NDOUMBA MINTYA ANNICK; METCHUENTSEU KAMGA YOLLANDE; CHETCHA BERNARD; ANGANDJI PRISCA; PIEME CONSTANT ANATOLE. Iron Deficiency in Sickle Cell Patients with Normo or Microcytosis and/or Hypochromia in Yaoundé: Déficit en Fer chez les Patients Drépanocytaires Ayant une Normo ou Microcytose et/ou Hypochromie à Yaoundé. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE, [S. l.], v. 25, n. 3 Suppl 1, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/hsd.v25i3 Suppl 1.5700. Disponível em: https://hsd-fmsb.org/index.php/hsd/article/view/5700. Acesso em: 22 jan. 2025.