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Introduction. Hysteroscopy is a surgical technique used to assess the uterine cavity. Methodology. We conducted a retrospective descriptive study from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2022 at the Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgery and Human Reproductive Teaching Hospital. The aim of this study was to analyse the indications and complications associated with hysteroscopy.  Results. The proportion of hysteroscopies was 21.17% of all gynaecological surgeries. The main indication for hysteroscopy was abnormal uterine bleeding (48.10%, 76 cases), followed by second-look hysteroscopy (18.98%, 30), synechiae (16.45%, 26), post-myomectomy hysteroscopy with endometrial invasion (13.29%, 21), endometrial non-response to stimulation (1.89%, 3) and uterine malformations (1.26%, 2). Complications included postoperative pelvic pain (5.06%), uterine perforation (3.79%), pelvic infection (0.63%) and haemorrhage due to cervical laceration (0.63%). Conclusion. Ongoing training and refresher courses for hysteroscopists are essential if hysteroscopies are to be performed safely and any complications effectively managed


Hysteroscopy, Frequency, Indication, Complications Hystéroscopie, Fréquence, Indication, Complications

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How to Cite
Metogo Ntsama Junie Annick, Mpono Emenguele Pascale, Ngono Akam Vanina, Nyada Serge, Nsahlai Christiane, Tarh Daniel, Dongmo Roosevelt, & Noa Ndoua Claude Cyrille. (2024). Hysteroscopy at CHRACERH: indications and complications: Pratique de l’Hystéroscopie au CHRACERH : Indications et Complications. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE, 25(4 Suppl). Suppl.5811

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