Management of Uterine Inversion Due to Endometrial Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report


  • Sansan Rodrigue SIB Centre Hospitalier universitaire régional de Ouahigouya
  • Hyacinthe ZAMANE Training and research unit in health sciences of Joseph Ki-Zerbo university of Ouagadougou.
  • Evelyne KOMBOIGO Higher Institute of Health Sciences, Nazi Boni university of Bobo Dioulasso
  • Issa OUEDRAOGO Training and research unit in health sciences, University of Ouahigouya
  • Dolain Alexandre TARNAGADA Obstetrics and gynaecology department, Teaching Hospital of Ouahigouya
  • Moussa SANOGO Obstetrics and gynaecology department, Teaching Hospital of Ouahigouya
  • Yobi Alexis SAWADOGO Training and research unit in health sciences of Joseph Ki-Zerbo university of Ouagadougou.
  • Sibraogo KIEMTORE Training and research unit in health sciences of Joseph Ki-Zerbo university of Ouagadougou.
  • Ali OUEDRAOGO Training and research unit in health sciences of Joseph Ki-Zerbo university of Ouagadougou.



uterine inversion, menopause, adenocarcinoma, endometrium, endo-uterine tumor


Introduction. L'inversion utérine se produit lorsque le sommet de l'utérus s'affaisse vers l'intérieur et descend dans la cavité utérine, voire ressort à travers le col de l'utérus et dans le vagin. Observation. Nous rapportons un cas lié à un adénocarcinome de l’endomètre chez une patiente de 65 ans, admise pour des métrorragies. A l’admission, la présence d’une masse intravaginale a fait suspecter un cancer du col. Plus tard l’extériorisation de la masse a permis d’identifier une tumeur endométriale compliquée d’inversion utérine. Une hystérectomie et une annexectomie bilatérale ont été réalisées avec un abord vaginal et abdominal. Les suites ont été simples et l’examen anatomopathologique de la pièce opératoire a révélé un adénocarcinome de l’endomètre. Conclusion. Une sensibilisation des populations pour qu’elles consultent à temps devant les signes d’appel de tumeurs endo-utérines serait utile.
Introduction. Uterine inversion occurs when the top of the uterus collapses inward and descends into the uterine cavity or even protrudes through the cervix and into the vagina. Observation. We report a case related to endometrial adenocarcinoma in a 65-year-old patient admitted for metrorrhagia. Upon admission, the presence of an intravaginal mass raised suspicion of cervical cancer. Later, the externalization of the mass allowed identification of an endometrial tumor complicated by uterine inversion. A hysterectomy with bilateral annexectomy was performed through vaginal and abdominal approaches. The postoperative course was uneventful and pathological examination of the specimen revealed endometrial adenocarcinoma. Conclusion. Raising awareness among the population to seek timely medical attention when presenting with signs of endo-uterine tumors would be beneficial.



04-02-2024 — Updated on 07-02-2024

How to Cite

Sansan Rodrigue SIB, ZAMANE, H., KOMBOIGO, E., OUEDRAOGO, I., TARNAGADA, D. A., SANOGO, M., SAWADOGO, Y. A., KIEMTORE, S., & OUEDRAOGO, A. (2024). Management of Uterine Inversion Due to Endometrial Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report . HEALTH RESEARCH IN AFRICA, 2(2).

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