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Introduction. La dépression est l’une des complications psychiatriques les plus fréquentes après un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC). L’objectif de cette étude était d’étudier les aspects épidémiologiques et cliniques de la dépression post AVC (DPAVC) en milieu hospitalier à Bobo-Dioulasso. Méthodes. Il s’agit d’une étude observationnelle, de type transversale descriptive, à collecte prospective, couvrant la période de janvier à octobre 2016. Elle a concerné tous les patients admis dans le service pour AVC avec confirmation scanographique. Résultats. Durant la période de l’étude, 162 patients victimes d’AVC ont été inclus. Le sex-ratio était de 1,38. Parmi eux, 54 patients ont présenté une DPAVC soit une prévalence de 33,33 %. L’âge moyen des patients était de 59,12 ans. Sur les 54 cas de DPAVC, 30 étaient de sexe masculin et 24 de sexe féminin. Sur le plan de la latéralité, 96,3 % de nos déprimés étaient des droitiers. Parmi les patients ayant une dépression, un déficit moteur de l’hémicorps gauche était trouvé dans 55,6 %, un AVC ischémique dans 62,96 % et un AVC hémorragique dans 37,03 %. Concernant la localisation de l’AVC, 53.7 % des patients avaient une lésion dans l’hémisphère cérébral droit. Notre étude a trouvé une corrélation significative entre la DPAVC et le déficit moteur de l’hémicorps gauche (OR= 1,58 ; IC95% : 0,35-1,11 ; p<0,001). Conclusion. La dépression post AVC est une complication relativement courante de l’AVC. Elle devrait être systématiquement recherchée chez tout patient ayant un AVC.
Introduction. Depression is one of the most frequent psychiatric problem after stroke. We aimed to study epidemiological and clinical features of post-stroke depression (PSD) in Bobo-Dioulasso. Methodology. It was an observational study, descriptive and transversal type with prospective collection covering january to october 2016. It concerned all patients admitted in hospital for stroke with brain CT scan confirmation. Results. During the study period, 162 cases of stroke have been included. The sex ratio was 1.38. It was observed that, out of the 162 stroke cases, 54 (33.33 %) had symptoms of various levels of depression. The average age was 59.12 years. In PSD patients, 55.56 % were males and 44.44 % were females. In terms of laterality, 96.3 % of our depressed patients were right-handed and 3.7 % were left-handed. Among patients with depression, motor deficit of left body half was founding in 55.6 %, ischemic stroke in 62.96 % and hemorrhagic stroke in 37.03 %. Concerning the location of stroke, 29 (53.7 %) patients had lesion in the right cerebral hemisphere, whereas 24 (46.3 %) had lesion in the left cerebral hemisphere. Our study found a significant correlation between PSD and motor deficit of left body half (OR= 1.58; IC95% : 0.35-1.11; p<0.001). Conclusion. Post-stroke depression is relatively common complication of stroke. It can have a negative impact on the vital and functional prognosis and must be systematically searched for all patients who have stroke.
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- Ndoumba A, Minkandea J, Chiabia A, Bilounga E, Beyiha G. Les accidents vasculaires cérébraux à l’Hôpital Gynéco-Obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Yaoundé : aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et paracliniques. Schweizer Arch Neurol Psychiatr 2012; 163(2):54-57.
- Lenzi GL, Altieri M, Maestrini I. Post-stroke dépression. Rev Neurol 2008 ;164(10):837-840.
- Simon O. Dépression après accident vasculaire cérébral. Sang Thromb Vaiss 2007;19(5):248‑254.
- Villa RF, Ferrari F, Moretti A. Post-stroke depression: Mechanisms and pharmacological treatment. pharmthera2017.11(5): 1-14.
- Carota A, Berney A, Aybek S, Iaria G, Staub F, Ghika-Schmid F, Annable L, Guex P, Bogousslavsky P. A prospective study of predictors of post stroke depression. Neurol 2005; 64(3):428‑433.
- Pariel-Madjlessi S, Pouillon M, Robcis I, Sebban C, Frémont P, Belmin J. La dépression : une complication méconnue de l’accident vasculaire cérébral chez les sujets âgés. Psychol NeuroPsychiatr vieil 2005; 3(1):7‑16.
- Ouedraogo PV, Savadogo AA, Samadoulougou DRS, Millogo A, Héma A. Mortalité des accidents vasculaires cérébraux à la phase aiguë au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sourô Sanou de Bobo-Dioulasso. Afr J Neuro Sci 2019; 38(2): 22-29.
- Napon C, Kaboré A, Kaboré J. La dépression post-accident vasculaire cérébral au Burkina Faso. Pan Afr Med J 2012;13(3);1-4.
- Ojagbemi A, Akpa O, Elugbadebo F, Owolabi E, Ovbiagele B. Depression after Stroke in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Behav Neurol 2017; 2017:1-9.
- Hackett ML, Pickles K. Part I: frequency of depression after stroke: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Int J Stroke. 2014; 9:1017-1025.
- Kehdr EM, Abdelrahman AA, Desoky T, Zaki AF, Gamea A. Post-stroke depression: frequency, risk factors, and impact on quality of life among 103 stroke patients—hospital-based study. Egypt J Neurol, Psychiatry Neurosurg 2020; 56:66-73.
- Kouwenhoven, SE, Kirkevold, M, Engedal K, Kim HS. Depression in acute stroke: prevalence, dominant symptoms and associated factors. A systematic literature review. Disabil Rehabil 2011; 33(7), 539–556.
- Widdowson, M. Depression: a literature review on diagnosis, subtypes, patterns of recovery, and psychotherapeutic models. Transactional Anal J 2011; 41(4), 351-364.
- Gyagenda JO, Ddumba E, Odokonyero R, Kaddumukasa M, Sajatovic M, Smyth K, Katabira E. Post-stroke depression among stroke survivors attending two hospitals in Kampala Uganda. Afr Health Sci 2015;15(4):1220‑1231.
- Ibeneme SC, Anyachukwu CC, Nwosu A, Ibeneme GC, Bakare M, Fortwengel G. Symptoms of Post stroke Depression among Stroke Survivors: An Appraisal of Psychiatry Needs and Care during Physiotherapy Rehabilitation. Scientifica 2016; 2016(1):1-6.
- Rajashekaran P, Pai K, Thunga R, Unnikrishnan B. Post-stroke depression and lesion location: a hospital based cross-sectional study. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013;55(4):343–348.
- Nickel A, Thomalla G. Post-stroke depression: impact of lesion location and methodological limitations- a topical review. Front. Neurol. 2017; 8(498):1-8.
- Wei N, Yong W, Li X, Zhou Y, Deng M, Zhu H, et al. Post-stroke depression and lesion location: a systematic review. J Neurol 2015; 262:81–90.
- Effat SM, Mohamed MM, El Essawy HI, El Sheikh MM, Abdul Aal HS. Predictors and consequences of post-stroke depression in a sample of Egyptian. Arab J Psychiatry. 2011;22(1):19–26.
- Metoki N, Sugawara N, Hagii J, Saito S, Shiroto H, Tomita T, Yasuiima M. Relationship between the lesion location of acute ischemic stroke and early depressive symptoms in Japanese patients. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2016; 15(1):1-6.
Sagui E. Les accidents vasculaires cérébraux en Afrique subsaharienne. Med trop 2007 ;67(6) :596‑600.
Ndoumba A, Minkandea J, Chiabia A, Bilounga E, Beyiha G. Les accidents vasculaires cérébraux à l’Hôpital Gynéco-Obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Yaoundé : aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et paracliniques. Schweizer Arch Neurol Psychiatr 2012; 163(2):54-57.
Lenzi GL, Altieri M, Maestrini I. Post-stroke dépression. Rev Neurol 2008 ;164(10):837-840.
Simon O. Dépression après accident vasculaire cérébral. Sang Thromb Vaiss 2007;19(5):248‑254.
Villa RF, Ferrari F, Moretti A. Post-stroke depression: Mechanisms and pharmacological treatment. pharmthera2017.11(5): 1-14.
Carota A, Berney A, Aybek S, Iaria G, Staub F, Ghika-Schmid F, Annable L, Guex P, Bogousslavsky P. A prospective study of predictors of post stroke depression. Neurol 2005; 64(3):428‑433.
Pariel-Madjlessi S, Pouillon M, Robcis I, Sebban C, Frémont P, Belmin J. La dépression : une complication méconnue de l’accident vasculaire cérébral chez les sujets âgés. Psychol NeuroPsychiatr vieil 2005; 3(1):7‑16.
Ouedraogo PV, Savadogo AA, Samadoulougou DRS, Millogo A, Héma A. Mortalité des accidents vasculaires cérébraux à la phase aiguë au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sourô Sanou de Bobo-Dioulasso. Afr J Neuro Sci 2019; 38(2): 22-29.
Napon C, Kaboré A, Kaboré J. La dépression post-accident vasculaire cérébral au Burkina Faso. Pan Afr Med J 2012;13(3);1-4.
Ojagbemi A, Akpa O, Elugbadebo F, Owolabi E, Ovbiagele B. Depression after Stroke in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Behav Neurol 2017; 2017:1-9.
Hackett ML, Pickles K. Part I: frequency of depression after stroke: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Int J Stroke. 2014; 9:1017-1025.
Kehdr EM, Abdelrahman AA, Desoky T, Zaki AF, Gamea A. Post-stroke depression: frequency, risk factors, and impact on quality of life among 103 stroke patients—hospital-based study. Egypt J Neurol, Psychiatry Neurosurg 2020; 56:66-73.
Kouwenhoven, SE, Kirkevold, M, Engedal K, Kim HS. Depression in acute stroke: prevalence, dominant symptoms and associated factors. A systematic literature review. Disabil Rehabil 2011; 33(7), 539–556.
Widdowson, M. Depression: a literature review on diagnosis, subtypes, patterns of recovery, and psychotherapeutic models. Transactional Anal J 2011; 41(4), 351-364.
Gyagenda JO, Ddumba E, Odokonyero R, Kaddumukasa M, Sajatovic M, Smyth K, Katabira E. Post-stroke depression among stroke survivors attending two hospitals in Kampala Uganda. Afr Health Sci 2015;15(4):1220‑1231.
Ibeneme SC, Anyachukwu CC, Nwosu A, Ibeneme GC, Bakare M, Fortwengel G. Symptoms of Post stroke Depression among Stroke Survivors: An Appraisal of Psychiatry Needs and Care during Physiotherapy Rehabilitation. Scientifica 2016; 2016(1):1-6.
Rajashekaran P, Pai K, Thunga R, Unnikrishnan B. Post-stroke depression and lesion location: a hospital based cross-sectional study. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013;55(4):343–348.
Nickel A, Thomalla G. Post-stroke depression: impact of lesion location and methodological limitations- a topical review. Front. Neurol. 2017; 8(498):1-8.
Wei N, Yong W, Li X, Zhou Y, Deng M, Zhu H, et al. Post-stroke depression and lesion location: a systematic review. J Neurol 2015; 262:81–90.
Effat SM, Mohamed MM, El Essawy HI, El Sheikh MM, Abdul Aal HS. Predictors and consequences of post-stroke depression in a sample of Egyptian. Arab J Psychiatry. 2011;22(1):19–26.
Metoki N, Sugawara N, Hagii J, Saito S, Shiroto H, Tomita T, Yasuiima M. Relationship between the lesion location of acute ischemic stroke and early depressive symptoms in Japanese patients. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2016; 15(1):1-6.