Editorial Team
Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The University of Yaounde I.
Managing editor
Ngo Um Esther Juliette épouse Meka, MD. FMBS/UY1
Editor in chief
Nko’o-Amvene Samuel, MD. University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon
Nko’o Amvene Samuel (NAS) is a physician, professor emeritus of clinical radiology and the current editor in chief of Health Sciences and Disease (HSD), the official academic journal of the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaounde I. He earned his Doctorate in Medicine in 1980 from the University Center of Health Sciences( Centre Universitaire des Sciences de la Santé) of the University of Yaounde in Cameroon, a then innovative school of medicine sponsored by WHO and UNFD. He then completed his specialization in sports medicine and radiology in France (Dijon, Université de Bourgogne). He has been practicing clinical radiology in the Yaounde University Teaching Hospital since 1988 and held several high-level academic responsibilities, including Head of the Radiology Residency Program in the Faculty of Medicine of Yaounde for more nearly 30 years, Vice Dean in Charge of Academic Affairs and Coordinator General of the Residency Program in the same faculty. NAS also occupied high level administrative functions as Deputy Director General of the Yaounde General Reference Hospital and Inspector General of Administration in the Ministry of Higher Education. The scope of his expertise includes clinical radiology, medical pedagogy, health research and dissemination of research. He is the current president of the Scientific Council of the Consultative Committee of Higher Education Institutions in the Minister of Higher Education. He authored more than 60 papers in various peer reviewed journals and is a former member of the New York academy of Sciences, the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine and the European Society of Radiology. He has been editor of chief of HSD for more than ten years and managed the transition of this journal to a full electronic journal in 2013. He strongly believes in the potential of the Open Access movement and brought several Cameroonian editors to use OJS as a platform for their journals. He is the founder and President of the NGO “Afrimvoe”, which promotes health, education, environment protection and peace in Africa. Furthermore, he is the current Director of the Medical Department of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church of Cameroon. He is also a traditional ruler in the South Region of Cameroon. NAS is Commander of the Order of Valor of Cameroon and Knight of the he International Order of Academic Palms (OIPA/CAMES).
Section editor
Georges Bediang, MD, MSc, PhD & MPH. University of Yaounde 1 - Cameroon
Prof. Georges Bediang is a Medical Doctor, who obtained a PhD in Medical Informatics and a Master of Advanced Studies in Public Health at the University Geneva. Currently, he is the President of Cameroon Digital Health Society (SOCAS@N). He is Full Professor in Medical Informatics at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (FMBS) of University of Yaoundé I, in which he introduced pre-graduate training in medical informatics for students in general medicine, pharmacy and dentistry and residents in public health 10 years ago. His main research areas are: (i) the appropriate use of eLearning for the training of health professionals in Africa; (ii) the use of digital health and telemedicine tools to support healthcare and decisions for health professionals in Africa; (iii) and the use of knowledge engineering and artificial intelligence-based approaches in healthcare to improve screening, diagnostic and management of patients in resource-limited settings. He was also involved as project manager in several digital health projects, especially Matlook (implementation of Hospital Information System at the maternity of Yaoundé Central Hospital), TB-SMS (SMS-based intervention for improvement of adherence and cure rate of Tuberculosis Patient), Cardioscope & Pneumoscope (use of an electronic stethoscope and artificial intelligence to detect anomalies during auscultation), CarePACS (Medical imaging archiving and sharing system for tele-expertise), MeetDocs (development of a software for managing appointments with medical doctors and the delivery of remote healthcare services). He carried out the development of Cameroonian IT solutions aimed at supporting the higher education and research such as My eDefense (thesis defense management), SmartCongress (management of conferences), He is also involved in the coordination of telemedicine and eLearning activities of the RAFT network in Cameroon and at the international level. With this position, he has been involved in the deployment of eLearning and telemedicine activities in several French-speaking countries.
Section editor
Mah Evelyn Mungyeh
Pr Mah Evelyn Mungyeh is pediatrician and section editor of pediatrics. She is guided by the belief that as a team we can go far, especially as concerns improving health indicators in our country. She obtained a BSc in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Bradford in England, M.Med.Sci in Clinical Pathology from Sheffield Medical School (UK), MD and DES in pediatrics from the faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaounde1. She heads the neonatology unit at the Yaoundé Gyneco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital since 2008, University teacher end researcher since 2009 at the University of Yaounde1, and active member of the Newborn Technical force since 2014. She also has some experience in the university administration since 2020. Her areas of expertise and domain of research includes neonatology, infant nutrition, Infectiology and Epidemiology; with over 70 publications. She has contributed in putting into place national policies on newborn care. She believes that it is not enough to carryout research, but that the results of research must be shared with other researchers through publication. Email: aminevelyn@yahoo.co.uk.
Deputy editors in chief
• Alfred Kongnyu Njamnshi: MD. FMBS/UY1, BRAIN
• Oudou Njoya: MD. FMBS/UY1
• Essi Marie-José : Ph.D. FMBS/UY1
• Bediang Georges: MD, Ph.D. FMBS/UY1
Section editors
1) Internal medicine and subspecialties : Sobngwi Eugene, Singwe Madeleine, Ashutantang Gloria, Menanga Alain, Bissek ZoungKanyi Anne Cécile, Azabdji Marcel, Ankouane Andoulo, Alfred Kongnyu Njamnshi, Nganou-Gnindjio, Hamadou Ba, Ngarka Léonard
2) Surgery and surgical specialties : Angwafo III Fru, Essomba Arthur, Ze Minkande Jacqueline, Ngowe Ngowe Marcellin, Djientcheu Vincent de Paul, Bahebeck Jean, Amengle Ludovic, Savom Eric Patrick
3) ENT and ophthalmology: Ndjolo Alexis, Ebana Mvogo Côme, Épée Emilienne, Njock Louis Richard, Mvilongo Caroline
4) Pediatrics : Koki Paul, Mah Evelyn, Mbassi Awa Hubert, Mekone Nkwele Isabelle
5) Obstetrics and gynecology: Kasia Jean Marie, Mboudou Emile, Mbu Rbinson, Foumane Pascal, Dohbit Julius, Mve Koh Valere, Metogo Ntsama Junie
6) Radiology, medical imaging and biophysics : Zeh Odile Fernande, Ongolo Zogo Pierre, Moifo Boniface, Guegang Goujou Emilienne, Nko’o Amvene Samuel, Gonsu Fotsin Joseph, Mbede Maggy, Seme Ambroise
7) Microbiology, parasitology, physiology and biomedical sciences: Mbacham Wilfred, Mbopi-Keou François Xavier, Torimiro Ndongo, Kamgno Joseph, Gonsu Hortense, Assomo Ndemba Péguy, Ngarka Léonard
8) Pathology: Essame Oyono Jean Louis, Sando Zacharie, Mendimi Nkodo Joseph
9) Odontostomatology : Bengondo Charles, Ndjoh Jules Julien
10) Pharmaceutical Sciences : Mpondo Mpondo, Fokunang Estella, Guedje Nicole, Nnanga Nga
11) Public health / research methodology: Kamgno Joseph, Koki Paul
12) Medical informatics / Biostatistics : Nguefack Tsague, Bediang Georges
Advisory Scientific Committee
Abena Marie Thérèse (FMBS/UY1, Yaounde), Eben Moussi Emmanuel (CIRCB, Yaoundé), Sosso Maurice Aurélien (FMBS/UY1, Yaoundé), Rabiou Cissé (Université Ki Zerbo, Ouagadougou), Siaka Sidibe (CHU du Point G, Bamako), Loughe S Claudine (Université Ki Zerbo,Ouagadougou), Ondo Ndong François (Université des Sciences de la Santé, Libreville), Mbacham Wilfred (FMBS/UY1, BTC/UY1, Yaoundé), Wonkam Ambroise (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty, Baltimore), Zo’o Martin Roger (Images Santé, Le Mans), Mbopi-Keou François Xavier (FMBS/UY1, Yaounde), Gresenguet Gérard (Université de Bangui, Bangui), Ibara JR (Université Marien-Ngouabi, Brazzaville), Leke Rose (IMPM, Yaounde), Mbanya Jean Claude (FMBS/UY1, Yaounde), Kamgno Joseph (FMBS/UY1, Yaounde).
Technical Secretariat
Bediang Georges, Mbede Maguy, Moulion Tapouh Jean Roger, Nko’o Amvene Michael Robert, Belobo Eyebe Grace, Akono Ondo Laryssa, Seme Ambroise, Awana Armel, Nko’o Ebale Franklin Albert, Amenele Jeanne Marie Priscille, Abdouraman Sali, Angono Dorothée Célanie, Bite’e Bengono Nathalie, Nguidai Angelle, Nko’o Mintsa Samuel Princy, Ningha Nguimgo Brenda