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L’occlusion intestinale peut entrainer des conséquences graves telles qu’une nécrose intestinale, et ainsi engager le pronostic vital. Les causes sont multiples parmi lesquelles une obstruction sur paquet d’ascaris comme dans le cas ici décrit. Nous rapportons le cas de la patiente MM, âgée de 10 ans, élève, vivant en milieu rural, référée d’un centre de santé pour vomissements, douleur abdominale et arrêt des matières et gaz. La patiente n’avait jamais été déparasitée. À l’examen physique, on avait une altération de l’état général et un météorisme. A la biologie nous avions un syndrome infectieux et une anémie modérée. La radiographie de l’abdomen sans préparation a retrouvé des niveaux hydro-aériques de type grêlique. Après la réanimation, une laparotomie a retrouvé un iléon dilaté, nécrosé et contenant des ascaris adultes. Un traitement à base d’antibiotiques, antalgiques, antiparasitaires a été administré et les suites opératoires ont été simples. Ce cas attire l’attention sur l’importance d’un déparasitage trimestriel systématique chez tous les enfants en âge préscolaire et scolaire.
Intestinal obstruction can have serious consequences, such as intestinal necrosis, and can be life-threatening. There are many causes, including obstruction by roundworms, as in this case. We report the case of the patient MM, aged 10, student, living in a rural environment, referred from a health center for vomiting, abdominal pain and cessation of matter and gas. The patient had never been dewormed. On physical examination, there was an altered general condition and meteorism. The biology showed an infectious syndrome and moderate anemia. An unprepared abdominal X-ray revealed hydroaeric levels of the greaves type. After resuscitation, a laparotomy revealed a dilated, necrotic ileum containing adult roundworms. Treatment was based on antibiotics, analgesics and antiparasitic agents, and the postoperative course was straightforward. This case draws attention to the importance of systematic quarterly deworming of all pre-school and school-age children.
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- 1. Bethony J, Brooker S, Albonico M, Geiger SM, Loukas, et al. (2006) soil-transmitted helminth infections : ascaris, trichriasis, and hookworm. Lancet 367 : 1521-1532
- 2. Clarence Mvalo Mbanga, Kingsley S, Ombaku , Karl Njuwa Fai et Valirie Ndip Agbor. Small bowel obstruction complicating an Ascaris Lumbricoides infestation in 4-year old male : case report. (2019) Journal of medical case report. 13 :155
- 3. Wei Chern R, Gohil R, Belfield K, et al. Acute airway obstruction by ascaris lumbricoides in a 14 month old boy. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 ;78 :1795-1798
- 4. Baird JK Mistey M, Pimsler M et al. soil transmitted helminthiasis in children from a rural community taking part in a periodic deworming program in the peruvian amazon. Am J Tr Med and H. 1896 ;35 :(3):314-318
- 5. khuroo MS. Ascaris. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 1996 ;25(3) :553-577
- 6. Khuroo MS, Zarger A, Mahajan R. hepatobiliary and pancreatic asarisis in india. Lancet. 1990 ;335 :1503-1506
- 7. Javid G, Wani NA, Gulzar GM, Khan BA, Shah AH, Shah OJ, Khan M.Ascaris induced liver abcess. World J Surg.1999 ;23
- 8. Philippe mevel, l’occlusion intestinale ; l’aide-soignante volume 38 ; issue 253, janvier 2024 page 25-27
- 9. Kightlinger LK, Seed JR, Kightlinger MB. The epidemiology of Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, and hookworm in children in the Ranomafana rainforest, Madagascar. J Parasitol. 1995 Apr;81(2):159-69. PMID: 7707189.
1. Bethony J, Brooker S, Albonico M, Geiger SM, Loukas, et al. (2006) soil-transmitted helminth infections : ascaris, trichriasis, and hookworm. Lancet 367 : 1521-1532
2. Clarence Mvalo Mbanga, Kingsley S, Ombaku , Karl Njuwa Fai et Valirie Ndip Agbor. Small bowel obstruction complicating an Ascaris Lumbricoides infestation in 4-year old male : case report. (2019) Journal of medical case report. 13 :155
3. Wei Chern R, Gohil R, Belfield K, et al. Acute airway obstruction by ascaris lumbricoides in a 14 month old boy. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 ;78 :1795-1798
4. Baird JK Mistey M, Pimsler M et al. soil transmitted helminthiasis in children from a rural community taking part in a periodic deworming program in the peruvian amazon. Am J Tr Med and H. 1896 ;35 :(3):314-318
5. khuroo MS. Ascaris. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 1996 ;25(3) :553-577
6. Khuroo MS, Zarger A, Mahajan R. hepatobiliary and pancreatic asarisis in india. Lancet. 1990 ;335 :1503-1506
7. Javid G, Wani NA, Gulzar GM, Khan BA, Shah AH, Shah OJ, Khan M.Ascaris induced liver abcess. World J Surg.1999 ;23
8. Philippe mevel, l’occlusion intestinale ; l’aide-soignante volume 38 ; issue 253, janvier 2024 page 25-27
9. Kightlinger LK, Seed JR, Kightlinger MB. The epidemiology of Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, and hookworm in children in the Ranomafana rainforest, Madagascar. J Parasitol. 1995 Apr;81(2):159-69. PMID: 7707189.