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Introduction. La manométrie haute résolution (MHR) est peu réalisée en Afrique subsaharienne. Elle a récemment été introduite au Cameroun. Cette étude est la première qui rapporte les résultats des MHR œsophagiennes dans notre milieu. Méthodes. Les MHR étaient réalisées pour dysphagie fonctionnelle entre le 01er mai 2022 et le 01er mai 2023 à l’hôpital général de Yaoundé (Cameroun). Résultats. Il s’agissait de onze patients dont trois hommes et huit femmes. L’âge moyen était de 49,3 ± 15,5 ans. Les résultats des MHR de deux patients étaient normaux. Les autres résultats étaient classés ainsi qu’il suit : achalasie de type 2 chez deux patients, achalasie de type 3 chez un patient, obstruction fonctionnelle de la jonction œsogastrique chez deux patients, spasmes œsophagiens chez un patient, syndrome de motricité inefficace chez un patient, absence de contractions œsophagiennes chez deux patients. Conclusion. En somme, au cours des dysphagies sans lésion organique, la MHR a permis de confirmer la présence d’un trouble moteur de l’œsophage et d’en préciser le type.
Introduction. High-resolution manometry (HRM) is not readily available in sub-Saharan Africa. It has recently been introduced in Cameroon. This is the first study reporting the results of esophageal HRM in Cameroon. Methods. Examinations done for functional dysphagia, from May 1st 2022 to May 1st 2023 at Yaounde General Hospital (Cameroon) were included. Results. There were 11 patients with 3 males and 8 females. The mean age was 49.3 ± 15.5 years. HRM results for two patients were normal. The others showed: type 2 achalasia in two patients, type 3 achalasia in one patient, esogastric junction outflow obstruction in two patients, diffuse esophageal spasm in one patient, ineffective motility in one patient, absent contractility in two patient. Conclusion. In conclusion, in case of dysphagia without any organic lesion, the HRM confirmed the functional disorder of the esophagus and precise the type.
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- World Gastroenterology Organisation. World Gastroenterology Organisation Global Guidelines - Dysphagia. 2014.
- Kessing FB, Weijenborg PW, Smout AJPM, Hellenius S, Bredenoord A. Water-perfused esophageal high-resolution manometry: normal values and validation. American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 2014; 306(6):G491-5.
- Kahrilas PJ, Bredenoord AJ, Fox M, Gyawali CP, Roman S, Smout AJPM, et al. Advances in the management of oesophageal motility disorders in the era of high-resolution manometry: a focus on achalasia syndromes. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017; 14(11):677‑88.
- Razafimahefa S, Razafitahinjanahary C, Rasoaherinomenjanahary F, Rabenjanahary T, Rakotovao M, Rakotondrainibe A, et al. L’achalasie œsophagienne dans un pays à faibles ressources. Médecine Afr Noire. 2012;59:517‑22.
- NDJITOYAP NDAM E.C., GUEMNE T.A., TZEUTON C., KAMDEM P., SOSSO A., NGUIMBOUS J.F., CARTERET P. Mégaœsophage idiopathique de l’adulte camerounais - A propos de 4 observations. Médecine d'Afrique Noire : 1990, 37 (9).
- Ouattara ZD, Zoungrana SL, Ouedraogo PA, Some MJM, Lengane NI, Mali K. Troubles Moteurs de l’Œsophage : Une Tolérance Pernicieuse. Health Sci. Dis: 2021, 22 (9). 112-5.
- Kahrilas PJ, Boeckxstaens G. The Spectrum of Achalasia: Lessons From Studies of Pathophysiology and High-Resolution Manometry. Gastroenterology. 2013; 145(5):10.
- Roman S, Huot L, Zerbib F, Bruley des Varannes S, Gourcerol G, Coffin B, et al. High-Resolution Manometry Improves the Diagnosis of Esophageal Motility Disorders in Patients With Dysphagia: A Randomized Multicenter Study. Am J Gastroenterol. 2016;111(3):372‑80.
- Carlson DA, Kahrilas PJ. How to Effectively Use High-Resolution Esophageal Manometry. Gastroenterology. 2016;151(5):789‑92.
- Nana Oumarou B, Bang GA, Guifo MR, Noah Noah D, Savom EP, Essomba A. Cardiomyotomie de Heller Laparoscopique : À Propos d’un Cas opéré au Centre Hospitalier d’Essos. Health Sciences And Disease. 2016, 17(3): 110-5.
- Barret M, Guillaumot MA, Leandri C, Leblanc S, Coriat R, Belle A, et al. Intraoperative high-resolution esophageal manometry during peroral endoscopic myotomy. Sci Rep.2020; 10(1):14198.
- Conklin JL. Evaluation of Esophageal Motor Function With High-resolution Manometry. J Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2013; 19(3):281‑94.
- The Chicago Classification of Esophageal Motility Disorders, v3.0. Neurogastroenterol Motil Off J Eur Gastrointest Motil Soc. 2015; 27(2):160‑74.
- Zerbib F, Hanslik B. Achalasie. Société savante médicale française d’hépato-gastroentérologie et d’oncologie digestive, 2017.
- Hilal, Iman, "Noncardiac Chest Pain: The Use Of High Resolution Manometry As A Diagnostic Tool" (2012). ElectronicThesesandDissertations, 2004-2019. 2288.
- Pandolfino JE, Kwiatek MA, Nealis T, Bulsiewicz W, Post J, Kahrilas PJ. Achalasia: a new clinically relevant classification by high-resolution manometry. Gastroenterology. 2008;135(5):1526‑3.
World Gastroenterology Organisation. World Gastroenterology Organisation Global Guidelines - Dysphagia. 2014.
Kessing FB, Weijenborg PW, Smout AJPM, Hellenius S, Bredenoord A. Water-perfused esophageal high-resolution manometry: normal values and validation. American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 2014; 306(6):G491-5.
Kahrilas PJ, Bredenoord AJ, Fox M, Gyawali CP, Roman S, Smout AJPM, et al. Advances in the management of oesophageal motility disorders in the era of high-resolution manometry: a focus on achalasia syndromes. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017; 14(11):677‑88.
Razafimahefa S, Razafitahinjanahary C, Rasoaherinomenjanahary F, Rabenjanahary T, Rakotovao M, Rakotondrainibe A, et al. L’achalasie œsophagienne dans un pays à faibles ressources. Médecine Afr Noire. 2012;59:517‑22.
NDJITOYAP NDAM E.C., GUEMNE T.A., TZEUTON C., KAMDEM P., SOSSO A., NGUIMBOUS J.F., CARTERET P. Mégaœsophage idiopathique de l’adulte camerounais - A propos de 4 observations. Médecine d'Afrique Noire : 1990, 37 (9).
Ouattara ZD, Zoungrana SL, Ouedraogo PA, Some MJM, Lengane NI, Mali K. Troubles Moteurs de l’Œsophage : Une Tolérance Pernicieuse. Health Sci. Dis: 2021, 22 (9). 112-5.
Kahrilas PJ, Boeckxstaens G. The Spectrum of Achalasia: Lessons From Studies of Pathophysiology and High-Resolution Manometry. Gastroenterology. 2013; 145(5):10.
Roman S, Huot L, Zerbib F, Bruley des Varannes S, Gourcerol G, Coffin B, et al. High-Resolution Manometry Improves the Diagnosis of Esophageal Motility Disorders in Patients With Dysphagia: A Randomized Multicenter Study. Am J Gastroenterol. 2016;111(3):372‑80.
Carlson DA, Kahrilas PJ. How to Effectively Use High-Resolution Esophageal Manometry. Gastroenterology. 2016;151(5):789‑92.
Nana Oumarou B, Bang GA, Guifo MR, Noah Noah D, Savom EP, Essomba A. Cardiomyotomie de Heller Laparoscopique : À Propos d’un Cas opéré au Centre Hospitalier d’Essos. Health Sciences And Disease. 2016, 17(3): 110-5.
Barret M, Guillaumot MA, Leandri C, Leblanc S, Coriat R, Belle A, et al. Intraoperative high-resolution esophageal manometry during peroral endoscopic myotomy. Sci Rep.2020; 10(1):14198.
Conklin JL. Evaluation of Esophageal Motor Function With High-resolution Manometry. J Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2013; 19(3):281‑94.
The Chicago Classification of Esophageal Motility Disorders, v3.0. Neurogastroenterol Motil Off J Eur Gastrointest Motil Soc. 2015; 27(2):160‑74.
Zerbib F, Hanslik B. Achalasie. Société savante médicale française d’hépato-gastroentérologie et d’oncologie digestive, 2017.
Hilal, Iman, "Noncardiac Chest Pain: The Use Of High Resolution Manometry As A Diagnostic Tool" (2012). ElectronicThesesandDissertations, 2004-2019. 2288.
Pandolfino JE, Kwiatek MA, Nealis T, Bulsiewicz W, Post J, Kahrilas PJ. Achalasia: a new clinically relevant classification by high-resolution manometry. Gastroenterology. 2008;135(5):1526‑3.