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Uterine myoma is a fairly common pathology in our setting. We report the case of a 37-year-old patient, who was complaining of abdominal distension and pelvic heaviness for 4 months. Her abdomen was distended by a pelvic mass corresponding to 14 weeks. Abdominal ultrasound showed a solid mass measuring 121 mm on the right side of the uterus. Hysterosonography revealed 4 uterine myomas. Laparotomy myomectomy were scheduled. We found a right broad ligament leiomyoma measuring approximately 12 x 9 x 8 cm in diameter. The mass was removed. It is important to always rely on the clinical findings, which are more conclusive.
Le myome utérin est une pathologie fréquente dans notre milieu. Nous rapportons le cas d’une patiente de 37 ans, venue pour distension abdominale et pesanteur pelvienne évoluant depuis 4 mois. Son abdomen était distendu par une masse pelvienne ferme et non sensible correspondant à 14 semaines. L'échographie abdominale a montré une masse solide mesurant 121 mm du côté droit de l'utérus. L'hystérosonographie a révélé 4 myomes utérins. Une laparotomie pour myomectomie a permis de trouver un léiomyome du ligament large droit mesurant environ 12x9x8 cm de diamètre. Il est important de toujours se fier à la clinique qui est plus parlante.
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- Neha G, Manisha L. A rare case of giant broad ligament fibroid with cervical fibroid mimicking ovarian tumour. Int J Recent Trends Sci Technol. 2014; 10:208–9.
- Bhatta N. Tumours of the corpus uteri Jeffcoats Principles of Gynaecology; 6th ed. London: Arnold Printers; 2001.p. 470.
- Parker WH. Uterine myomas: An overview of development, clinical features, and management. Obstet Gynecol. 2005; 105:216–7.
- Rajesh S, Adam M. Benign metastasizing leiomyoma: “A sheep in wolf's clothing” Community Oncol. 2013; 10:122–5.
- Rajanna DK, Pandey V, Janardhan S, Datti SN. Broad ligament fibroid mimicking as ovarian tumor on ultrasonography and computed tomography scan. J Clin Imaging Sci. 2013; 3:8.
- 6. Ahmed Samy El-Agwany. Huge Broad Ligament Fibroid with Paracervical Extension: A Safe Approach by Same Setting Myomectomy before Hysterectomy. J Med Ultrasound. 2018 Jan-Mar; 26(1): 45–47.
- Yıldız P, Cengiz H, Yıldız G, Sam AD, Yavuzcan A, Çelikbaş B, Sahin L (2012) Two unusual clinical presentations of broad-ligament leiomyomas: a report of two cases. Medicina (Kaunas) 48(3):163–165
- Rajanna DK, Pandey V, Janardhan S, Datti SN (2013) Broad ligament fibroid mimicking as ovarian tumor on ultrasonography and computed tomography scan. J Clin Imaging Sci 3:8
- Sinha R, Sundaram M, Hegde A, Mahajan C (2008) Pelvic schwannoma masquerading as broad ligament myoma. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 15(2):217–219
- Naz Masood S, Masood Y, Mathrani J. Diagnostic dilemma in broad ligament leiomyoma with cystic degeneration. Pak J Med Sci. 2014; 30:452–4.
- Sinha R, Sundaram M, Hegde A, Mahajan C (2008) Pelvic schwannoma masquerading as broad ligament myoma. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 15(2):217–219
- Fasih N, Prasad Shanbhogue AK, Macdonald DB, Fraser-Hill MA, Papadatos D, Kielar AZ, et al. Leiomyomas beyond the uterus: Unusual locations, rare manifestations. Radiographics. 2008; 28:1931–48.
- C.Gwanzura, Y Bikwa, N.C. Changata, C. Chikwenjere, A. Machakaire, M.G. Madziyire. A broad ligament leiomyoma mistaken for a cystic ovarian tumour: A case report. Central African Journal of Medicine, vol. 65 No. 4-6 (2019).
- Yıldız P, Cengiz H, Yıldız G, Sam AD, Yavuzcan A, Çelikbaş B, et al. Two unusual clinical presentations of broad-ligament leiomyomas: A report of two cases. Medicina (Kaunas) 2012; 48:163–5.
- N.R. King, T.T.M. Lee. Laparoscopic Myomectomy of Large Broad Ligament Fibroid. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, vol 29, Issue 11, Supplement, November 2022, pages S64-S65.
Neha G, Manisha L. A rare case of giant broad ligament fibroid with cervical fibroid mimicking ovarian tumour. Int J Recent Trends Sci Technol. 2014; 10:208–9.
Bhatta N. Tumours of the corpus uteri Jeffcoats Principles of Gynaecology; 6th ed. London: Arnold Printers; 2001.p. 470.
Parker WH. Uterine myomas: An overview of development, clinical features, and management. Obstet Gynecol. 2005; 105:216–7.
Rajesh S, Adam M. Benign metastasizing leiomyoma: “A sheep in wolf's clothing” Community Oncol. 2013; 10:122–5.
Rajanna DK, Pandey V, Janardhan S, Datti SN. Broad ligament fibroid mimicking as ovarian tumor on ultrasonography and computed tomography scan. J Clin Imaging Sci. 2013; 3:8.
6. Ahmed Samy El-Agwany. Huge Broad Ligament Fibroid with Paracervical Extension: A Safe Approach by Same Setting Myomectomy before Hysterectomy. J Med Ultrasound. 2018 Jan-Mar; 26(1): 45–47.
Yıldız P, Cengiz H, Yıldız G, Sam AD, Yavuzcan A, Çelikbaş B, Sahin L (2012) Two unusual clinical presentations of broad-ligament leiomyomas: a report of two cases. Medicina (Kaunas) 48(3):163–165
Rajanna DK, Pandey V, Janardhan S, Datti SN (2013) Broad ligament fibroid mimicking as ovarian tumor on ultrasonography and computed tomography scan. J Clin Imaging Sci 3:8
Sinha R, Sundaram M, Hegde A, Mahajan C (2008) Pelvic schwannoma masquerading as broad ligament myoma. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 15(2):217–219
Naz Masood S, Masood Y, Mathrani J. Diagnostic dilemma in broad ligament leiomyoma with cystic degeneration. Pak J Med Sci. 2014; 30:452–4.
Sinha R, Sundaram M, Hegde A, Mahajan C (2008) Pelvic schwannoma masquerading as broad ligament myoma. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 15(2):217–219
Fasih N, Prasad Shanbhogue AK, Macdonald DB, Fraser-Hill MA, Papadatos D, Kielar AZ, et al. Leiomyomas beyond the uterus: Unusual locations, rare manifestations. Radiographics. 2008; 28:1931–48.
C.Gwanzura, Y Bikwa, N.C. Changata, C. Chikwenjere, A. Machakaire, M.G. Madziyire. A broad ligament leiomyoma mistaken for a cystic ovarian tumour: A case report. Central African Journal of Medicine, vol. 65 No. 4-6 (2019).
Yıldız P, Cengiz H, Yıldız G, Sam AD, Yavuzcan A, Çelikbaş B, et al. Two unusual clinical presentations of broad-ligament leiomyomas: A report of two cases. Medicina (Kaunas) 2012; 48:163–5.
N.R. King, T.T.M. Lee. Laparoscopic Myomectomy of Large Broad Ligament Fibroid. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, vol 29, Issue 11, Supplement, November 2022, pages S64-S65.