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Introduction. Le but de cette étude était d’évaluer les connaissances sur la tuberculose chez des patients atteints de tuberculose pulmonaire à bacilloscopie positive. Méthodologie. Enquête transversale menée du 1er Janvier au 30 Avril 2019 à l’Hôpital Jamot de Yaoundé (04 mois) auprès des patients atteints de tuberculose pulmonaire à microscopie positive à l’hôpital Jamot de Yaoundé. Les connaissances sur l’existence de la tuberculose, la contagiosité, la voie de contamination, la possibilité de guérison et leur perception sur la tuberculose ont été recueillies. Les résultats ont été analysés à l’aide du logiciel S.P.S.S. version 23.0. Résultats. Nous avons recruté 178 patients. Les hommes représentaient 51,7% de l’effectif. L’âge moyen était de 41,2 ans ±15,3. Près de 9/10ieme des participants étaient scolarisés. Les données sur les connaissances de la tuberculose révélaient que 86,5 % des participants en avaient entendu parler avant leur maladie. Les sources d’information les plus cités étaient, les amis (34,6%) et les anciens malades de tuberculose (20,9%). La tuberculose était causée par un microbe et contagieuse pour 81,8% des patients, et 46,6% savaient qu’elle était curable. L’origine mystique de la tuberculose a été évoquée par 12,3 % des patients et son existence même contestée par 2,6% d’entre eux. Enfin, 23,0 % ont notés un sentiment de rejet de leur entourage. Conclusion. Les hommes étaient plus représentés au sein de cette population d’adulte jeunes d’un âge moyen de 41,2 ans avec une grande majorité scolarisée. Seule la contagiosité et l’étiologie étaient bien connues de participants. De nombreuses idées erronées ont été notées.
Introduction. The aim of this study was to evaluate knowledge on Tuberculosis, among sputum smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Methodology. Cross-sectional study conducted from January 1st to 30th April 2019(04 months) at YaoundeJamot Hospital, among sputum smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients. We collected data on their knowledge and perception of tuberculosis disease, its virulence, routes of transmission and likelihood to recover. Results were analyzed using S.P.S.S. software version 23.0. Results. We recruited 178 patients(51.7% male, mean age 41.2 ±15.3years). Around 90% of participant were students. Data related to knowledge of tuberculosis show that 86.5 % of participant heard about it before getting the disease. The common sources of information cited were friends (34.6%) and former tuberculosis patients (20.9%). For 81.8% of patients, tuberculosis was contagious and caused by a microorganism; and46.6% said that it was curable. Mystical origin was attributed to tuberculosis by 12.3% of participants, while 2.6% denied its and 23.0% felt rejected by people around them. Conclusion. This population of young adults were predominantly male students of 41.2 years mean age. Only the etiology and the contagious nature of the disease were well known by the participants. We noted many misconceptions about the disease.
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- - Organisation mondiale de la santé [en ligne]. OMS;2016. Tuberculose. 2016 [cité le 22 novembre 2020]. Disponible:
- - Organisation mondiale de la santé [en ligne]. OMS 2018 Rapport sur la lutte contre la tuberculose dans le monde 2018. [cité le 22 novembre 2020]. Disponible:
- - Enarson DA, Rieder HL, Amadottir T, Trebucq A. Tuberculosis guide for low-income countries, 4th ed. Paris: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease;1996.
- - Storla DG, Yimer S, Bjune GA. A systematic review of delay in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. BMC Public Health. 2008;8:15. PMID:18194573
- - Wandwalo ER, Morkve O. Knowledge of disease and treatment among tuberculosis patients in Mwanza, Tanzania. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2000;4:1041-6.
- - Liam CK, Lim KH, Wong CMM, Tang BG. Attitudes and knowledge of newly diagnosed tuberculosis patients regarding the disease, and factors affecting treatment compliance. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 1999;3:300-9.
- - Mbo Mukonkole JP, Dimoke F, Mwengelelwa G, Kayembe T.C. Niveau de connaissance de la tuberculose par les patients tuberculeux nouvellement diagnostiqués à Kisangani, RDC, Kis Med. 2015;6(1):131-7.
- - Legesse M, Ameni G, Mamo G, Medhin G, Shawel D, Bjune G. Knowledge and perception of pulmonary tuberculosis in pastoral communities in the middle and Lower Awash Valley of Afar Region, Ethiopia. BMC Public Health. 2010;2(10):187.
- - Deribew A, Abebe G, Apers L, Jira C, Tesfaye M, Shifa J. Prejudice and misconceptions about tuberculosis and HIV in rural and urban communities Ethiopia: a challenge for the TB/HIV control program. BMC Public Health. 2010;6(10):400.
- - Abebe G, Deribew A, Apers L, Woldemichael K, Shiffa J, Tesfaye M. Knowledge, health seeking behaviour and perceived stigma towards tuberculosis among tuberculosis suspects in a rural community in South West Ethiopia. PloS One. 2010;11;5(10): e13339.
- - Aryal S, Badhu A, Pandey S, Bhandari A, Khatiwoda P, Khatiwada P. Stigma related to tuberculosis among patients attending DOTS clinics of Dharan municipality. Kathmandu Univ Med J. 2010;10:48-52.
- - Rajeswari R, Muniyandi M, Balasubramanian R, Narayanan PR. Perceptions of tuberculosis patients about their physical, mental and social well-being: a field report from south India. Soc Sci Med. 2005;60(8): 1845-53.
- - Long NH, Johansson E, Diwan VK, Winkvist A. Fear and social isolation as consequences of tuberculosis in Vietnam: a gender analysis. Health Policy. 2001;58(1):69-81.
- Organisation mondiale de la santé [en ligne]. OMS;2016. Tuberculose. 2016 [cité le 22 novembre 2020]. Disponible:
- Organisation mondiale de la santé [en ligne]. OMS 2018 Rapport sur la lutte contre la tuberculose dans le monde 2018. [cité le 22 novembre 2020]. Disponible:
- Enarson DA, Rieder HL, Amadottir T, Trebucq A. Tuberculosis guide for low-income countries, 4th ed. Paris: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease;1996.
- Storla DG, Yimer S, Bjune GA. A systematic review of delay in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. BMC Public Health. 2008;8:15. PMID:18194573
- Wandwalo ER, Morkve O. Knowledge of disease and treatment among tuberculosis patients in Mwanza, Tanzania. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2000;4:1041-6.
- Liam CK, Lim KH, Wong CMM, Tang BG. Attitudes and knowledge of newly diagnosed tuberculosis patients regarding the disease, and factors affecting treatment compliance. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 1999;3:300-9.
- Mbo Mukonkole JP, Dimoke F, Mwengelelwa G, Kayembe T.C. Niveau de connaissance de la tuberculose par les patients tuberculeux nouvellement diagnostiqués à Kisangani, RDC, Kis Med. 2015;6(1):131-7.
- Legesse M, Ameni G, Mamo G, Medhin G, Shawel D, Bjune G. Knowledge and perception of pulmonary tuberculosis in pastoral communities in the middle and Lower Awash Valley of Afar Region, Ethiopia. BMC Public Health. 2010;2(10):187.
- Deribew A, Abebe G, Apers L, Jira C, Tesfaye M, Shifa J. Prejudice and misconceptions about tuberculosis and HIV in rural and urban communities Ethiopia: a challenge for the TB/HIV control program. BMC Public Health. 2010;6(10):400.
- Abebe G, Deribew A, Apers L, Woldemichael K, Shiffa J, Tesfaye M. Knowledge, health seeking behaviour and perceived stigma towards tuberculosis among tuberculosis suspects in a rural community in South West Ethiopia. PloS One. 2010;11;5(10): e13339.
- Aryal S, Badhu A, Pandey S, Bhandari A, Khatiwoda P, Khatiwada P. Stigma related to tuberculosis among patients attending DOTS clinics of Dharan municipality. Kathmandu Univ Med J. 2010;10:48-52.
- Rajeswari R, Muniyandi M, Balasubramanian R, Narayanan PR. Perceptions of tuberculosis patients about their physical, mental and social well-being: a field report from south India. Soc Sci Med. 2005;60(8): 1845-53.
- Long NH, Johansson E, Diwan VK, Winkvist A. Fear and social isolation as consequences of tuberculosis in Vietnam: a gender analysis. Health Policy. 2001;58(1):69-81.