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Introduction. Les métastases osseuses du cancer de la prostate sont responsables d’une altération de la qualité de vie et d’une mortalité importante. Au Cameroun, le cancer de la prostate est de découverte tardive et ce retard diagnostic est à l’origine des formes graves et avancées de la maladie. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer les facteurs associés à la survenue des métastases osseuses du cancer de la prostate en étudiant ses aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et paracliniques dans quatre hôpitaux de la ville de Yaoundé. Méthodologie. Nous avons réalisé une étude transversale analytique avec collecte rétrospective de données allant de janvier 2018 à décembre 2022. La population d’étude était constituée de tous les patients ayant un cancer de la prostate divisés en deux groupes selon qu’il soit localisé ou avec présence de métastases osseuses. Pour chaque patient, nous avons collecté les données sociodémographiques, cliniques, paracliniques. Les données ont été analysées grâce aux logiciels CsPRO 7.5 et SPSS 21.0. Le test exact de Fisher a été utilisé pour rechercher l’association entre les variables. Une valeur p inférieure à 0,05 a été fixée comme seuil de significativité. Résultats. Au total, 179 patients ont été inclus soit 90 patients ayant un cancer de la prostate non métastasé et 89 ayant un avec métastases osseuses. Dans les deux groupes, la tranche d’âge prédominante était de 65 à 74ans. La prévalence des métastases osseuses était de 10,01%. La douleur osseuse, le score de Gleason, l’hématurie, le taux de PSA étaient significativement associés à la survenue des métastases osseuses avec respectivement p=0,0001 ; p=0,03 ; p=0,01 ; P=0,0001. La localisation première des métastases osseuses du cancer de la prostate est le rachis lombaire, les lésions radiologiques sont majoritairement ostéocondensantes. Conclusion. Des études ultérieures pourraient confirmer l’association douleur osseuse, score de Gleason à 6 et hématurie comme facteurs prédictifs de métastases osseuses du cancer de la prostate.
Introduction. Bone metastases from prostate cancer are responsible for impaired quality of life and high mortality. In Cameroon, prostate cancer is discovered late, and this delay in diagnosis is at the root of severe and advanced forms of the disease. The aim of this study was to determine the factors associated with the occurrence of prostate cancer bone metastases by studying its epidemiological, clinical and paraclinical aspects in four hospitals in the city of Yaoundé. Method We conducted an analytical cross-sectional study with retrospective data collection from January 2018 to December 2022. The study population consisted of all patients with prostate cancer divided into two groups according to whether it was localized or with the presence of bone metastases. For each patient, we collected sociodemographic, clinical and paraclinical data. Data were entered and analyzed using CsPRO 7.5 and SPSS 21.0 software. Fisher's exact test was used to test for association between variables. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results A total of 179 patients were included, 90 with non-metastatic prostate cancer and 89 with bone metastatic prostate cancer. In both groups, the predominant age range was 65-74 years. The prevalence of bone metastases was 10.01%. Bone pain, Gleason score, haematuria, PSA level were significantly associated with the occurrence of bone metastases with respectively P=0.0001; P=0.03; P=0.01; P=0.0001. The primary site of prostate cancer bone metastases is the lumbar spine, and most radiological were osteoblastic bone metastases. Conclusion Further studies could confirm the association of bone pain, Gleason score 6 and haematuria as a predictive factors for prostate cancer bone metastases.
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- 1. Bray F., Laversanne M., Sung H., Ferlay J., Siegel RL., Jemal A.Global cancer statistics 2022: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA cancer J Clin.2024; 74: 229-63.
- 2. Bita Fouda A, Ngwene P, Moby E, Engbang J, Owona L, Mouelle Sone A. Cancer de la prostate dans la ville de Douala : caractéristiques cliniques diagnostiques et thérapeutiques. Ajol 2021 ; 4: 222-33.
- 3. Carlsson, S., et al. Screening for Prostate Cancer Starting at Age 50-54 years. A Population-based Cohort Study. Eur Urol, 2017; 71(1): 46-52.
- 4. Albright, F., et al. Prostate cancer risk prediction based on complete prostate cancer family history. Prostate 2015 ; 75(4) :390-8.
- 5. Kamangar, F., et al. Patterns of cancer incidence, mortality, and prevalence across five continents: defining priorities to reduce cancer disparities in different geographic regions of the world. J Clin Oncol, 2006; 24 (14): 2137-50.
- 6. Chornokur, G., Dalton K., Borysova ME., Kumar NB. Disparities at presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and survival in African American men, affected by prostate cancer. Prostate 2011; 71 (9): 985-97.
- 7. Karami ., Young HA, Henson DE. Earlier age at diagnosis: another dimension in cancer disparity? Cancer Detect Prev, 2007 ; 31(1) : 29-34.
- 8. Nwatsock J, Atenguena E, Wanko R, Christopher S, Dong-A-Zok. Profil évolutif des images scintigraphiques osseuses dans le cancer de la prostate à Yaoundé : étude pilote à propos de 31 patients. Journal Africain d'imagerie médicale. 2018;10(2):93-9.
- 9. Cisse D, Bangoura MF, Bah MB, Barry MI, Diallo TM, Amougou B et al. Prise en Charge du Cancer Avancé de la Prostate à l’Hôpital National Ignace Deen de Conakry Health Sci. Dis:2022; 23 (3) : 90-4.
- 10. Biongolo F, Bombah F, Mama V de P, Mebara Z, Nonga BN. La Castration Chirurgicale dans la Prise en Charge des Cancers Métastatiques de la Prostate à Yaoundé. Health Sci Dis. 2020; 21(7): 63-7.
- 11. Carlin BI, Andriole GL: The natural history, skeletal complications, and management of bone metastases in patients with prostate carcinoma. Cancer 2000; 88: 2989–94
- 12. Konan PG, Gowe EE, Dékou AH. Cancer métastatique de la prostate dans le service d’urologie du CHU de Cocody. Rev Afr Urol Androl.2015;1(4) :172-6.
- 13. Tengue K, Kpatcha TM, Botcho G, Leloua E, Amavi AK, Sikpa K, et al. Profil épidémiologique, diagnostique, thérapeutique et évolutif du cancer de la prostate au Togo. Afr J Urol. 2016; 22(2):76‑82.
- 14. Kabore F, Zango B, Sanou A, Yameogo C, Kirikayou B. Prostate cancer outcome in Burkina Faso.Infectious Agents and cancer 2011; 6 (Suppl 2): 1-4.
- 15. Kamadjou, C., Ambomatei,C., Mbouche, L., Sando, Z., Mbassi,A. and Angwafor, F. Hormone-Naïve Metastatic Prostate Cancer: A Presentation of 110 Cases in a Urology Center in the City of Douala, Cameroon. Open Journal of Urology 2022; 12: 83-97.
- 16. Chen C-H, Tzai T-S, Huang S-P, Wu H-C, Tai H-C, Chang Y-H, et al. Clinical outcome of Taiwanese men with metastatic prostate cancer compared with other ethnic groups. Urology 2008;72(6):1287‑92.
- 17. Aczkowska RZ, Epska MK, Leppert W, Wordliczek J. Bone Pain in Cancer Patients: Mechanisms and Current Treatment. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 1-20.
- 18. Schubbe ME, Gellhaus PT, Tobert CM, Mott SL, Garje R, Erickson BA. Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Surgical Castration in Men Receiving Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Metastatic Prostate Cancer and Their Relationship to Health-Related Quality of Life. Urology. 2021; 155:179 85.
- 19. Tasmeera E, Bawinile H, Colleen A, Tinarwo P, Nyakale N. Segmented linear correlations between bone scan index and prostate cancer biomarkers, alkaline phosphatase, and prostate specific antigen in patients with a Gleason score ≥7. Medicine 2022; 101(25): 1-12.
- 20. Kakhki VR, Anvari K, Sadeghi R, Mahmoudian AS, Torabian- Kakhki M. 2013. Pattern and distribution of bone metastases in common malignant tumors. Nucl Med Rev Cent East Eur 16: 66–9.
- 21. La Manna F, Karkampouna S, Zoni E, De Menna M, Hensel J, Kruithof-de Julio M. Metastases in Prostate Cancer. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2019;9 (3):1-15.
- 22. Weight CJ, Kim SP, Jacobson DJ, McGree ME, Boorjian SA, Thompson HR et al. The Effect of Benign Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms on Subsequent Prostate Cancer Testing and Diagnosis. Eur Urol. 2013; 63(6): 1021–7.
- 23. Niang L, Ndoye M, Ouattara A, Jalloh M, Labou M, Thiam I, et al. Cancer de la prostate : quelle prise en charge au Sénégal ? Prog En Urol.2013;23(1):36‑41.
- 24. Roodman GD. Mechanisms of bone metastasis. N Engl J Med 2004; 350:1655–64.
- 25. Zhang X, Jiang P, Wang C .Therole of prostate-specific antigen in the osteoblastic bone metastasis of prostate cancer: a literature review. Front. Oncol.2023; 13: 1-9.
- 26. Fofana A, Kouame B, Gowe EE, Kramo NAF, Konan KPG, Moro AC, et al. Cancer metastase de la prostate: Aspects socio-économiques, radiologiques et évolutifs en Côte d’ivoire. Afr J Urol. 2017;23(4):281‑5.
- 27. Futterer JJ, Surcel C, Bergh RVD, Borgmann H, Briganti A, Gandaglia G et al. Imaging modalities in synchronous oligometastatic prostate cancer. World Journal of Urology 2019; 37:2573–83.
- 28. Carlin BI, Andriole GL: The natural history, skeletal complications, and management of bone metastases in patients with prostate carcinoma. Cancer 2000; 88: 2989–94.
- 29. Weiss RJ, Forsberg JA, Wedin R: Surgery of skeletal metastases in 306 patients with prostate cancer. Acta Orthop 2012; 83: 74–9
1. Bray F., Laversanne M., Sung H., Ferlay J., Siegel RL., Jemal A.Global cancer statistics 2022: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA cancer J Clin.2024; 74: 229-63.
2. Bita Fouda A, Ngwene P, Moby E, Engbang J, Owona L, Mouelle Sone A. Cancer de la prostate dans la ville de Douala : caractéristiques cliniques diagnostiques et thérapeutiques. Ajol 2021 ; 4: 222-33.
3. Carlsson, S., et al. Screening for Prostate Cancer Starting at Age 50-54 years. A Population-based Cohort Study. Eur Urol, 2017; 71(1): 46-52.
4. Albright, F., et al. Prostate cancer risk prediction based on complete prostate cancer family history. Prostate 2015 ; 75(4) :390-8.
5. Kamangar, F., et al. Patterns of cancer incidence, mortality, and prevalence across five continents: defining priorities to reduce cancer disparities in different geographic regions of the world. J Clin Oncol, 2006; 24 (14): 2137-50.
6. Chornokur, G., Dalton K., Borysova ME., Kumar NB. Disparities at presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and survival in African American men, affected by prostate cancer. Prostate 2011; 71 (9): 985-97.
7. Karami ., Young HA, Henson DE. Earlier age at diagnosis: another dimension in cancer disparity? Cancer Detect Prev, 2007 ; 31(1) : 29-34.
8. Nwatsock J, Atenguena E, Wanko R, Christopher S, Dong-A-Zok. Profil évolutif des images scintigraphiques osseuses dans le cancer de la prostate à Yaoundé : étude pilote à propos de 31 patients. Journal Africain d'imagerie médicale. 2018;10(2):93-9.
9. Cisse D, Bangoura MF, Bah MB, Barry MI, Diallo TM, Amougou B et al. Prise en Charge du Cancer Avancé de la Prostate à l’Hôpital National Ignace Deen de Conakry Health Sci. Dis:2022; 23 (3) : 90-4.
10. Biongolo F, Bombah F, Mama V de P, Mebara Z, Nonga BN. La Castration Chirurgicale dans la Prise en Charge des Cancers Métastatiques de la Prostate à Yaoundé. Health Sci Dis. 2020; 21(7): 63-7.
11. Carlin BI, Andriole GL: The natural history, skeletal complications, and management of bone metastases in patients with prostate carcinoma. Cancer 2000; 88: 2989–94
12. Konan PG, Gowe EE, Dékou AH. Cancer métastatique de la prostate dans le service d’urologie du CHU de Cocody. Rev Afr Urol Androl.2015;1(4) :172-6.
13. Tengue K, Kpatcha TM, Botcho G, Leloua E, Amavi AK, Sikpa K, et al. Profil épidémiologique, diagnostique, thérapeutique et évolutif du cancer de la prostate au Togo. Afr J Urol. 2016; 22(2):76‑82.
14. Kabore F, Zango B, Sanou A, Yameogo C, Kirikayou B. Prostate cancer outcome in Burkina Faso.Infectious Agents and cancer 2011; 6 (Suppl 2): 1-4.
15. Kamadjou, C., Ambomatei,C., Mbouche, L., Sando, Z., Mbassi,A. and Angwafor, F. Hormone-Naïve Metastatic Prostate Cancer: A Presentation of 110 Cases in a Urology Center in the City of Douala, Cameroon. Open Journal of Urology 2022; 12: 83-97.
16. Chen C-H, Tzai T-S, Huang S-P, Wu H-C, Tai H-C, Chang Y-H, et al. Clinical outcome of Taiwanese men with metastatic prostate cancer compared with other ethnic groups. Urology 2008;72(6):1287‑92.
17. Aczkowska RZ, Epska MK, Leppert W, Wordliczek J. Bone Pain in Cancer Patients: Mechanisms and Current Treatment. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 1-20.
18. Schubbe ME, Gellhaus PT, Tobert CM, Mott SL, Garje R, Erickson BA. Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Surgical Castration in Men Receiving Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Metastatic Prostate Cancer and Their Relationship to Health-Related Quality of Life. Urology. 2021; 155:179 85.
19. Tasmeera E, Bawinile H, Colleen A, Tinarwo P, Nyakale N. Segmented linear correlations between bone scan index and prostate cancer biomarkers, alkaline phosphatase, and prostate specific antigen in patients with a Gleason score ≥7. Medicine 2022; 101(25): 1-12.
20. Kakhki VR, Anvari K, Sadeghi R, Mahmoudian AS, Torabian- Kakhki M. 2013. Pattern and distribution of bone metastases in common malignant tumors. Nucl Med Rev Cent East Eur 16: 66–9.
21. La Manna F, Karkampouna S, Zoni E, De Menna M, Hensel J, Kruithof-de Julio M. Metastases in Prostate Cancer. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2019;9 (3):1-15.
22. Weight CJ, Kim SP, Jacobson DJ, McGree ME, Boorjian SA, Thompson HR et al. The Effect of Benign Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms on Subsequent Prostate Cancer Testing and Diagnosis. Eur Urol. 2013; 63(6): 1021–7.
23. Niang L, Ndoye M, Ouattara A, Jalloh M, Labou M, Thiam I, et al. Cancer de la prostate : quelle prise en charge au Sénégal ? Prog En Urol.2013;23(1):36‑41.
24. Roodman GD. Mechanisms of bone metastasis. N Engl J Med 2004; 350:1655–64.
25. Zhang X, Jiang P, Wang C .Therole of prostate-specific antigen in the osteoblastic bone metastasis of prostate cancer: a literature review. Front. Oncol.2023; 13: 1-9.
26. Fofana A, Kouame B, Gowe EE, Kramo NAF, Konan KPG, Moro AC, et al. Cancer metastase de la prostate: Aspects socio-économiques, radiologiques et évolutifs en Côte d’ivoire. Afr J Urol. 2017;23(4):281‑5.
27. Futterer JJ, Surcel C, Bergh RVD, Borgmann H, Briganti A, Gandaglia G et al. Imaging modalities in synchronous oligometastatic prostate cancer. World Journal of Urology 2019; 37:2573–83.
28. Carlin BI, Andriole GL: The natural history, skeletal complications, and management of bone metastases in patients with prostate carcinoma. Cancer 2000; 88: 2989–94.
29. Weiss RJ, Forsberg JA, Wedin R: Surgery of skeletal metastases in 306 patients with prostate cancer. Acta Orthop 2012; 83: 74–9