areas should be listed in acknowledgments.<br>Please limit the number of authors to ten when this is feasible.<br><strong data-sider-select-id="90d62d07-8a3c-4c39-bbf4-70313a34d7fe">Content licensing - Open access compliance&nbsp;</strong><br>Articles published in HRA are Open Access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Non-Commercial No-Derivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).<br><strong data-sider-select-id="90d62d07-8a3c-4c39-bbf4-70313a34d7fe">Copyright</strong></p> <p data-sider-select-id="ef909ded-cc9d-4ea3-a98e-cab0d97e14ab">The authors publishing under this license with&nbsp;HRA retain all rights which means that the authors can read, print, and download, redistribute or republish (e.g display in a repository), translate the article (for private use only, not for distribution), download for text and data mining, reuse portions or extracts in other works, but they are not allowed to sell or re-use for commercial purposes or re-use for non-commercial purposes; without asking prior permission from the publisher, provided the original work is properly cited.<br><strong data-sider-select-id="8414ed36-6be0-4e01-9498-094bdc5a78f8">Language</strong><br>HRA is bilingual and accepts publications in French and English. All the publications should have an abstract in both languages. Whenever possible, picture captions and table titles should be in both languages. All accepted manuscripts are copy-edited.<br>Particularly if English is not your first language, before submitting your manuscript, HRA advises the work to have it edited for language. This is to ensure that the academic content is well understood by editors, reviewers and readers. There are many providers that offer this service; however, the authors are liable for all costs associated with such services.<br><strong data-sider-select-id="22e2257b-43cc-4f75-895b-4f28ac37da46">Artificial Intelligence (AI)–Assisted Technology</strong><br>At submission, the authors should disclose whether they used artificial intelligence (AI)–assisted technologies in the production of the publication and how AI was used. However, authors should not list AI and AI-assisted technologies as an author or co-author, nor cite AI as an author.</p> <p data-sider-select-id="6b62d7f4-2166-483b-ab49-fae6d2f04ec8"><strong data-sider-select-id="ca234f5c-d059-44ac-af4f-db501b5e3b2a">ARTICLE PROCESSING CHARGES (APC)</strong><br>Article submission is free of charges, but if the paper is accepted for publication, the author will be asked to pay article processing charges to cover publications costs (220-250 $), depending on the type, complexity and length of the work, and on the number of authors. To guarantee HRA's independence, APC cover publication charges such as electronic archiving, plagiarism checking, editing, peer review process, site maintenance and web-hosting, proofreading, quality check, PDF designing and article maintenance.</p> Samuel Nko'o Amvene Copyright (c) 2024 Samuel Nko'o Amvene 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Prognosis of Urinary Schistosomiasis in Yagoua (Cameroon) <p><br />RESUME<br />Introduction. Au Cameroun, il existe des potentiels foyers de nombreuses maladies émergentes particulièrement celles tropicales négligées notamment la schistosomiase urinaire. L’objectif de notre étude est d’étudier la schistosomiase urinaire en se penchant sur ses particularités épidémiologiques, diagnostic et pronostic au Cameroun. Méthodologie. Il s’agissait d’une étude prospective transversale et analytique sur une période de 5 mois allant du 1 Avril au 30 Août 2023 à l’hôpital régional de Yagoua. Etaient inclus dans notre étude, les personnes âgée de plus de 10 ans, présentant lors de leur admission à l’hôpital un trouble urinaire et consentant à participer à l’étude. Résultats. La prévalence de la Schistosomiase urinaire dans notre étude était de 83,3%. La tranche d’âge la plus représentée était celle de 25-34 ans (37%). Le niveau d’étude le plus retrouvé était le niveau primaire (67%). Les participants vivaient à proximité des eaux stagnantes dans 87% des cas. Les espèces identifiées étaient S. heamatobium (80.7%) et S. mansoni (19.3%). Il existait une association significative entre la schistomiase urinaire et l’âge et le niveau scolaire. Les personnes ayant entre 25 et 34 ans ont 69 % de risque d’être infectées (OR=0,31 ; 95% CI : 0,04 – 1,75). Les personnes avec niveau inférieur au primaire avaient 4 fois plus risque de schistosomiase urinaire que les autres (OR= 9,6 IC : 7,88 – 13,0 P&lt;0,001 , 000). Conclusion. La prévalence hospitalière de la SU élevée corrobore une bonne couverture du programme de lutte dans notre zone d’étude. La localisation atypique de l’espèce S mansoni renvoie à une réflexion sur l’évolution de la pathogénicité de cette espèce dans notre contexte.<br />ABSTRACT<br />Introduction. In Cameroon, there are potential outbreaks of many emerging diseases, particularly neglected tropical diseases such as urinary schistosomiasis. The aim of our study is to investigate urinary schistosomiasis by examining its epidemiological, diagnostic and prognostic features in Cameroon. Methodology. This was a prospective, cross-sectional, analytical study conducted over a 5-month period from 1 April to 30 August 2023 at the Yagoua regional hospital. All patients over 10 years of age who presented with a urinary disorder on admission to hospital and who consented to participate in the study were included. Results. The prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis in our study was 83.3%. The most common age group was 25-34 years (37%). The highest level of education was primary school (67%). Participants lived near stagnant water in 87% of cases. The species identified were S. heamatobium (80.7%) and S. mansoni (19.3%). There was a significant association between urinary schistomiasis and age and level of education. People aged between 25 and 34 had a 69% risk of being infected (OR=0.31; 95% CI: 0.04 - 1.75). People with less than primary education had 4 times the risk of urinary schistosomiasis than others (OR= 9.6 CI: 7.88 - 13.0 P&lt; 0.001 , 000). Conclusion. The high hospital prevalence of UDS is consistent with good coverage of the control programme in our study area. The atypical location of the S mansoni species calls for careful consideration of the evolution of the pathogenicity of this species in our context.</p> Hermine Abessolo Abessolo Raïssa Marie Josée Bakmano Daniel Kossini Blaise Sosthène Nyangda Odile Messia Nguema Boniface Ngangoue Jean Guidel Elobo Ntanabe Eric Tandi Joseph Kamgno Copyright (c) 2024 Hermine Abessolo Abessolo, Raïssa Marie Josée Bakmano , Daniel Kossini, Blaise Sosthène Nyangda, Odile Messia Nguema, Boniface Ngangoue, Jean Guidel Elobo Ntanabe, Eric Tandi, Joseph Kamgno 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6128 Tooth Extraction and Bone Drill Hole in Wistar Rats: Kinetics of Biochemical Markers During Wound Healing <p>ABSTRACT<br />Introduction. Biochemical markers provide a dynamic picture of the bone remodeling process. The aim of this study was to determine the kinetics of remodeling markers during bone healing under two models of induced lesions in the Wistar rat. Methodology. Over a three-month period, from February to April 2024, we conducted an experimental study involving wistar rats weighing a minimum of 150g and aged eight weeks. The animals (N=24) were randomly divided into three groups of eight rats. Group I was the control group. In group II, the rats had undergone dental extraction, while in group III, a bone drill hole was made in the mandibular symphysis. The follow-up period was 45 days. Data analysis was performed using Graph pad sprim software version 8.0.1. l. Results were expressed as mean plus or minus standard error on the mean. Results. We included 24 rats. We observed weight loss in Group II females at weeks 2 and 6. PAL concentrations increased significantly in groups II and III at weeks 4,5,6. On the other hand, we observed a decrease in calcium concentration in female rats of groups II and III at week 4. Conclusion. At week 4 post-operatively, the determination of PAL and/or calcium could provide information on the level of consolidation.<br />RÉSUMÉ<br />Introduction. Les marqueurs biochimiques fournissent une image dynamique du processus de remodelage osseux. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer la cinétique des marqueurs de remodelage lors de la cicatrisation osseuse sous deux modèles de lésions induites chez le rat de wistar. Méthodologie. Nous avons mené sur une durée de trois mois, allant de Février à Avril 2024 une étude expérimentale incluant les rats wistar d’un poids minimal de 150g et d’un âge de huit semaines. Les animaux (N=24), étaient répartis de manière aléatoire en trois groupes de huit rats. Le groupe I représentait le groupe témoin. Dans le groupe II les rats avaient subi une extraction dentaire, tandis que dans le groupe III, un trou de forage osseux était réalisé sur la symphyse mandibulaire. Le suivi s’est fait sur 45 jours. L’analyse des données a été faite avec le logiciel Graph pad sprim version 8.0.1. l. Les résultats ont été exprimés sous forme de moyenne plus ou moins erreur standard sur la moyenne. Résultats. Nous avons inclus 24 rats. Nous avons observé une perte de poids des femelles du groupe ii aux semaines 2 et 6. Les concentrations de pal augmentaient significativement dans les groupes II et III aux semaines 4,5,6. Par contre on observait une diminution de la concentration de calcium chez les rats femelles des groupes II et III à la semaine 4. Conclusion. A la semaine 4 post-opératoire, le dosage de la PAL et/ou du calcium pourrait renseigner sur le niveau consolidation.</p> Nkolo Tolo Francis Daniel Nkeck Jan Rene Tanetchop Magouo Nelly Tcheutchoua Yannick Carlos Mame Momo Edwige Léa Ama Moor Vicky Jocelyne Copyright (c) 2024 Nkolo Tolo Francis Daniel, Nkeck Jan Rene, Tanetchop Magouo Nelly, Tcheutchoua Yannick Carlos , Mame Momo Edwige Léa, Ama Moor Vicky Jocelyne 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6141 Histological Features of Spontaneous Abortion Products in Abidjan <p>RÉSUMÉ<br />Introduction. L’avortement est une pratique courante en Côte d’Ivoire. Environ 43% des femmes de 15 à 49 ans interrogées sur cette question déclarent avoir eu un avortement provoqué. Les avortements spontanés peuvent survenir chez toutes les femmes durant leur vie reproductrice. Le risque augmente avec l’âge maternel. Leur répétition nécessite une investigation en particulier pour les couples dépourvus de progéniture. L’objectif de cette étude était de décrire les aspects histologiques des avortements spontanés à Abidjan. Matériel et méthodes. Une étude transversale conduite au laboratoire central du Plateau et l’UFR Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques de Côte d’Ivoire, a porté sur des blocs d’inclusion à paraffine contenant des restes d’avortements. Les prélèvements ont été adressés de janvier 2021 à avril 2023 sur lesquels des coupes histologiques ont été effectuées. Les colorations d’hématoxyline-éosine et de Giemsa ont été réalisées pour examen microscopique. Résultats. Les blocs d’inclusion à paraffine ont été obtenus à partir de produits d’avortements de 127 patientes dont 26 issus d’avortements spontanés soit 20,4% (26/127). L’âge moyen des patientes était de 35,4 ± 5,0 ans avec des extrêmes de 26 et 43 ans. L’analyse histologique des produits d’avortements spontanés a mis en évidence 15 cas évocateurs d’aberrations chromosomiques (57,9%), 8 évocateurs d’une inflammation (30,7%), 2 évocateurs d’une mole hydatiforme (7,6%) et 1 évocateur d’une infection (3,8%). Conclusion. L’histologie des produits d’avortements spontanés à Abidjan était caractérisée principalement par des aspects en faveur d’aberrations chromosomiques. Le recours à la FISH et/ou à la biologie moléculaire permettrait d’identifier les chromosomes responsables de ces anomalies.<br />ABSTRACT<br />Introduction. Abortion is a common practice in Côte d’Ivoire. Around 43% of women aged 15 to 49 surveyed on this question say they have had an induced abortion. Spontaneous abortions can occur in all women during their reproductive life. The risk increases with maternal age. Their recurrence requires investigation, particularly for couples without offspring. The objective of this study was to describe the histological aspects of the spontaneous abortions in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Material and methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted at the central laboratory of Plateau and the UFR of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences of Côte d'Ivoire. It used paraffin embedding blocks containing abortion remains. These abortion remains were sent to the central laboratory from January 2021 to April 2023. Histological sections were carried out, and hematoxylin-eosin and Giemsa stainings were performed for microscopic examination. Results. Paraffin embedding blocks were made from the abortion remains from 127 patients, including 26 spontaneous abortions corresponding to 20.4% of the cases (26/127). The average age of the patients was 35.4 ± 5.0 years with extremes at 26 and 43 years. The histological examination of the spontaneous abortion products revealed 15 cases suggestive of chromosomal aberrations (57.9%), 8 suggestive of inflammation (30.7%), 2 suggestive of a hydatiform mole (7 .6%) and 1 suggestive of an infection (3.8%). Conclusion. The histological features of the spontaneous abortion products analyzed in Abidjan was mainly characterized by aspects suggesting chromosomal aberrations. The use of FISH and/or molecular biology would help identify the chromosomes involved in these anomalies.</p> Alassani F Yapo V Bamba I Sawadogo D Honde M Copyright (c) 2024 Alassani F, Yapo V, Bamba I, Sawadogo D, Honde M 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6138 A Few Facts About Your Journal <p data-sider-select-id="ef909ded-cc9d-4ea3-a98e-cab0d97e14ab"><strong data-sider-select-id="cfee881a-445b-4fd0-84f4-8a4eb62ebb1f">AIMS AND SCOPE OF HEALTH RESEARCH IN AFRICA</strong><br>Health Research in Africa (HRA) is a peer reviewed scientific that is partnered to Health Sciences and Disease. HRA covers all aspects of medicine, pharmacy, biomedical and health sciences, including public health and societal issues. It is an “online first” publication, which means that all the publications articles appear on the website before being included in the print journal. The papers are published in full on the website, with open access. Our mission is to inform and educate all the health professionals and to promote constructive debate on health issues that matter in the management not only of diseases but of health as a whole. Acceptance of manuscripts is based on the originality, the quality of the work and validity of the evidence, the clarity of presentation, and the relevance to our readership. Publications are expected to be concise, well organized and clearly written. Authors submit a manuscript with the understanding that the manuscript (or its essential substance) has not been published other than as an abstract in any language or format and is not currently submitted elsewhere for print or electronic publication. Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript. The submitting author takes responsibility for the article during submission and peer review. The HRA editorial team is based in Yaounde (Cameroon).<br><strong data-sider-select-id="dea94b25-97f5-465f-95f4-5ab521e6a65c">EDITORIAL POLICIES</strong><br><strong data-sider-select-id="e6fb24e0-9527-446e-8d51-1a5aca2ea343">Ethics</strong><br>HRA’s Publications Policy Committee follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for guidance on policies and procedures related to publication ethics. The policies for HRA have been adapted from those three advisory bodies and, where necessary, modified and tailored to meet the specific content, audiences, and aims of&nbsp; HRA.<br><strong data-sider-select-id="772fe98f-4293-4150-a149-8f8bf9a9c073">Peer review process</strong><br>Research manuscripts are initially checked by the editor in chief or section editor for identification of gross deficiencies. At this stage, the proposal may be rejected. After this initial screening, articles are sent to one or two-reviewers whose names are hidden from the author and whose review is guided by a checklist (single anonymized review). The review summary is signed by the reviewer and is not posted with article. The review process may take days to weeks to reach a final decision that is the responsibility of the editor in chief. The duration from submission to publication may take one to six months (average: 6 weeks). So, the authors should avoid contacting the editorial office less than 6 weeks after the initial submission.<br><strong data-sider-select-id="3fb1cea7-5c74-4441-aad8-446ba70bee9c">Plagiarism, Scientific Misconduct</strong><br>Manuscripts are randomly checked for plagiarism with available free tools. Those proven of plagiarism are returned to the authors without peer review. The editors reserve the right to request that the authors provide additional data collected during their investigations. The editors also reserve the right to send a copy of the manuscript and data in question to the author’s dean, university, or supervisor or, in the case of an investigation being funded by an agency, to that funding agency for appreciation.<br><strong data-sider-select-id="e1154ec6-7318-46dd-a0f2-274731aaaa39">Conflict of Interest</strong><br>At the time of submission, authors are asked to disclose whether they have any financial interests or connections, direct or indirect, or other situations that may influence directly or indirectly the work submitted for consideration.<br><strong data-sider-select-id="19a56dd1-a083-4f33-93fd-67949ad42702">Human and Animal Studies</strong><br>Manuscripts reporting results of prospective or retrospective studies involving human subjects must document that appropriate institutional review board (IRB) approval and informed consent were obtained (or waived by the IRB) after the nature of the procedure(s) had been fully explained. In any case, medical research involving human subjects should comply with the Declaration of Helsinki (2013).<br><strong data-sider-select-id="5e203eeb-3df4-482d-bf92-77e4aa7737e1">Authorship</strong><br>To be listed as an author, an individual must have made substantial contributions to all three categories established by the ICMJE ( (a) “conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data,” (b) “drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content,” and (c) “final approval of the version to be published.” Individuals who have not made substantial contributions in all three categories but who have made substantial contributions either to some of them or in other areas should be listed in acknowledgments.<br>Please limit the number of authors to ten when this is feasible.<br><strong data-sider-select-id="90d62d07-8a3c-4c39-bbf4-70313a34d7fe">Content licensing - Open access compliance&nbsp;</strong><br>Articles published in HRA are Open Access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Non-Commercial No-Derivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).<br><strong data-sider-select-id="90d62d07-8a3c-4c39-bbf4-70313a34d7fe">Copyright</strong></p> <p data-sider-select-id="ef909ded-cc9d-4ea3-a98e-cab0d97e14ab">The authors publishing under this license with&nbsp;HRA retain all rights which means that the authors can read, print, and download, redistribute or republish (e.g display in a repository), translate the article (for private use only, not for distribution), download for text and data mining, reuse portions or extracts in other works, but they are not allowed to sell or re-use for commercial purposes or re-use for non-commercial purposes; without asking prior permission from the publisher, provided the original work is properly cited.<br><strong data-sider-select-id="8414ed36-6be0-4e01-9498-094bdc5a78f8">Language</strong><br>HRA is bilingual and accepts publications in French and English. All the publications should have an abstract in both languages. Whenever possible, picture captions and table titles should be in both languages. All accepted manuscripts are copy-edited.<br>Particularly if English is not your first language, before submitting your manuscript, HRA advises the work to have it edited for language. This is to ensure that the academic content is well understood by editors, reviewers and readers. There are many providers that offer this service; however, the authors are liable for all costs associated with such services.<br><strong data-sider-select-id="22e2257b-43cc-4f75-895b-4f28ac37da46">Artificial Intelligence (AI)–Assisted Technology</strong><br>At submission, the authors should disclose whether they used artificial intelligence (AI)–assisted technologies in the production of the publication and how AI was used. However, authors should not list AI and AI-assisted technologies as an author or co-author, nor cite AI as an author.</p> <p data-sider-select-id="6b62d7f4-2166-483b-ab49-fae6d2f04ec8"><strong data-sider-select-id="ca234f5c-d059-44ac-af4f-db501b5e3b2a">ARTICLE PROCESSING CHARGES (APC)</strong><br>Article submission is free of charges, but if the paper is accepted for publication, the author will be asked to pay article processing charges to cover publications costs (220-250 $), depending on the type, complexity and length of the work, and on the number of authors. To guarantee HRA's independence, APC cover publication charges such as electronic archiving, plagiarism checking, editing, peer review process, site maintenance and web-hosting, proofreading, quality check, PDF designing and article maintenance.</p> Samuel Nko'o Amvene Copyright (c) 2024 Samuel Nko'o Amvene 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6160 Please Download the Front Cover Page Here <p>Illustrations of the cover page from top down</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Samuel Nko'o Amvene Copyright (c) 2024 Samuel Nko'o Amvene 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6158 Description and Management of the 2021 Cholera Epidemic in Niger <p>RÉSUMÉ<br />Introduction. Le choléra constitue un problème majeur de santé publique dans les pays en voie de développement où il sévit sous mode endémo-épidémique. Plusieurs vagues d’épidémies ont été enregistrées au Niger depuis 1971. Malgré de nombreuses mesures, le Niger fait doit encore faire face à une épidémie du choléra en 2021. Matériels et méthodes. Il s’agit d’une étude transversale qui a porté sur l’ensemble des cas de choléra notifiés dans le cadre de la surveillance, cas par cas, du choléra au Niger en 2021. Les données ont été recueillies à partir de la base des données de la surveillance nationale. Résultats. Le nombre de cas inclus était de 5428. Le sexe féminin et les sujets de plus de 15 ans étaient les plus touchés avec respectivement 55,45% et 65,48%. Seule la région d’Agadez n’a pas enregistré de cas ; les régions de Maradi et de Tahoua étaient les plus touchées. Le district sanitaire de Madarounfa était le plus touché avec 1750 cas. La période de « pic » épidémique était la 33e semaine avec 948 cas et 44 décès. La symptomatologie était dominée par la diarrhée et les vomissements avec respectivement 100% et 96,05%. La souche O : 1 du vibrio cholerae était retrouvée dans 100% des cas. Le taux de létalité était de 2,88%. Conclusion. Malgré les efforts consentis par l’Etat du Niger pour empêcher les épidémies de choléra, ce dernier demeure une préoccupation sanitaire. Les efforts de sensibilisation et d’amélioration des conditions de vie des populations doivent être maintenus et renforcés. <br />ABSTRACT<br />Introduction. Cholera constitutes a major public health problem in developing countries where it occurs in an endemo-epidemic mode. Several waves of epidemics have been recorded in Niger since 1971. Despite numerous measures, Niger still faces a cholera epidemic in 2021. Materials and methods. This is a cross-sectional study which covered all cases of cholera notified as part of the case-by-case surveillance of cholera in Niger in 2021. The data were collected from the national surveillance database. Results. The number of cases included was 5428. Females and subjects ove r 15 years old were the most affected with 55.45% and 65.48% respectively. Only the Agadez region has not recorded any cases; the regions of Maradi and Tahoua were the most affected. The Madarounfa health district was the most affected with 1,750 cases. The epidemic “peak” period was the 33rd week with 948 cases and 44 deaths. The symptomatology was dominated by diarrhea and vomiting with 100% and 96.05% respectively. The O:1 strain of vibrio cholerae was found in 100% of cases. The case fatality rate was 2.88%. Conclusion. Despite the efforts made by the State of Niger to prevent cholera epidemics, the latter remains a health concern. Efforts to raise awareness and improve the living conditions of populations must be maintained and strengthened.</p> Abdoulaye Zeidou Alkassoum Ibrahim Goni Alassane Samaila Aboubacar Hama Hamidou Issa Sayo Djibo Yetongnon Seou. Perroux Daou Mamane Brah Souleymane Copyright (c) 2024 Abdoulaye Zeidou, Alkassoum Ibrahim, Goni Alassane, Samaila Aboubacar, Hama Hamidou Issa, Sayo Djibo, Yetongnon Seou. Perroux, Daou Mamane, Brah Souleymane 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6140 Patient Satisfaction Survey at the Ambroise Paré Clinic, Conakry, Guinea <p>RESUME<br />Introduction. En Guinée, il existe peu d’informations disponibles sur la perception des patients par rapport aux soins de santé qu’ils reçoivent. Cette étude a pour objectif de faire un état des lieux sur le niveau de satisfaction des patients en termes de qualité du système d’accueil en Guinée Conakry. Méthodologie. Il s’agissait d’une étude descriptive, transversale allant du 22 Juillet au 23 Octobre 2023 portant sur les patients et accompagnants en consultation à la clinique Ambroise Paré en Guinée. Un questionnaire administré aux usagers de la clinique à l’accueil a été utilisé. Résultats. Nous avons enquêté 160 usagers dont 94% était de sexe masculin. L’âge moyen des participants étaient de 35 ans. Les patients étaient satisfaits de l’accueil dans 94%. Les principaux éléments associés à la satisfaction étaient la courtoisie des agents de santé (96%), la durée des formalités administratives (90%), les tarifs abordables des consultations 94%) et la stricte confidentialité du patient (98%). Chez les non satisfaits, le motif incriminé était la longueur du temps d’attente (20%). Conclusion. les patients/accompagnants sont globalement satisfaits de l’accueil à la Clinique Ambroise paré. Il est néanmoins important d’amélioration l’accueil au service des urgences et de tri ne peut se faire sans l’implication, la formation du personnel à l’accueil et l’amélioration de leurs conditions de travail.<br />ABSTRACT<br />Introduction. In Guinea, there is little information available on patients' perceptions of the healthcare they receive. The aim of this study was to take stock of patient satisfaction with the quality of the healthcare system in Guinea Conakry. Methodology. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study from 22 July to 23 October 2023 of patients and accompanying persons undergoing consultations at the Ambroise Paré clinic in Guinea. A questionnaire administered to clinic users at reception was used. Results. We surveyed 160 users, 94% of whom were male. The average age of the participants was 35. 94% of patients were satisfied with the reception service. The main factors associated with satisfaction were the courtesy of the health workers (96%), the time taken to complete administrative formalities (90%), the affordable prices of consultations (94%) and the strict confidentiality of patients (98%). Among those who were dissatisfied, the reason given was the length of waiting time (20%). Conclusion. Overall, patients/carers were satisfied with the welcome they received at the Ambroise Paré clinic. It is nonetheless important to improve the reception and sorting service in the emergency department. This cannot be achieved without the involvement and training of reception staff and the improvement of their working conditions.</p> Fanta Oularé Jean Baptiste Dey Loua Maurice Ouedraogo Mathilde Koudougou Ousmane Coulibaly Selly Camara Alloussein Yansané Mamadou Bailo Baldé Ismaila Baldé Copyright (c) 2024 Fanta Oularé, Jean Baptiste Dey Loua, Maurice Ouedraogo, Mathilde Koudougou, Ousmane Coulibaly, Selly Camara, Alloussein Yansané, Mamadou Bailo Baldé, Ismaila Baldé 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6132 Surgical Management of Pericarditis in Niger <p>RESUME<br />Introduction. La péricardite liquidienne est une inflammation du péricarde associée à un épanchement dans la cavité péricardique. Le but de notre travail était d’étudier les paramètres épidémiologiques, diagnostiques et évolutifs des patients pris en charge chirurgicalement à l’HGR de Niamey. Méthodologie. Il s’agissait d’une étude transversale descriptive à collecte des données rétrospective sur une période de 2 ans allant d'Avril 2021 à Mars 2023, portant sur tout patient de opérés et suivis dans le service de chirurgie thoracique et cardio-vasculaire (CTCV) de l’hôpital général de référence de Niamey pour une péricardite liquidienne (PL). Résultats. Nous avons enregistré 76 patients hospitalisés pour une pathologie cardiovasculaire, 15 ont bénéficié d’une prise en charge chirurgicale pour une PL, soit une prévalence de 19,73% avec une provenance urbaine dans 60% des cas pour un sexe/ratio de 1,5. La tranche d’âge la plus représentée était celle des 46-60 ans (93%). A l’examen physique, une insuffisance cardiaque globale était retrouvée dans 33,33% des cas, 26,67% avait une insuffisance cardiaque isolée et 66,66% une tachycardie. Il y avait un assourdissement des bruits du cœur chez 46,67%. Le diagnostic positif était posé dans tous les cas par l'échocardiographie transthoracique. Le drainage chirurgical par abord sous xyphoïdienne était la principale technique et concernait 86,66% des patients. Le GeneXpert est positif et cohérent chez tous les patients ayant bénéficié de l’histologie de la biopsie du péricarde et 66,67 % avait une péricardite d’origine tuberculeuse. L’histologie était non spécifique dans 26,66%, et une cause néoplasique a été retrouvée dans 6,66%. L’évolution a été favorable au bout du troisième mois et 80% de survie à 1 an. Conclusion. La principale étiologie des péricardites reste la tuberculose sans coïnfection avec le VIH. La prise en charge chirurgicale facilite le diagnostic étiologique et améliore la survie. <br />ABSTRACT<br />Introduction. Liquid pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium associated with an effusion in the pericardial cavity. The aim of our work was to study the epidemiological, diagnostic and evolutionary parameters of patients managed surgically at the HGR of Niamey. Methodology. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study with retrospective data collection over a 2-year period from April 2021 to March 2023, covering all patients operated on and followed up in the thoracic and cardiovascular surgery department (CTCV) of the Niamey general referral hospital for liquid pericarditis (LP). Results. We recorded 76 patients hospitalized for cardiovascular pathology, 15 of whom underwent surgical management for LP, i.e. a prevalence of 19.73% with an urban origin in 60% of cases for a sex/ratio of 1.5. The most represented age group was 46-60 years (93%). On physical examination, congestive heart failure was found in 33.33% of cases, isolated heart failure in 26.67% and tachycardia in 66.66%. Heart sounds were muffled in 46.67% of cases. Positive diagnosis was made in all cases by transthoracic echocardiography. Surgical drainage via a subxiphoid approach was the main technique, involving 86.66% of patients. GeneXpert was positive and consistent in all patients who underwent pericardial biopsy histology, and 66.67% had pericarditis of tuberculous origin. Histology was non-specific in 26.66%, and a neoplastic cause was found in 6.66%. Progression was favorable after three months, with 80% survival at 1 year. Conclusion. The main etiology of pericarditis remains tuberculosis without HIV co-infection. Surgical management facilitates etiological diagnosis and improves survival.</p> Daouda amadou M’Baye Salissou SM Abdoul Wahab KB Ibrahim I. Alzouma Labo Saidou Rabiou M. Z. Sani Mahamadou Hima Abdoukader Rachid Sani Copyright (c) 2024 Daouda amadou, M’Baye Salissou SM, Abdoul Wahab KB, Ibrahim I. Alzouma, Labo Saidou , Rabiou M. Z. Sani, Mahamadou Hima Abdoukader, Rachid Sani 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6038 Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects of Mandibular Ballistic Trauma During Armed Conflict in Mopti (Mali) <p>RESUME<br />Introduction. Au Mali, les traumatismes balistiques responsables de pertes de substances mandibulaires, sont souvent causés par une tentative d'autolyse, une agression ou un accident. Le but de notre travail est d’étudier les aspects cliniques et thérapeutiques des dommages mandibulaires causés par les armes à feu à l'hôpital de Mopti. Méthodologie. Il s’agissait d’une étude de type transversale descriptive menée de 2022 à 2023 à collectes rétrospectives sur les cas de pertes de substances mandibulaires reçus à l’hôpital de Mopti. Résultats. Nous avons enregistré 46 cas de traumatismes balistiques maxillo-faciaux dont 12 cas de perte de substance mandibulaire soit une fréquence de 26,08 %. La tranche d’âge la plus représentée était celle de 32 à 46 ans (66,66%). les lésions siégeaient essentiellement au niveau de la branche horizontale gauche de la mandibule (50%) et la branche horizontale droite (16,66%). Le parage réalisé en parallèle avec l’ostéosynthèse et la contention ont été effectués dans 6 cas (50%). Il n’y a pas eu de décès. Les types de lésions les plus retrouvées étaient les pertes de substances osseuses mandibulaires (50%), les pertes de substances osseuses isolées (33,33%) et les pertes de substances cutanéo-musculo-osseuses (16,66%). Une couverture antibiotique à base de céfazoline et métronidazole a été effectuée chez tous nos patients (100%). Des séquelles esthétiques et fonctionnelles à type de rétractions tissulaires et de troubles masticatoires ont été retrouvées chez 16,66% des cas. Conclusion. Les pertes de substances mandibulaires sont relativement courantes et principalement observées chez les hommes dans notre étude.<br />ABSTRACT<br />Introduction. In Mali, ballistic trauma responsible for loss of mandibular substance is often caused by an attempt at autolysis, an assault or an accident. The aim of our work is to study the clinical and therapeutic aspects of mandibular damage caused by firearms in the hospital of Mopti. Methodology. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted from 2022 to 2023 with retrospective collection of cases of mandibular substance loss received at Mopti Hospital. Results. We recorded 46 cases of maxillofacial ballistic trauma, including 12 cases of mandibular substance loss, i.e. a frequency of 26.08%. The most common age group was 32 to 46 years (66.66%). The lesions were mainly located in the left horizontal branch of the mandible (50%) and the right horizontal branch (16.66%). Trimming was carried out in parallel with osteosynthesis and restraint in 6 cases (50%). There were no deaths. The most common types of lesion were mandibular bone loss (50%), isolated bone loss (33.33%) and cutaneous-musculo-bone loss (16.66%). Antibiotic treatment with cefazolin and metronidazole was given to all our patients (100%). Aesthetic and functional sequelae such as tissue retraction and masticatory problems were found in 16.66% of cases. Conclusion. Loss of mandibular substance is relatively common and mainly observed in men in our study.</p> Théra Thioukany David Fofana Youssouf Koné Mory Guindo Aly Abdoulaye Sidibé Lamine Traoré Bréhima Guindo Oumar Cissé Dramane Coulibaly Amady Copyright (c) 2024 Théra Thioukany David, Fofana Youssouf, Koné Mory, Guindo Aly Abdoulaye, Sidibé Lamine, Traoré Bréhima, Guindo Oumar, Cissé Dramane, Coulibaly Amady 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6133 Management of Post-Traumatic Craniofacial Lesion Associations in a University Hospital Setting in Ouagadougou <p> aRESUME<br />Introduction. Au Burkina Faso, les contraintes structurelles, organisationnelles, socioéconomiques et en ressources humaines rendent souvent difficile la mise en place et la coordination d’équipes de prise en charge pluridisciplinaire dans les associations lésionnelles crânio-faciales. L’objectif de notre travail était de rapporter les aspects de la prise en charge de ces lésions dans notre contexte. Méthodologie. Il s’agissait d’une étude transversale descriptive à collecte rétrospective monocentrique sur une période de trois ans allant du 1er juin 2020 au 31 mai 2023 au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo. Ont été inclus dans l’étude, tous les patients pris en charge pour des associations lésionnelles crânio-encéphaliques et maxillo-faciales, consécutives à un traumatisme crânio-facial, dans les services de Neurochirurgie et de Stomatologie et Chirurgie Maxillo-faciale. Résultats. Nous avons retenu 104 patients avec une moyenne d’âge de 33,12 ans pour un sex-ratio de 8,4. Les lésions étaient consécutives aux accidents de la circulation routière dans 94,23% des cas. La perte de connaissance initiale et les plaies crânio-faciales ont été notées respectivement dans 80% et 75,96% des cas. Les contusions cérébrales (40,38 %) et les embarrures (35,57 %) ont été notées et associées aux fractures zygomatiques dans 30 cas (28,85%). La prise en charge chirurgicale a été pluridisciplinaire concomitante chez 40% des patients. L’évolution à long terme était favorable dans 65,38 % des cas. Conclusion. Les lésions traumatiques crânio-faciales sont fréquentes et touchent tous les âges. L’évolution sous traitement multidisciplinaire est favorable dans la majorité des cas.<br />ABSTRACT<br />Introduction. In Burkina Faso, structural, organisational, socio-economic and human resource constraints often make it difficult to set up and coordinate multidisciplinary management teams for craniofacial lesions. The aim of our work was to report on aspects of the management of these injuries in our context. Methodology. This was a monocentric retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study conducted over a three-year period from 1 June 2020 to 31 May 2023 at the Yalgado Ouédraogo University Hospital. All patients treated for associated cranioencephalic and maxillofacial lesions following craniofacial trauma in the Neurosurgery and Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery departments were included in the study. Results. We included 104 patients with an average age of 33.12 years and a sex ratio of 8.4. The injuries were the result of road traffic accidents in 94.23% of cases. Initial loss of consciousness and craniofacial wounds were noted in 80% and 75.96% of cases respectively. Cerebral contusions (40.38%) and embarrures (35.57%) were noted and associated with zygomatic fractures in 30 cases (28.85%). Surgical management was multidisciplinary and concomitant in 40% of patients. Long-term outcome was favourable in 65.38% of cases. Conclusion. Craniofacial traumatic injuries are common and affect all ages. Under multidisciplinary treatment, the majority of patients had a favourable outcome.</p> Yakouba Haro Motandi Idani Abdoulaye Sanou Sylvain Zabsonre Tarcissus Konsem Abel Kabre Copyright (c) 2024 Yakouba Haro, Motandi Idani, Abdoulaye Sanou, Sylvain Zabsonre, Tarcissus Konsem, Abel Kabre 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6130 Orbital and Periorbital Cellulitis in Children in Libreville: Clinical Features, Management and Outcome <p>RÉSUMÉ<br />Introduction. Les cellulites périorbitaires et orbitaires sont des infections cutanées qui touchent l’enfant de tout âge. Méthodologie. Nous avons inclus les dossiers médicaux complets des patients hospitalisés pour cellulite faciale durant la période de l’étude. Les paramètres étudiés étaient les données démographiques, les signes cliniques et radiologiques, le traitement et l’évolution. Résultats. Dans notre série de 7 enfants (5 garçons et 2 filles), les symptômes associaient une fièvre, une douleur, un œdème de la paupière et une exophtalmie. La porte d’entrée était ORL chez tous les patients. Le diagnostic combinait l'anamnèse, l'examen clinique et la TDM qui a par ailleurs une thrombophlébite chez un patient, un empyème chez un patient et un abcès orbitaire chez un patient. La localisation pré septale était retrouvée chez 5 patients. Le traitement a été essentiellement médical par les antibiotiques et le drainage chirurgical a été réalisé chez un patient. L’évolution a été favorable chez tous nos patients avec un retour à domicile entre le 10ème et le 30ème jour. Conclusion. Les cellulites orbitaires et périorbitaires chez l’enfant sont certes rares mais elles restent des urgences dans la pathologie orbitaire, nécessitant un diagnostic précoce et une prise en charge urgente et multidisciplinaire. La rapidité diagnostique et thérapeutique dans notre étude a permis une guérison rapide sans séquelle.</p> <p>ABSTRACT<br />Introduction. Periorbital and orbital cellulitis are skin infections that can affect children of all ages. Methodology. We included the complete medical records of patients hospitalized for facial cellulitis during the study period. Our data of interest included demographic data, clinical and radiological signs, treatment, and outcome. Results. In our cohort of 7 children (5 boys and 2 girls), the symptoms included fever, pain, eyelid swelling, and exophthalmos. The entry point was ENT-related in all patients. Diagnosis was based on medical history, clinical examination and CT scans, which revealed thrombophlebitis in one patient, empyema in another, and an orbital abscess in one patient. The preseptal location was found in five patients. Treatment was essentially medical with antibiotics, and surgical drainage was performed in one case. All patients had favorable outcomes, with discharge occurring between the 10th and 30th day. Conclusion. Orbital and periorbital cellulitis in children is rare but constitutes an emergency in orbital pathology, necessitating early diagnosis and urgent and multidisciplinary management. The prompt diagnostic and therapeutic approach in our study allowed for rapid recovery without sequelae.</p> Midili Tècle Larissa Lembet Mikolo AM Mekame Méyé AEP Mintsa-Mi-Nkama ELJ Mabery Grodet A Kiba L Koumba Maniaga R Mba Aki T Kuissi Kamgaing E Ategbo S Copyright (c) 2024 Midili Tècle Larissa, Lembet Mikolo AM, Mekame Méyé AEP, Mintsa-Mi-Nkama ELJ, Mabery Grodet A, Kiba L, Koumba Maniaga R, Mba Aki T, Kuissi Kamgaing E, Ategbo S 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6165 Complications and Prognosis of Limb Trauma after Traditional Treatment in Burkina Faso <p>RÉSUMÉ<br />Introduction. Le traitement traditionnel des fractures de membres est fréquent en Afrique. Au Burkina, la médecine traditionnelle en traumatologie orthopédie garde une place importante à côté de la médecine moderne. Elle est pourvoyeuse de complications, parfois graves. Patients et méthode. Il s’est agi d’une étude rétrospective sur une période 48 mois. Les données socioprofessionnelles, cliniques, para cliniques et thérapeutiques des patients admis dans le service de chirurgie pour un traumatisme négligé de l’appareil locomoteur ont été analysées. Résultats. 252 patients (165 hommes et 87 femmes) ont été colligés. Ils étaient en majorité instruits (n=148). Le délai moyen de consultation était de 11,5 mois. On dénombrait 273 lésions, localisées majoritairement au membre inférieur (n=147). 136 patients présentaient une complication liée au traitement traditionnel. Il s’agissait essentiellement du cal vicieux (n=71), de la pseudarthrose (n=20) et de l’infection (13 cas). 8 amputations ont été réalisées. La consolidation a été obtenue chez 64 patients dans un délai moyen de 9,7 mois. Des complications post opératoires ont été notées dans 31 cas. Au recul moyen de 15,6 mois, 152 patients présentaient une récupération de la masse musculaire et un gain des amplitudes articulaires. Conclusion. Les complications après traitement traditionnel des traumatismes de l’appareil locomoteur sont réelles dans notre région. La formation et la sensibilisation des tradipraticiens sur leurs limites en matière de prise en charge des fractures surtout ouvertes, pourraient permettre de diminuer ces cas dramatiques.<br />ABSTRACT<br />Introduction. Traditional treatment of limb fractures is common in Africa. In Burkina, traditional medicine in orthopedic traumatology retains an important place alongside modern medicine. It causes complications, sometimes serious. Patients and methods. This was a retrospective study over a 24-month period. The socio-professional, clinical, para-clinical and therapeutic data of patients admitted to the surgery department for neglected trauma to the musculoskeletal system were analyzed. Results. 252 patients (165 men and 87 women) were collected. They were mostly educated (n=148) and came more from Mouhoun. The average consultation time was 11.5 months. There were 273 lesions, mainly located in the lower limb (n=147). They were dominated by neglected fractures (n=90), malunions (n=71) and non-unions (n=20). Osteosynthesis was performed in 55 cases and an intermediate prosthesis in 14 cases. Union was achieved in 64 patients within a mean time of 9.7 months. 31 complications were noted. At a mean follow-up of 15.6 months, 152 patients presented muscle recovery and a gain in joint range of motion. Conclusion. Complications of traditional treatment of injuries to the musculoskeletal system are real in our region, with considerable socio-economic consequences. Training and raising awareness of traditional healers about their limitations, in terms of managing fractures, especially open fractures, could help reduce these dramatic cases.</p> Somé IB Ouédraogo S Daire N Diallo M Yao LS Ouangré A Ouédraogo B Sawadogo M Copyright (c) 2024 Somé IB, Ouédraogo S, Daire N, Diallo M, Yao LS, Ouangré A, Ouédraogo B, Sawadogo M 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6142 Heart Disease in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease at the Start of Dialysis in Abidjan <p>RESUME<br />Introduction. En Côte d’Ivoire les cardiopathies urémiques représentent un facteur de morbidité et de mortalité au cours de l’insuffisance rénale. L’objectif de notre étude était de décrire l’état cardiaque des patientes à l’initiation de la dialyse. Méthodologie. Il s’agissait d’une étude prospective analytique réalisée sur une période de 3 ans allant de janvier 2016 à décembre 2018 dans les services de Néphrologie-Médecine interne D du CHU de Treichville et d’explorations fonctionnelles l’Institut de cardiologie d’Abidjan. Nous avons inclus tout patient âgé d’au moins 16 ans, hospitalisé pour une insuffisance rénale terminale et ayant réalisé une échographie cardiaque avant la dialyse ou moins de 15 jours après le début de l’hémodialyse. Résultats. Nous avons colligé 164 patients hémodialysés parmi lesquels 147 présentaient une cardiopathie urémique, soit une prévalence de 89,6%. L’âge moyen était de 39,31 ±14,89 ans pour un sex ratio de 1,53. Les antécédents les plus retrouvés étaient l’hypertension artérielle (73,5%) et la maladie rénale chronique (23,8%). Les principaux signes cliniques étaient la poussée hypertensive (89,8%), les œdèmes des membres inférieurs (73,5%), la pâleur cutanéomuqueuse (47,6%) et l’œdème aigu du poumon (43,5%). L’insuffisance rénale chronique était le type prédominant (93,9%). Les principales anomalies morphologiques à l’échographie cardiaque étaient l’hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche concentrique (57,1%), l’hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche excentrique (34%) et la péricardite (32%). Nous avons observé 40,8% de décès. Les facteurs de risque associés au décès étaient l’âge inférieur à 35 ans [p= 0,005 ; OR (IC 95%) = 2,56(1,32-4,95)] et la FEVG altérée [p=0,017 ; OR (IC 95%) = 2,17(1,14-4,11). Conclusion. La cardiopathie est fréquente à l’initiation de la dialyse et elle a une mortalité élevée. Une prise en charge précoce pourrait aider à améliorer le pronostic des patients.<br />ABSTRACT<br />Introduction. In Côte d'Ivoire, uraemic heart disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in renal failure. The aim of our study was to gain a better understanding of the cardiac status of patients at the start of dialysis. Methods. This was a prospective analytical study conducted over a 3-year period from January 2016 to December 2018 in the Nephrology-Internal Medicine D department of the Treichville University Hospital and the Functional Explorations department of the Abidjan Heart Institute. All patients aged at least 16 years, hospitalised for end-stage renal failure and who had undergone cardiac echocardiography before dialysis or less than 15 days after the start of haemodialysis were included. Results. We enrolled 164 haemodialysis patients, 147 of whom had uraemic heart disease, representing a prevalence of 89.6%. The mean age was 39.31 ±14.89 years, with a sex ratio of 1.53. The most common antecedents were arterial hypertension (73.5%) and chronic kidney disease (23.8%). The main clinical signs were hypertensive crisis (89.8%), oedema of the lower limbs (73.5%), mucocutaneous pallor (47.6%) and acute lung oedema (43.5%). Chronic renal failure was the predominant type (93.9%). The main morphological abnormalities on cardiac ultrasound were concentric hypertrophy (57.1%), eccentric hypertrophy (34%) and pericarditis (32%). We observed 40.8% deaths. The risk factors associated with death were age under 35 years [p=0.005; OR (95% CI) = 2.56(1.32-4.95)] and impaired LVEF [p=0.017; OR (95% CI) = 2.17(1.14-4.11)]. Conclusion. Heart disease is common at the start of dialysis and is associated with a high mortality rate. Early management could help improve patient prognosis.</p> Diopoh SPO Konan SD Ouattara KC Aka AAJ Sanogo S Bleoue G Anzouan-Kacou JB Yao KH Copyright (c) 2024 Diopoh SPO, Konan SD, Ouattara KC, Aka AAJ, Sanogo S, Bleoue G, Anzouan-Kacou JB, Yao KH 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6129 Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Bouake: Diagnosis, Management and Outcome <div>RÉSUMÉ</div> <div>Objectif. Le but de l’étude travail était d’évaluer l’évolution de la prise en charge des CHC au CHU de Bouaké aux plans diagnostiques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs depuis l’implication des oncologues médicaux dans l’équipe de soins en 2022. Matériels et Méthodes. Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective à visée descriptive, réalisée sur une période de 2 ans dans l’unité d’oncologie médicale du CHU de Bouaké. L'analyse de survie a été réalisée selon la méthode de Kaplan- Meier. Résultats. Soixante et un cas de CHC ont été colligés durant la période d’étude. L’âge moyen des patients était de 45,33 ans avec un sex-ratio de 8. Cinquante-quatre pourcent des patients exerçaient dans le secteur informel avec un bas niveau socio-économique. Aucun patient n’était vacciné contre l’hépatite B. La totalité des patients était suivie pour une cirrhose. Le diagnostic positif dans 69,8% des cas a été retenu sur la base des arguments radiologiques. Une histologie était disponible chez 24 patients (30,2 %). Au moment du diagnostic, 96,7% des patients avaient un CHILD B et 98,4% étaient classé stade C de la BCLC. Le traitement a consisté à une chimiothérapie palliative chez 51 patients. La moyenne de cure réalisée était de 4,42 cures et les inter-cures étaient respectées dans l’ensemble. La médiane de survie était de 13,3 mois. Conclusion. Le CHC demeure un cancer grave par son évolution rapidement fatale. L’accessibilité à une prise en charge oncologique a permis d’améliorer le pronostic avec une réduction de la mortalité et une amélioration de la qualité de vie chez les patients suivi au CHU de Bouaké.</div> <div> </div> <div>ABSTRACT</div> <div>Objective. The aim of the study was to assess the evolution of HCC management at Bouaké University Hospital in terms of diagnosis, treatment and evolution since the involvement of medical oncologists in the care team in 2022. Materials and Methods. We conducted a retrospective descriptive study over a period of 2 years in the medical oncology unit of the University Hospital of Bouaké. Survival analysis was performed using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results. Sixty-one cases of HCC were collected during the study period. The mean age of the patients was 45.33 years, with a sex ratio of 1.8. Fifty-four percent of the patients worked in the informal sector and had a low socio-economic status. None of the patients were vaccinated against hepatitis B. All patients were being monitored for cirrhosis. The positive diagnosis was established in 69.8% of cases based on radiological findings. Histology was available for 24 patients (30.2%). At the time of diagnosis, 96.7% of patients were classified as CHILD B and 98.4% were classified as stage C according to BCLC criteria. Treatment consisted of palliative chemotherapy for 51 patients. The average number of cycles received was 4.42, and the intervals between cycles were generally respected. The median survival was 13.3 months. Conclusion. HCC remains a severe cancer due to its rapidly fatal progression. Access to oncological care has improved prognosis by reducing mortality and enhancing the quality of life for patients monitored at the University Hospital of Bouaké.</div> Touré Yenahaban Lazare Sako K Madiou MKA Traoré K Traoré-Kouassi AADA Koffi MS Odo BA Yapo INSB Copyright (c) 2024 Touré Yenahaban Lazare, Sako K, Madiou MKA, Traoré K, Traoré-Kouassi AADA, Koffi MS, Odo BA, Yapo INSB 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6166 Familial Case of Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis in a Black African Patient <p>RÉSUMÉ<br />L’insensibilité congénitale à la douleur avec anhidrose (CIPA ; MIM #256800) est la neuropathie sensitive autonomique de type IV à transmission autosomique récessive. Il faut l’évoquer devant la symptomatologie clinique distinctif associant une insensibilité à la douleur, une anhidrose, des épisodes d’hyperthermie inexpliquée et des lésions d’automutilations oro-digitales. L’objectif était de rapporter un cas familial deux soeurs présentant une CIPA et de discuter les difficultés de prise en charge au Sénégal. Il s’agissait de deux soeurs âgées de 10 ans et 6 ans issues d’un mariage consanguin qui présentaient des complications fonctionnelles et de graves séquelles orthopédiques liées à la méconnaissance et au retard du diagnostic.</p> <p>ABSTRACT<br />Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (CIPA ; MIM #256800) is a type IV autonomic sensory neuropathy with autosomal recessive inheritance. It should be mentioned in the face of the distinctive clinical symptomatology associating insensitivity to pain, anhidrosis, episodes of unexplained hyperthermia and oro-digital self-mutilation lesions. The objective was to report a family case of two sisters presenting with CIPA and to discuss the difficulties of treatment in Senegal. These were two sisters aged 10 and 6 years from a consanguineous marriage who presented functional complications and serious orthopedic after-effects linked to lack of awareness and delay in diagnosis.</p> Camara Souleymane Lo Faty Balla Cissé Lissoune Gassama Fatou Kamaté André Matièré Sarr Adji Marème Ndour Oumar Ngom Gabiel Copyright (c) 2024 Camara Souleymane, Lo Faty Balla, Cissé Lissoune, Gassama Fatou, Kamaté André Matièré, Sarr Adji Marème, Ndour Oumar, Ngom Gabiel 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6143 Primary Cancer of an Inframammary Accessory Breast in a Male patient: A Case Report <p>RÉSUMÉ<br />Le cancer primitif du sein accessoire demeure une maladie rare souvent découverte à un stade tardif. Sa localisation axillaire sur la ligne lactée primitive est majoritaire et étayée par la littérature dans les deux sexes. Exceptionnelle est la survenue d’un cancer primitif d’un sein accessoire masculin sur la ligne lactée primitive. Nous présentons le cas d’un homme de 82 ans chez qui un fibrosarcome primitif d’un sein accessoire infra mammaire gauche, sur la ligne lactée primitive, a été diagnostiqué au stade de métastases ganglionnaires à la suite d’une tuméfaction négligée de son sein accessoire connu depuis son enfance. Ce cas illustre une maladie rare souvent vue tardivement et rappelle que toute modification clinique d’un sein accessoire exige un bilan d’imagerie.</p> <p>ABSTRACT<br />Primary accessory breast cancer remains a rare disease, often discovered at a late stage. It is mostly found in the axilla, on the primitive milk line, and is well documented in the literature in both sexes. The occurrence of primary cancer of a male accessory breast on the primitive milk line is exceptional. We present the case of an 82-year-old man in whom a primary fibrosarcoma of a left infra mammary accessory breast, on the primitive milky line, was diagnosed at the stage of lymph node metastasis following a neglected swelling of his accessory breast known since childhood. This case illustrates a rare disease often seen late and reminds us that any clinical change in an accessory breast requires an imaging work-up.</p> Ella-Ondo Timothée Mba Angoue Jean-Marie Siégel Nguema-Edzang Béatrice Ernest Belembaogo Copyright (c) 2024 Ella-Ondo Timothée, Mba Angoue Jean-Marie Siégel, Nguema-Edzang Béatrice, Ernest Belembaogo 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6149 Multifocal Cryptococcosis with Neuro-Meningeal and Skin Lesions During AIDS : A Case Report <p>RÉSUMÉ<br />La cryptococcose est une mycose rare et sévère, fréquente chez les patients en déficit profond de l’immunité cellulaire. La cryptococcose cutanée est caractérisée par un polymorphisme clinique responsable d'une dissémination systémique. Nous rapportons ici un cas de cryptococcose disséminée à localisation neuro-méningée et cutanée chez un patient immunodéprimé au VIH, hospitalisé au CHU du Point G de Bamako. Le diagnostic de la cryptococcose disséminée à localisation neuro-méningée et cutanée a été retenu devant les arguments cliniques, microbiologiques et histologiques. Il a été traité avec succès par un protocole alternatif à base de fluconazole.<br />ABSTRACT<br />Cryptococcosis is a rare and severe mycosis, common in patients with deep deficiency of cellular immunity. Cutaneous cryptococcosis is characterized by clinical polymorphism occurring during systemic release. Hereby, we report a case of neuromeninged and skin-localized disseminated cryptococcosis in an immunocompromised HIV patient hospitalized at the CHU Point G in Bamako. The diagnosis of disseminated cryptococcosis with neuro-meningeal and cutaneous localization was retained before clinical, microbiological and histological arguments. He was successfully treated with an alternative fluconazole protocol.</p> Farimadiané Coulibaly Dramane Sogoba Oumar Magassouba Mariam Soumare Yama Doumbia Aden Ibrahim Bouh Yacouba Cissoko Issa Konate Sounkalo Dao Copyright (c) 2024 Farimadiané Coulibaly, Dramane Sogoba, Oumar Magassouba, Mariam Soumare, Yama Doumbia, Aden Ibrahim Bouh, Yacouba Cissoko, Issa Konate , Sounkalo Dao 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6150 Leiomyomas of the Abdominal Wall: A Case Report <p>ABSTRACT<br />Leiomyoma is a benign tumor of the smooth muscle fibres. It is usually found in the gynacological and digestive tracts. Extra uterin locations in women are rare. These locations cause pre operative diagnosis problems. We report a case of leiomyoma of the right flank wall. The patient was 43 years old with 3 pregnancies and 3 child births. She consulted for a hard, painless tumor of the right flank that had apearred 3 months ago. Radiological exams concluded that it was a mass of the wall extending into the retroperitoneum. The radiological exam could not determine the organ affected. Cytopuncture of the mass did not reveal any malignant cells. During intervention we realised that the mass depended on the muscles of the anterolateral wall of the flank and extended into the iliac fossa and into the pelvis. Excision was performed in 2 sections, and histology revealed a leiomyoma. The post-operative course was straightforward, with no recurrenced after 10 months. There are extra uterin localisations of leiomyomas whose diagnosis is based on histology.</p> <p>RÉSUMÉ<br />Le léiomyome est une tumeur bénigne des fibres musculaires lisses. On le retrouve généralement dans les organes gynécologiques et digestives. Les localisations extra-utérines sont rares chez les femmes. Toutefois, localisations posent des problèmes de diagnostic préopératoire. Nous rapportons un cas de léiomyome de la paroi du flanc droit. La patiente était âgée de 43 ans avec 3 grossesses et 3 accouchements. Elle a consulté pour une tumeur dure et indolore du flanc droit apparue il y a 3 mois. Les examens radiologiques ont conclu à une masse de la paroi abdominale s'étendant dans le rétropéritoine. Par ailleurs, cet examen radiologique n'a pas permis de déterminer l'organe touché. La cytoponction de la masse n'a pas révélé de cellules malignes. En per opératoire, nous avons réalisé que la masse dépendait des muscles de la paroi antéro-latérale du flanc et s'étendait dans la fosse iliaque et dans le bassin. L'excision a été réalisée en 2 sections et l'histologie a révélé un léiomyome. L'évolution post-opératoire a été simple, sans récidive après 10 mois. Il existe des localisations extra utérines de léiomyomes dont le diagnostic repose sur l'histologie.</p> Yao Evrard Kouame Abraham Hognou Yao Yeo Donafologo Coulibaly Noel Copyright (c) 2024 Yao Evrard Kouame, Abraham Hognou Yao, Yeo Donafologo, Coulibaly Noel 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6151 Bladder Rhabdomyosarcoma in a Child: A Case Report <p>RÉSUMÉ<br />Le rhabdomyosarcome de la vessie (RMS) est la tumeur maligne la plus fréquente chez l’enfant. Elle est extrêmement rare. Les signes de découverte sont dominés par les signes urinaires (dysurie, hématurie et infection urinaire à répétition) et/ou devant toute masse intravésicale de l’enfant à l’imagerie médicale. Le diagnostic de certitude repose sur un examen histologique minutieux. La prise en charge de ces tumeurs a connu des progrès considérables grâce à une meilleure stadification des malades et à une collaboration multidisciplinaire associant radiologue, chirurgien pédiatre, anatomopathologiste, chimiothérapeute et radiothérapeute. L’objectif de cette observation était de rapporter notre cas de RMS chez l’enfant, tout en insistant sur les aspects diagnostiques et thérapeutiques de cette pathologie.</p> <p>ABSTRACT<br />Bladder rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common malignant tumor in children, although it remains extremely rare. The initial presentation is primarily characterized by urinary symptoms (dysuria, hematuria, and recurrent urinary tract infections) and/or the presence of any intravesical mass identified through medical imaging in children. Definitive diagnosis relies on meticulous histological examination. The management of these tumors has significantly improved due to enhanced staging of patients and multidisciplinary collaboration involving radiologists, pediatric surgeons, pathologists, chemotherapists, and radiotherapists. The objective of this case report was to present our case of RMS in a child, emphasizing the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of this condition.</p> Mintsa Mi Nkama Edmée Léatitia Jacqueline Midili Tècle Larissa Mekame A Koumba Maniaga R Lembet Mikolo A Busughu Bu Mbadinga I Loulouga Badinga P Kwete A Abegue Nkole M Ndakissa B Kuissi Kamgaing E Ategbo S Copyright (c) 2024 Mintsa Mi Nkama Edmée Léatitia Jacqueline, Midili Tècle Larissa, Mekame A, Koumba Maniaga R, Lembet Mikolo A, Busughu Bu Mbadinga I, Loulouga Badinga P, Kwete A, Abegue, Nkole M, Ndakissa B, Kuissi Kamgaing E, Ategbo S 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6167 Please, Download the Full Contents Page here <p>Please, Download the Full Contents Page here</p> Samuel Nko'o Amvene Copyright (c) 2024 Samuel Nko'o Amvene 2024-10-26 2024-10-26 2 11 10.5281/hra.v2i11.6159