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Objectif. Explorer les conséquences des troubles neurocognitifs dans la vie quotidienne et souligner la nécessité de réhabilitation neurocognitive et sociale chez les personnes atteintes de trouble neurocognitif léger (TNL) dans un milieu endémique au Konzo. Population et Méthodes. Un dépistage neuropsychologique couplé à un examen clinique neuropsychiatrique a été choisi pour comparer 136 sujets avec TNL aux 257 sujets sans trouble neurocognitif. Les variables d’intérêt étaient sociodémographiques (âge, sexe, scolarisation), le statut neurocognitif et l’autonomie du sujet dans les activités de la vie quotidienne (AVQ). Résultats. Nonante six pourcent (96%) de sujets avec TNL avaient une incapacité fonctionnelle dans les AVQ. Aucune différence significative n’a été notée entre les sexes (P=0,8 ; IC 95% [-6,1 - 3,20]). L’autonomie dans les AVQ des sujets avec TNL a été affectée significativement dans les activités de la vie domestique (p ≤ 0,002). La difficulté à prendre le transport public a été associée au trouble de la fluence verbale (p=0,02). La difficulté à prendre ses médicaments (p=0,002) et à participer aux loisirs et entretien domestique (p=0,024) ont été associées au trouble mnésique. La difficulté à participer aux loisirs et entretien domestique était aussi associée (p=0,010) au trouble attentionnel. Conclusion. L’autonomie dans les AVQ des sujets avec TNL est affectée significativement dans les activités de la vie domestique. Les politiques de développement des communautés affectées par le Konzo devraient être du type holistique intégrant les besoins de rééducation physique des sujets avec Konzo, et de réhabilitation neurocognitive et sociale chez les personnes atteintes de TNL.
Objective. The aim of this study was to explore the consequences of neurocognitive impairment in daily life and to highlight the need for neurocognitive and social rehabilitation in people with mild neurocognitive impairment in a Konzo area. Population and Methods. A qualitative approach with neuropsychological screening coupled with a neuropsychiatric clinical examination was chosen to compare 136 subjects with mild neurocognitive impairment to 257 subjects without neurocognitive disorder. The variables of the study were the socio-demographic characteristics (age, sex, schooling), the neurocognitive status and the autonomy of the subject in daily living activities (DLA). Results. Ninety-six percent (96%) of subjects with mild neurocognitive impairment had functional disability in DLA. No significant difference was noted between genders (P=0.8; 95% CI [-6.1 - 3.20]). The autonomy in DLA of subjects with mild neurocognitive impairment was significantly affected in the activities of domestic life (p ≤ 0.002). Difficulty for taking public transport was associated with fluency disorder (p=0.02). Difficulty for taking medication (p=0.002) and participating in leisure and household maintenance (p=0.024) were associated with memory impairment. Difficulty for participating in leisure and household maintenance was also associated (p=0.010) with attentional impairment. Conclusion. The autonomy in the DLA of subjects with mild neurocognitive impairment is significantly affected in the of domestic life activities. Development policies for communities affected by Konzo should therefore be of the holistic type, thus integrating the physical rehabilitation needs of subjects with Konzo, and neurocognitive and social rehabilitation among people with neurocognitive impairment in the city of Kahemba.
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- Boivin MJ, Okitundu D, Makila-Mabe BG, Sombo MT, Mumba D, Tylleskar T, et al. Neuropsychological effects of Konzo: a neuromotor disease associated with poorly processed cassava. 11. Pediatrics 2013 ; 131 (4) : e1231-e1239
- Green MF, Kern RS, Heaton RK. Longitudinal studies of cognition and functional outcome in schizophrenia: implications for MATRICS. Schizophr Res. 2004;72(1):41-51. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2004.09.009
- Mueser, K.T. and McGurk, S.R. (2004) Schizophrenia. Lancet, 363, 2063-2072.
- Mabire JB et Gay M C. Qualité de vie au cours des démences : définitions, difficultés et intérêt de son évaluation. GériatrieetPsychologieNeuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement. 2013;11(1):73-81. doi:10.1684/pnv.2013.0387
- Petersen, R C., Caracciolo, B., Brayne, C., Gauthier, S., Jelic, V., &Fratiglioni, L. (2014). Mild cognitive impairment: a concept in evolution. Journal of internal medicine, 275(3), 214 228.
- Kim, K. R., Lee, K. S., Cheong, H.-K., Eom, J.-S., Oh, B. H., & Hong, C. H. (2009). Characteristic Profiles of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living in Different Subtypes of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 27(3), 278285.
- American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Dsm-5. Edition: 5th edition. Washington, D.C: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2013
- De Vriendt, P., Gorus, E., Cornelis, E., Velghe, A., Petrovic, M., & Mets, T. (2012). The process of decline in advanced activities of daily living: a qualitative explorative study in mild cognitive impairment. International Psychogeriatrics, 24(06), 974 986.
- Lassen-Greene, C. L., Steward, K., Okonkwo, O., Porter, E., Crowe, M., Vance, D. E., Wadley, V. G. (2017). Mild Cognitive Impairment and Changes in Everyday Function Over Time: The Importance of Evaluating Both Speed and Accuracy. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 30(4), 220 227.
- Rabin, L. A., Chi, S. Y., Wang, C., Fogel, J., Kann, S. J., &Aronov, A. (2014). Prospectivememory on a novel clinical task in older adults with mild cognitive impairment andsubjective cognitive decline. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 24(6), 868 893.
- ACF International. Étude préliminaire du projet Amélioration de la diète et éradication de l'intoxication alimentaire appelée Konzo dans le Kwango., Mai 2015. Accédé le 10 Octobre 2016.
- Hall KS, Gao S, Emsley CL, Ogunniyi AO, Morgan O, Hendrie HC. Community screening interview for dementia (CSI 'D'); performance in five disparate study sites. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2000; 15: 521-531.
- Gélinas, I., Gauthier, L., McIntyre, M., Gauthier, S. (1999). Development of a functional measure for persons with Alzheimer's disease: the disability assessment for dementia. Americam Journal of Occupational Therapy, 53(5), 471-481
- Feldman, H., Sauter, A., Donald, A., Gélinas, I., Gauthier, S., Torfs, K., Parys, W., Mehnert, A. (2001). The disability assessment for dementia scale: a 12-month study of functional ability in mild to moderate severity Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 15(2), 89-95.
- Fiske ST, Taylor SE. Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture. Beverly Hills: Sage Publisher, 2013
- Barberger-Gateau P, FabrigouleC ,Dartigues J F. Le processus d’évolution vers l’incapacité dans la démence. In: Santé, Société et Solidarité, n°2, 2002. Vieillissement et santé. pp. 55-59; doi : 10.3406/oss.2002.889
- Barberger-Gateau P., Fabrigoule C., Helmer C., Rouch I., Dartigues J.F. [1999]. Functional impairment in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living: an early clinical sign of dementia? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 47: 456-62
- Njegovan, V., Hing, M., Mitchell, S., & Molnar, F. (2001). The Hierarch of Functional Loss Associated With Cognitive Decline in Older Persons. Journals of GerontologySeries A: Biological Sciences and Medical, 56(10), 638-643)
Boivin MJ, Okitundu D, Makila-Mabe BG, Sombo MT, Mumba D, Tylleskar T, et al. Neuropsychological effects of Konzo: a neuromotor disease associated with poorly processed cassava. 11. Pediatrics 2013 ; 131 (4) : e1231-e1239
Green MF, Kern RS, Heaton RK. Longitudinal studies of cognition and functional outcome in schizophrenia: implications for MATRICS. Schizophr Res. 2004;72(1):41-51. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2004.09.009
Mueser, K.T. and McGurk, S.R. (2004) Schizophrenia. Lancet, 363, 2063-2072.
Mabire JB et Gay M C. Qualité de vie au cours des démences : définitions, difficultés et intérêt de son évaluation. GériatrieetPsychologieNeuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement. 2013;11(1):73-81. doi:10.1684/pnv.2013.0387
Petersen, R C., Caracciolo, B., Brayne, C., Gauthier, S., Jelic, V., &Fratiglioni, L. (2014). Mild cognitive impairment: a concept in evolution. Journal of internal medicine, 275(3), 214 228.
Kim, K. R., Lee, K. S., Cheong, H.-K., Eom, J.-S., Oh, B. H., & Hong, C. H. (2009). Characteristic Profiles of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living in Different Subtypes of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 27(3), 278285.
American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Dsm-5. Edition: 5th edition. Washington, D.C: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2013
De Vriendt, P., Gorus, E., Cornelis, E., Velghe, A., Petrovic, M., & Mets, T. (2012). The process of decline in advanced activities of daily living: a qualitative explorative study in mild cognitive impairment. International Psychogeriatrics, 24(06), 974 986.
Lassen-Greene, C. L., Steward, K., Okonkwo, O., Porter, E., Crowe, M., Vance, D. E., Wadley, V. G. (2017). Mild Cognitive Impairment and Changes in Everyday Function Over Time: The Importance of Evaluating Both Speed and Accuracy. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 30(4), 220 227.
Rabin, L. A., Chi, S. Y., Wang, C., Fogel, J., Kann, S. J., &Aronov, A. (2014). Prospectivememory on a novel clinical task in older adults with mild cognitive impairment andsubjective cognitive decline. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 24(6), 868 893.
ACF International. Étude préliminaire du projet Amélioration de la diète et éradication de l'intoxication alimentaire appelée Konzo dans le Kwango., Mai 2015. Accédé le 10 Octobre 2016.
Hall KS, Gao S, Emsley CL, Ogunniyi AO, Morgan O, Hendrie HC. Community screening interview for dementia (CSI 'D'); performance in five disparate study sites. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2000; 15: 521-531.
Gélinas, I., Gauthier, L., McIntyre, M., Gauthier, S. (1999). Development of a functional measure for persons with Alzheimer's disease: the disability assessment for dementia. Americam Journal of Occupational Therapy, 53(5), 471-481
Feldman, H., Sauter, A., Donald, A., Gélinas, I., Gauthier, S., Torfs, K., Parys, W., Mehnert, A. (2001). The disability assessment for dementia scale: a 12-month study of functional ability in mild to moderate severity Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 15(2), 89-95.
Fiske ST, Taylor SE. Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture. Beverly Hills: Sage Publisher, 2013
Barberger-Gateau P, FabrigouleC ,Dartigues J F. Le processus d’évolution vers l’incapacité dans la démence. In: Santé, Société et Solidarité, n°2, 2002. Vieillissement et santé. pp. 55-59; doi : 10.3406/oss.2002.889
Barberger-Gateau P., Fabrigoule C., Helmer C., Rouch I., Dartigues J.F. [1999]. Functional impairment in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living: an early clinical sign of dementia? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 47: 456-62
Njegovan, V., Hing, M., Mitchell, S., & Molnar, F. (2001). The Hierarch of Functional Loss Associated With Cognitive Decline in Older Persons. Journals of GerontologySeries A: Biological Sciences and Medical, 56(10), 638-643)