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Objectifs. Évaluer le niveau de connaissance des dentistes et personnels des cabinets dentaires de la ville de Niamey sur l’antibiorésistance et de mener des actions correctrices. Méthodologie. Il s’est agi d’une étude prospective à visée descriptive chez les dentistes et les personnels des cabinets dentaires publics et privés de la région de Niamey du 1er janvier au 30 Avril 2022. Résultats. Au total 19 dentistes et personnels des cabinets dentaires ont participé à enquête. L’âge moyen était de 36,42ans. Nous avons relevé une prédominance masculine (53%). Les dentistes représentaient 26,32% des participants. Le niveau d’instruction prédominant était le secondaire avec 47%. La quasi-totalité avait mal défini la résistance malgré qu’ils avaient en entendu parler. Conclusion. Notre enquête rapporte une mauvaise connaissance de la problématique de l’antibiorésistance chez les dentistes. Au vu de ces résultats, il convient de développer des campagnes de sensibilisation et de formation continue des dentistes et auxiliaires afin d’endiguer la résistance bactérienne.
Objective. To evaluate the level of knowledge of dentists and dental office staff in the city of Niamey on antibiotic resistance and to take corrective actions. Methodology. We conducted a prospective study with a descriptive aim among dentists and staff of public and private dental offices in the region of Niamey from 01 January to 30 April 2022. Results. A total of 19 dentists and dental office staff participated in the survey. The average age was 36.42 years. We noted a male predominance (53%). Dentists represented 26.32% of the participants. The most predominant level of education was secondary school with 47%. Almost all of them had poorly defined resistance despite having heard about it. Conclusion. Our survey shows that there is a lack of awareness of the problem of antibiotic resistance among dentists. In view of these results, awareness campaigns and continuing education for dentists and dental assistants should be developed in order to curb bacterial resistance
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- Rustam I. Aminov. A brief history of the antibiotic era : lessons learned and challenges for the future. Frontiers in microbiology. 2010;1(134):1‑7.
- Richard Wise, Tony Hart, Otto Cars, Marc Streulens,Reinen Helmuth, Pentti Huovinen et al. Antimicrobial resistance is a major threat to public health. 1998;317:609‑10.
- Najla Saeed Dar-Odeh, Osama Abdalla Abu-Hammad,Mahmoud Khaled Al-Omiri, Ameen Sameh Khraisat, Asem Ata Shehabi. Antibiotic prescribing practices by dentiste: a review. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management. 2010;6:301‑6.
- James Q. Swift, Wendy S. Gulden,. Antibiotic therapy-managing odontogenic infections. Dent Clin N Am. 2002;46:623‑33.
- Azhar Iqbal. The attitudes of Dentists Towards the Prescription of Antibiotics During Endodontic Treatment in North of Saudi Arabia. 2015;9(5):82‑4.
- WHO.Résistance aux antibiotiques [En ligne]. [Consulté le 2 déc 2022].
- Ola Abd El-Geleel, Basma Gamal and Nour Wahba. Assessment of the knowledge, attitude, and practice of antibiotic prescription among a group of dentists in Egypt: a cross-sectional survey. EDJ. 2021;64(4):2893‑904.
- Ndjidda BW, Inrombe yt, Niang SO, Gonzalez AD, Otero MA, Danwang C, Bengondo MC. Prescription des antibiotiques lors du traitement endodontique: une étude transversale réalisée auprès des chirurgiens-dentistes au Cameroun. Rev Col Odonto-Stomatol Afr Chir Maxillo-fac. 2020;27(4):11‑5.
- Francesco D’Ambrosio, Federica Di Spirito, Alessandra Amato , Mario Caggiano, Roberto Lo Giudice and Stefano Martina. Attitudes towards Antibiotic Prescription and Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness among Italian Dentists: What Are the Milestones? Healthcare. 2022;10.1585:1‑11.
- Hicham Mansour, Mireille FeghalI, Nadine Saleh, Mona Zeitouny. Knowledge, practice and attitudes regarding antibiotics use among Lebanese dentists. Pharmacy Practice. 2018;16(3).1272.
- Halboub E, Alzaili A, Quadri MFA, Al-Haroni M, Al-Obaida MI, Al-hebshi NN. Antibiotic Prescription Knowledge of Dentists in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An Online, Country-wide Surve. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2016;17(3):198‑204.
- Diouf M, Bodian S, Mbacke Lo CM et al. Pharmacovigilance chez les chirurgiens-dentistes: enquête dans la région de Dakar, Sénégal. Santé publique. 2013;25(1):69‑76.
- Gita Paudel, Arun Kumar Shah, Anjan Palikhey, Nikita Khanal, Sirisa Karki, Lokeshwar Chaurasia, Rajib Chaulagain. Knowledge, attitude and practice of prescribing antibiotics among dental practitioners in Chitwan. Europasian J Med Sci. 2020;3(1):66‑72.
- NgabA-Mambo ON, Edouma B, DJUKA, Bengondo M, Ze M. Indication De La Prescription D’Antibiotiques En Odonto Stomatologie. ARJMCS. 2021;08(08):655‑64.
- Baudet,A.;Guillaso,M.;Grimmer,L.;MEDIQAI Study Group;Regad,M. Florent,A. Microbiological Contamination of the Office Environment in Dental and Medical Pratice. Antibiotics. 2021;10.1375.
Rustam I. Aminov. A brief history of the antibiotic era : lessons learned and challenges for the future. Frontiers in microbiology. 2010;1(134):1‑7.
Richard Wise, Tony Hart, Otto Cars, Marc Streulens,Reinen Helmuth, Pentti Huovinen et al. Antimicrobial resistance is a major threat to public health. 1998;317:609‑10.
Najla Saeed Dar-Odeh, Osama Abdalla Abu-Hammad,Mahmoud Khaled Al-Omiri, Ameen Sameh Khraisat, Asem Ata Shehabi. Antibiotic prescribing practices by dentiste: a review. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management. 2010;6:301‑6.
James Q. Swift, Wendy S. Gulden,. Antibiotic therapy-managing odontogenic infections. Dent Clin N Am. 2002;46:623‑33.
Azhar Iqbal. The attitudes of Dentists Towards the Prescription of Antibiotics During Endodontic Treatment in North of Saudi Arabia. 2015;9(5):82‑4.
WHO.Résistance aux antibiotiques [En ligne]. [Consulté le 2 déc 2022].
Ola Abd El-Geleel, Basma Gamal and Nour Wahba. Assessment of the knowledge, attitude, and practice of antibiotic prescription among a group of dentists in Egypt: a cross-sectional survey. EDJ. 2021;64(4):2893‑904.
Ndjidda BW, Inrombe yt, Niang SO, Gonzalez AD, Otero MA, Danwang C, Bengondo MC. Prescription des antibiotiques lors du traitement endodontique: une étude transversale réalisée auprès des chirurgiens-dentistes au Cameroun. Rev Col Odonto-Stomatol Afr Chir Maxillo-fac. 2020;27(4):11‑5.
Francesco D’Ambrosio, Federica Di Spirito, Alessandra Amato , Mario Caggiano, Roberto Lo Giudice and Stefano Martina. Attitudes towards Antibiotic Prescription and Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness among Italian Dentists: What Are the Milestones? Healthcare. 2022;10.1585:1‑11.
Hicham Mansour, Mireille FeghalI, Nadine Saleh, Mona Zeitouny. Knowledge, practice and attitudes regarding antibiotics use among Lebanese dentists. Pharmacy Practice. 2018;16(3).1272.
Halboub E, Alzaili A, Quadri MFA, Al-Haroni M, Al-Obaida MI, Al-hebshi NN. Antibiotic Prescription Knowledge of Dentists in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An Online, Country-wide Surve. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2016;17(3):198‑204.
Diouf M, Bodian S, Mbacke Lo CM et al. Pharmacovigilance chez les chirurgiens-dentistes: enquête dans la région de Dakar, Sénégal. Santé publique. 2013;25(1):69‑76.
Gita Paudel, Arun Kumar Shah, Anjan Palikhey, Nikita Khanal, Sirisa Karki, Lokeshwar Chaurasia, Rajib Chaulagain. Knowledge, attitude and practice of prescribing antibiotics among dental practitioners in Chitwan. Europasian J Med Sci. 2020;3(1):66‑72.
NgabA-Mambo ON, Edouma B, DJUKA, Bengondo M, Ze M. Indication De La Prescription D’Antibiotiques En Odonto Stomatologie. ARJMCS. 2021;08(08):655‑64.
Baudet,A.;Guillaso,M.;Grimmer,L.;MEDIQAI Study Group;Regad,M. Florent,A. Microbiological Contamination of the Office Environment in Dental and Medical Pratice. Antibiotics. 2021;10.1375.