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La grossesse abdominale constitue une éventualité rare des grossesses extra-utérines correspondant à l’implantation du trophoblaste dans la cavité péritonéale. Le diagnostic et la prise en charge sont difficiles. Nous rapportons le cas d’une patiente de 26 ans qui a consulté à l’Hôpital Dominicain Saint Martin de Porrès de Mvog Betsi à Yaoundé pour une grossesse abdominale évolutive à un âge gestationnel de 27 semaines. Malgré la présence de signes évocateurs et le nombre d’échographies réalisées, le diagnostic de grossesse abdominale n’avait pu être établi que tardivement. Nous avons procédé à une laparotomie à 37 semaines et extrait un nouveau-né vivant sain. L’ablation du placenta a été complète. Nous n’avons noté aucune complication maternelle ou fœtale. L’importance de ce cas est de souligner la difficulté à poser le diagnostic de grossesse abdominale dans notre environnement malgré le recours plus fréquent à l’échographie et la possibilité d’accouchement à terme d’enfant sain.
Abdominal pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy resulting from implantation of a fertilized ovum in the peritoneum. Diagnosis and management of abdominal pregnancy are difficult. We report a case of 26-year-old female presenting at 27th week of pregnancy for abdominal pregnancy at Hôpital Dominicain Saint Martin de Porrès - Mvog Betsi - Yaounde. Even if she had allusive symptoms of abdominal pregnancy and she had performed previous ultrasonographies, the diagnosis was established lately during pregnancy. She delivered at 37th week a non dysmorphic live baby. The placenta was entirely removed and no maternal or fetal complication was noticed. The importance of this case report is to highlight the difficulties to established the diagnosis of abdominal pregnancy in our setting and to underline the possibility of a full term delivery of non-dysmorphic live baby.
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- Shurie S, Ogot J, Poli P, Were E. Diagnosis of abdominal pregnancy still a challenge in low resource settings: a case report on advanced abdominal pregnancy at a tertiary facility in Western Kenya. Pan Afr Med J. 2018; 31(239). doi: 10.11604/pamj.2018.31.239.17766. Pubmed |Google Scholar
Riethmuller D, Courtois L, Maillet R, Schaal JP. Prise en charge de la grossesse extra-utérine : les autres ectopies (cervicales et abdominales). J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2003; 32 : 3S101-3S108. Pubmed | Google Scholar
Ayinde OA, Aimakhu CO, Adeyanju OA, Omigbodun AO. Abdominal pregnancy at the university college hospital, Ibadan: a ten-year review. Afr J Reprod Health 2005; 9(1):123-127. Pubmed | Google Scholar
Randrianantoanina F, Rakotosalama D, Rainibarijaona L, Rakotolomalala JP, Ravelosoa E, Andrianampanalinarivo H et al. La grossesse abdominale : à propos d’un cas observé à Madagascar. Med Trop 2006 ; 66 : 485-487.
Picaud A, Ella Edogha R, Ozouaki F, Nlome-Nze AR, Faye A, Ogowet-Igumu N et al. Grossesse abdominale: A propos de 11 cas. Médecine d’Afrique Noire : 1990 ; 37(9) :483-487.
Chung PC, Chua KH, Hameed MSS, Mathur M, Lee WKR. Undiagnosed abdominal term pregnancy with good neonatal outcome. Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology.2009. Pubmed | Google Scholar
Ramachandran K, Kirk P. Massive hemorrhage in a previously undiagnosed abdominal pregnancy presenting for elective cesarean delivery. Can J Anesth 2004 ; 51(1) :57-61.
Rabarijaona HZ, Rakotovao JP, Rakotorahalahy MJM, Randriamiarana JM. La grossesse abdominale. Médecine d’Afrique Noire : 2000 ; 47(11) :460-463.
Fouelifack FY, Fouogue JT, Fouedjio JH, Sando Z. Viable abdominal pregnancy: a case report in Yaoundé (Cameroon). Pan Afr Med J. 2014 ;18 :181 Pubmed |Google Scholar
Yoder N, Tal R, Martin JR. Abdominal ectopic pregnancy after in vitro fertilization and single embryo transfer: a case report and systematic review. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. 2016 ; 14(69) doi 10.1186/s12958-016-0201-x Pubmed |Google Scholar
Siati A, Berrada T, Baidada A, Kharbach A. Abdominal pregnancy with a healthy newborn : a new case. Pan Afr Med J. 2019 ; 34 (35). doi :10.11604/pamj.2019.34.35.20169. Pubmed|Google Scholar
Faller E, Kauffmann E, Chevrière S, Heisert M, Ranjatoelina H, Boumahni B et Al. Grossesse abdominale menée à terme. Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction. 2006 ;35(7) : 732-735.
Shurie S, Ogot J, Poli P, Were E. Diagnosis of abdominal pregnancy still a challenge in low resource settings: a case report on advanced abdominal pregnancy at a tertiary facility in Western Kenya. Pan Afr Med J. 2018; 31(239). doi: 10.11604/pamj.2018.31.239.17766. Pubmed |Google Scholar