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Le kyste mésentérique est une tumeur intra-abdominale rare le plus souvent bénigne. Son incidence varie de 1 pour 20000 à 1 pour 1000000 admissions hospitalières. La présentation clinique est variable et les symptômes sont non spécifiques. La chirurgie permet la résection du kyste et d’éviter les complications. Nous rapportons le cas d’une patiente de 70 ans admise pour distension abdominale douloureuse et troubles du transit. L’imagerie était en faveur d’un kyste du mésentère. Les découvertes opératoires étaient une torsion d’un kyste mésentérique pédiculé compliqué d’un sphacèle. La résection du kyste a été faite et l’examen histopathologique a confirmé sa nature bénigne. Les suites opératoires étaient simples.
A mesenteric cyst is a rare intra-abdominal cyst most often benign with an incidence varying between 1/20000 to 1/1000000 admissions. It’s clinical presentation is variable and it’s symptoms are nonspecific. Surgery helps in the resection of the cyst and to prevent complications. We report the case of a 70 year old female patient admitted for painful abdominal distension and change in bowel habits. Imaging studies were in favour of a mesenteric cyst. The per-operative findings revealed a torsion of a pedunculated cyst complicated by a sphacel. A resection of the cyst was done and histology confirmed it’s benign nature. The post-operative evolution was simple.
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- de Perrot M, Bründler M, Tötsch M, Mentha G, Morel P. Mesenteric cysts. Toward less confusion? Dig Surg. 2000;17(4):323‑8.
- Kurtz RJ, Heimann TM, Holt J, Beck AR. Mesenteric and retroperitoneal cysts. Ann Surg. janv 1986;203(1):109‑12.
- Paramythiotis D, Bangeas P, Karakatsanis A, Iliadis A, Karayannopoulou G, Michalopoulos A. Ideal treatment strategy for chylous mesenteric cyst: a case report. J Med Case Reports. 17 oct 2018;12:317.
- Mullaney TG, D’Souza B. Mesenteric cyst: an uncommon cause of acute abdomen. ANZ J Surg. mars 2019;89(3):E98‑9.
- Bolívar-Rodríguez MA, Cazarez-Aguilar MA, Luna-Madrid EE, Morgan-Ortiz F. [Infected jejunal mesenteric pseudocyst: A case report]. Cir Cir. 2015;83(4):334‑8.
- Tan JJ-Y, Tan K-K, Chew S-P. Mesenteric cysts: an institution experience over 14 years and review of literature. World J Surg. sept 2009;33(9):1961‑5.
- Aregawi AB, Alem AT. A Rare Case of Calcified Simple Mesenteric Cyst in a 70-Year-Old Woman. Case Rep Surg. Hindawi; 2 nov 2022;2022:e8692421.
- Carvalho NMN de, Lopes Filho JA, Plens ICM, Camara VA, Teixeira CC de G, Figueiredo PHD, et al. Mesenteric cyst presenting with acute abdomen pain and bowel obstruction: Case report and brief literature review. Ann Med Surg. 1 oct 2020;58:134‑7.
- Prakash A, Agrawal A, Gupta RK, Sanghvi B, Parelkar S. Early management of mesenteric cyst prevents catastrophes: a single centre analysis of 17 cases. Afr J Paediatr Surg AJPS. 2010;7(3):140‑3.
- Mackenzie DJ, Shapiro SJ, Gordon LA, Ress R. Laparoscopic excision of a mesenteric cyst. J Laparoendosc Surg. juin 1993;3(3):295‑9.
- Losanoff JE, Richman BW, El-Sherif A, Rider KD, Jones JW. Mesenteric cystic lymphangioma. J Am Coll Surg. avr 2003;196(4):598‑603.
de Perrot M, Bründler M, Tötsch M, Mentha G, Morel P. Mesenteric cysts. Toward less confusion? Dig Surg. 2000;17(4):323‑8.
Kurtz RJ, Heimann TM, Holt J, Beck AR. Mesenteric and retroperitoneal cysts. Ann Surg. janv 1986;203(1):109‑12.
Paramythiotis D, Bangeas P, Karakatsanis A, Iliadis A, Karayannopoulou G, Michalopoulos A. Ideal treatment strategy for chylous mesenteric cyst: a case report. J Med Case Reports. 17 oct 2018;12:317.
Mullaney TG, D’Souza B. Mesenteric cyst: an uncommon cause of acute abdomen. ANZ J Surg. mars 2019;89(3):E98‑9.
Bolívar-Rodríguez MA, Cazarez-Aguilar MA, Luna-Madrid EE, Morgan-Ortiz F. [Infected jejunal mesenteric pseudocyst: A case report]. Cir Cir. 2015;83(4):334‑8.
Tan JJ-Y, Tan K-K, Chew S-P. Mesenteric cysts: an institution experience over 14 years and review of literature. World J Surg. sept 2009;33(9):1961‑5.
Aregawi AB, Alem AT. A Rare Case of Calcified Simple Mesenteric Cyst in a 70-Year-Old Woman. Case Rep Surg. Hindawi; 2 nov 2022;2022:e8692421.
Carvalho NMN de, Lopes Filho JA, Plens ICM, Camara VA, Teixeira CC de G, Figueiredo PHD, et al. Mesenteric cyst presenting with acute abdomen pain and bowel obstruction: Case report and brief literature review. Ann Med Surg. 1 oct 2020;58:134‑7.
Prakash A, Agrawal A, Gupta RK, Sanghvi B, Parelkar S. Early management of mesenteric cyst prevents catastrophes: a single centre analysis of 17 cases. Afr J Paediatr Surg AJPS. 2010;7(3):140‑3.
Mackenzie DJ, Shapiro SJ, Gordon LA, Ress R. Laparoscopic excision of a mesenteric cyst. J Laparoendosc Surg. juin 1993;3(3):295‑9.
Losanoff JE, Richman BW, El-Sherif A, Rider KD, Jones JW. Mesenteric cystic lymphangioma. J Am Coll Surg. avr 2003;196(4):598‑603.