Yogolelo Asani Bienvenu, Mbambu Senge Fanny, Nsenga Mulea Delphin, Enduka Okoto Thomas, Ngoie Kayamb Fernand, Assani Morisho Georges, Kangakolo Bintilumami Michou, Kanku Mbuyi Joseph, Mpia Epombe Florent, and Ngoy Kilangalanga Janvier. 2024. “Isolated Astrocytic Hamartoma of the Retina and Optic Papilla in Lubumbashi: A Case Report: Hamartome Astrocytaire Isolé De La Rétine Et De La Papille Optique à Lubumbashi : A Propos d’un Cas”. HEALTH RESEARCH IN AFRICA 3 (1). https://doi.org/10.5281/hra.v3i1.6304.