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La cécité corticale est une pathologie pouvant survenir en cas d’atteinte du système nerveux central. Nous rapportons le cas d’un garçon de 07 ans référé pour état de mal convulsif en contexte de fièvre ayant présenté une cécité corticale au cours de la prise en charge d’un neuropaludisme.
Cortical blindness is a pathology that can occur in the disease with central nervous system involvement. We report the case of a 07-year-old boy referred for convulsive illness in the context of fever who presented cortical blindness during the management of cerebral malaria.
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- Calixte Ida Penda, Ritha Mbono Betoko, Francine Samè Bebey, Gustave Ehone Mimbou, Charlotte Eposse, Patricia Epée Eboumbou et al. Causes of visual impairment in children aged 5 to 15 years: An observational study in Cameroon. Health Sci Dis. Oct 2020; 21(10) : 54-58.
- Chokron S. Cécité corticale. EMC Ophtalmologie 2013;10(3).
- Doi : 10.1016/j.jfo.2013.10.001.
- Bella L, Eballea A, Kouam J. Cécité et malvoyance bilatérales de l'enfant de 0 à 5 ans à l'hôpital gynéco-obstétrique et pédiatrique de Yaoundé. Sante. 2010 Jan;20(1):35-9.
- Chokron, S. (2013) . La cécité corticale : sémiologie, étiologie et perspectives de prise en charge neuropsychologique. Revue de neuropsychologie, Volume 5(1), 38-44.
- Trivedi, S., & Chakravarty, A. (2022). Neurological Complications of Malaria. Current neurology and neuroscience reports, 22(8), 499–513.
- CM Chuka-Okos , Ike SO. Malaria and the eye. Nigerian J Ophtalmology. Dec 2006;14(2): 39-45.
- Song, X., Wei, W., Cheng, W., Zhu, H., Wang, W., Dong, H., & Li, J. (2022). Cerebral malaria induced by plasmodium falciparum: clinical features, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 12, 939532.
- Oluwayemi, I. O., Brown, B. J., Oyedeji, O. A., & Oluwayemi, M. A. (2013). Neurological sequelae in survivors of cerebral malaria. The Pan African medical journal, 15, 88.
- Onwasigwe. Cortical Blindness in Children in Enugu, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology. June 2003;11(1):16-18.
Calixte Ida Penda, Ritha Mbono Betoko, Francine Samè Bebey, Gustave Ehone Mimbou, Charlotte Eposse, Patricia Epée Eboumbou et al. Causes of visual impairment in children aged 5 to 15 years: An observational study in Cameroon. Health Sci Dis. Oct 2020; 21(10) : 54-58.
Chokron S. Cécité corticale. EMC Ophtalmologie 2013;10(3).
Doi : 10.1016/j.jfo.2013.10.001.
Bella L, Eballea A, Kouam J. Cécité et malvoyance bilatérales de l'enfant de 0 à 5 ans à l'hôpital gynéco-obstétrique et pédiatrique de Yaoundé. Sante. 2010 Jan;20(1):35-9.
Chokron, S. (2013) . La cécité corticale : sémiologie, étiologie et perspectives de prise en charge neuropsychologique. Revue de neuropsychologie, Volume 5(1), 38-44.
Trivedi, S., & Chakravarty, A. (2022). Neurological Complications of Malaria. Current neurology and neuroscience reports, 22(8), 499–513.
CM Chuka-Okos , Ike SO. Malaria and the eye. Nigerian J Ophtalmology. Dec 2006;14(2): 39-45.
Song, X., Wei, W., Cheng, W., Zhu, H., Wang, W., Dong, H., & Li, J. (2022). Cerebral malaria induced by plasmodium falciparum: clinical features, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 12, 939532.
Oluwayemi, I. O., Brown, B. J., Oyedeji, O. A., & Oluwayemi, M. A. (2013). Neurological sequelae in survivors of cerebral malaria. The Pan African medical journal, 15, 88.
Onwasigwe. Cortical Blindness in Children in Enugu, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology. June 2003;11(1):16-18.