Health Research, Africa Medical Sciences, Africa
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HRA is published monthly since 2024
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Research manuscripts are initially checked by the EIC or section editors for identification of gross deficiencies. At this stage, the proposal may be rejected. After this initial screening, articles (with supplementary material ) are made available to one or two-reviewers whose names are hidden from the author and whose review is guided by a checklist (single anonymized review) ( Author recommended reviewers are not allowed. The review summary is signed by the reviewer and is not posted with article. The review process may take days to weeks to reach a final decision that is the responsibility of the EIC. The duration from submission to publication may take one to six months (average: 6 months). So, the authors should avoid contacting the editorial office less than 6 weeks after the initial submission. The date of publication is published in the paper as well as dates of submission and acceptance.
Article submission is free of charges, but if your paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay article processing charges (APC) to cover publications costs, depending on the type, complexity and length of the work, and on the number of authors. The minimum amount of APC is about 220 euros or 250 dollars or 145 000 XAF. If an author from a low revenue country does not have enough funds to pay such fees and the publication is a really worthy work, he may have an opportunity to partially waive each fee by asking the EIC.. APC are due before the accepted paper is published. Inquiries about fast track, manuscript status and preparation, as well as letters to the editor, should be directed to the Editor in Chief