Advisory Scientific Committee

Mbopi-Keou - Cameroon

With over three decades of Laboratory Medicine and Global Health experience, Prof Mbopi-Keou possesses a unique depth of knowledge of Infectious Diseases in Africa. In recognition of the ground-breaking nature of his work describing the association between genital herpes and HIV infection, he was awarded the first-ever GlaxoSmithKline Elion International Research Award 2000, named after the Nobel Prize Laureate Elion Truly. In addition, for a decade, he embodied the concept of “mobile medicine” by screening HIV/AIDS and other Infectious Diseases in urban and rural areas of Cameroon. Prof. Mbopi-Keou received his training from the Universities of Bordeaux and Paris, The Institut Pasteur, The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine & Harvard University. He is currently a full Professor and Chair of the Department of Microbiology/Parasitology, Haematology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases at the University of Yaoundé I in Cameroon. He was the pioneer Head of the National Public Health Laboratory and the Division of Laboratories and Blood Safety at the Cameroon Ministry of Public Health. Moreover, Prof Mbopi-Keou is a Fellow of the Cameroon Academy of Science, and Member of several International professional, and academic societies, UN Technical Advisory Committees, and a Knight of the Cameroon National Order of Valor.


Advisory Scientific Committee

Abena Marie Thérèse (FMBS/UY1, Yaounde), Eben Moussi Emmanuel (CIRCB, Yaoundé), Sosso Maurice Aurélien (FMBS/UY1, Yaoundé), Rabiou Cissé (Université Ki Zerbo, Ouagadougou), Siaka Sidibe (CHU du Point G, Bamako), Loughe S Claudine (Université Ki Zerbo,Ouagadougou), Ondo Ndong François (Université des Sciences de la Santé, Libreville), Mbacham Wilfred (FMBS/UY1, BTC/UY1, Yaoundé), Wonkam Ambroise (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Faculty, Baltimore), Zo’o Martin Roger (Images Santé, Le Mans), Mbopi-Keou François Xavier (FMBS/UY1, Yaounde), Gresenguet Gérard (Université de Bangui, Bangui), Ibara JR (Université Marien-Ngouabi, Brazzaville), Leke Rose (IMPM, Yaounde), Mbanya Jean Claude (FMBS/UY1, Yaounde), Kamgno Joseph (FMBS/UY1, Yaounde).