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Introduction. Body mass index (BMI) gives an indication of the nutritional status of a child. The eruption of teeth are important aspects applied to dental practice. Therefore, it is relevant to know if BMI influenced tooth eruption patterns of permanent first molars. We will determine the age of eruption of the first permanent molars and compare with the body mass index in a group of children from selected schools. Materials and methods. We conducted a cross-sectional study on 644 children aged 3 to 15 years. They were classified in Five body mass index groups. Their weights were measured with a standard scale unit in Kilogram. Height was measured with a standiometer graduated in centimeters.. Values of BMI were correlated with that of the CDC growth chart for be able to tell if the child is underweighted, normal weight, overweight and obese. The intraoral examination was made using a mirror. The independent t-test allowed the comparison between ages rash averages. Results. Out of 644 children, 357 (55.4%) were girls with a ratio F/M of 1.2. The minimum eruption age for the boys was 3 years old with average age of M=5.75±1.212. The minimum age for girls was 3 years with an average age of eruption and SD (standard deviation) M = 6.08 ± 0.973. The average ages were 5.6 years with an interval of 95% confidence. The average ages of the first permanent molars was statistically significantly correlated (p=0.00) with body mass index. Conclusion. Girls had and earlier eruption time. The mean age of eruption was 5.6 years.The body mass indices of participants had statistically significant on eruption ages and sequence of permanent first molars.
Introduction. L'indice de masse corporelle (IMC) donne une indication de l'état nutritionnel d'un enfant. L'éruption des dents est un aspect important appliqué à la pratique dentaire. Par conséquent, il est pertinent de savoir si l'IMC influence les schémas d'éruption des premières molaires permanentes. Dans ce travail, nous avons déterminé l'âge d'éruption des premières molaires permanentes et l’avons comparé à l'indice de masse corporelle dans un groupe d'enfants d'écoles sélectionnées. Matériels et méthodes. Nous avons mené une étude transversale sur 644 enfants âgés de 3 à 15 ans. Ils ont été classés en cinq groupes d'indice de masse corporelle. Les valeurs de l'IMC ont été corrélées à celles de la courbe de croissance du CDC pour pouvoir dire si l'enfant est en sous-poids, de poids normal, en surpoids et obèse. L'examen intrabuccal a été réalisé à l'aide d'un miroir. Le test t indépendant a permis de comparer les moyennes d'âge des éruptions cutanées. Résultats. Sur les 644 enfants, 357 (55,4 %) étaient des filles. L'âge minimum d'éruption pour les garçons était de 3 ans avec un âge moyen de M=5,75±1,212. L'âge minimum pour les filles était de 3 ans avec un âge moyen d'éruption et un écart type (SD) M = 6,08 ± 0,973. Les âges moyens étaient de 5,6 ans avec un intervalle de confiance de 95 %. L'âge moyen des premières molaires permanentes était statistiquement corrélé (p=0,00) avec l'indice de masse corporelle. Conclusion. Les filles avaient un temps d'éruption plus précoce. L'âge moyen d'éruption était de 5,6 ans. Les indices de masse corporelle des participants étaient significatifs et avaient influencé les âges d'éruption et la séquence des premières molaires permanentes.
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- 9. 9. Billewicz WZ, McGregor IA. Eruption of permanent teeth in West African (Gambian) children in relation to age, sex and physique. Ann Hum Biol. 1975 Jan;2(2):117–28.
- 10. 10. Sharma G, Anu V, Brindha J, Carol P, Diana P, Elsy J. Does Body Mass Index affect Tooth Eruption Sequence? A Study among 6–7 Years Old Schoolchildren in Chennai, India. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2020. 30;13:261–3.
- 11. 11-Hassanali J, Odhiambo JW. Ages of eruption of the permanent teeth in Kenyan African and Asian children. Ann Hum Biol. 1981 Jan;8(5):425–34.
- 12. 12- Penmatsa Chaitanya 1, Jampanapalli S Reddy 2, Konda Suhasini 3, Inguva H Chandrika 4, Dalavai Praveen 5. Time and Eruption Sequence of Permanent Teeth in Hyderabad Children. J Clin Pediatr Dent.2018.11(4):330-337. Doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1534.
- 13. 13- Lakshmappa A, Guledgud MV, Patil K. Eruption times and patterns of permanent teeth in school children of India. Indian J Dent Res. 2011 Jan 11;22(6):755.
- 14. 14-Billewicz WZ, McGregor IA. Eruption of permanent teeth in West African (Gambian) children in relation to age, sex and physique. Ann Hum Biol. 1975.1;2(2):117–28.
- 15. 15- Garciá‐Godoy. Timing of permanent tooth emergence. Google Scholar. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2021.
- 16. 16- Bagewadi. Comparison of chronology of teeth eruption with body mass index among school children at Mangalore. 2021. 14 (3), 276-80.
1. George Gj, Chatra L, Shenoy P, Km V, Prabhu R, Shanbhag VK. Age determination by schour and massler method: A forensic study. Int J Forensic Odontol. 2018.1;3:36.
2. Frazão P. Irrompimento do primeiro molar permanente em crianças de 5 e 6 anos de idade: implicações da análise longitudinal para prevenção da cárie oclusal. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2011.14(2):338–46.
3. 3-Assessment of Dental Age of Children Aged 3.5 to 16.9 Years Using Demirjian’s Method: A Meta-Analysis Based on 26 Studies [Internet]. 2021 [cited 2021 Jan 11]. Available from:
4. Almonaitiene R, Balciuniene I, Tutkuviene J. Factors influencing permanent teeth eruption. SBDMJ. 2010. 1;12.
5. Billewicz WZ, McGregor IA. Eruption of permanent teeth in West African (Gambian) children in relation to age, sex and physique. Ann Hum Biol. 1975. 2(2):117–28.
6. Souza LR, Oliveira MVM, Basile JR, Souza LN, Souza ACR, Haikal DS, et al. Anatomical and Physiopathological Aspects of Oral Cavity and Oropharynx Components Related to Oropharyngeal Dysphagia. In: Speyer R, Bogaardt H, editors. Seminars in Dysphagia [Internet]. InTech; 2015 [cited 2021 Jan 14]. Available from:
7. 7. Nevill A, Holder R. Body mass index: A measure of fatness or leanness? Br J Nutr. 1995 May 1; 73:507–16.
8. 8-Nassif N, Sfeir E. Age and Sequence of Permanent Teeth Eruption in Lebanese Children. Sci World J. 2020 Aug 1; 2020:1–5.
9. 9. Billewicz WZ, McGregor IA. Eruption of permanent teeth in West African (Gambian) children in relation to age, sex and physique. Ann Hum Biol. 1975 Jan;2(2):117–28.
10. 10. Sharma G, Anu V, Brindha J, Carol P, Diana P, Elsy J. Does Body Mass Index affect Tooth Eruption Sequence? A Study among 6–7 Years Old Schoolchildren in Chennai, India. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2020. 30;13:261–3.
11. 11-Hassanali J, Odhiambo JW. Ages of eruption of the permanent teeth in Kenyan African and Asian children. Ann Hum Biol. 1981 Jan;8(5):425–34.
12. 12- Penmatsa Chaitanya 1, Jampanapalli S Reddy 2, Konda Suhasini 3, Inguva H Chandrika 4, Dalavai Praveen 5. Time and Eruption Sequence of Permanent Teeth in Hyderabad Children. J Clin Pediatr Dent.2018.11(4):330-337. Doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1534.
13. 13- Lakshmappa A, Guledgud MV, Patil K. Eruption times and patterns of permanent teeth in school children of India. Indian J Dent Res. 2011 Jan 11;22(6):755.
14. 14-Billewicz WZ, McGregor IA. Eruption of permanent teeth in West African (Gambian) children in relation to age, sex and physique. Ann Hum Biol. 1975.1;2(2):117–28.
15. 15- Garciá‐Godoy. Timing of permanent tooth emergence. Google Scholar. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2021.
16. 16- Bagewadi. Comparison of chronology of teeth eruption with body mass index among school children at Mangalore. 2021. 14 (3), 276-80.