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Introduction. L’amputation de membre pourrait conduire à divers troubles psychiatriques. Au Cameroun, peu de données existent sur l’épidémiologie des pathologies psychiatriques faisant suites aux amputations de membre. Notre objectif était de déterminer la fréquence des différents troubles psychiatriques liés aux amputations de membres à l’hôpital Central de Yaoundé (HCY). Matériels et méthode. Il s’agissait d’une étude descriptive concernant les patients amputés de membres entre 2016 et 2021 aux services de chirurgie de l’HCY. Après obtention de leur consentement éclairé, nous les avons soumis aux questionnaires d’évaluations de la dépression mentale (PHQ9), de l’anxiété généralisée (GAD7), de l’état de stress post traumatique (PCL5) et à un questionnaire d’évaluation du membre fantôme. Résultats. Les dossiers de 61 patients ont été colligés. Les adultes jeunes, de sexe masculin, chauffeurs de mototaxi représentaient la population la plus atteinte. Les traumatismes par accident de la voie publique ou de travail suivis des complications du diabète étaient les causes les plus fréquentes. 83,6% des patients amputés de membres de l’HCY souffrent d’affections psychiatriques plus spécifiquement, 70,5% des patients souffrent de membres fantômes, 39,3% présentent une dépression mentale, 29,5% souffrent d’anxiété généralisée et 21,3% de stress post traumatique. Seulement 9,8% des patients avaient bénéficiés d’une consultation psychiatrique. Conclusion. L’amputation d’un membre constitue un handicap qui génère de sévères troubles psychiatriques. Une implication des médecins psychiatres pourrait participer à l’amélioration de la qualité de vie de ces patients.
Introduction. Amputation is a surgical act consisting in the partial or total ablation of a limb. Amputation of a limb alter considerably the corporal image and is followed by severe functional deficit witch in some cases can lead to psychiatric disorders. In Cameroon there are not many studies in epidemiology of psychiatric correlate to amputation. The aim of this study were to determine the frequency of psychiatric disorders following limb amputation in HCY. Material and Method. It was about a descriptive study concerning all patients having undergone a limb amputation from January 2016 to June 2021 in the department of orthopedic surgery and emergency surgery theater of HCY. After obtaining theirs consent, we look for mental depression, generalized anxiety, post-traumatic stress syndrome and phantom limb using respectively using the PHQ 9, GAD 7, PCL5 and a phantom limb questionnaire. Results. Among the 838 files we consulted, we found 132 cases of amputations. Young adult moto-taxi drivers represented the population most affected by amputations. Major injuries by road traffic accident were the first etiology followed by foot complication of diabetes mellitus. 83,6% of amputated patients of HCY presented psychiatric disorder, specifically: 70,5% had phantom limb sensation, 39,3% had mental depression, 41,8% were suffering of generalized anxiety and 30,3% patients had post-traumatic stress syndrome. These psychiatric disorders were significantly associated with lower limb amputation, the loss of employment. Only 9,8% patients were followed by a psychiatrist. Conclusion. In conclusion, the limb amputation constitute lively handicap leading to functional and professional inability but also generate severe psychiatric disorders. A better implication of psychiatrist and a better accessibility to prosthesis could improve amputated patients quality of life.
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- Obomè SR, Hodonou AM, Dadjo AY, et al. Amputations de membres dans un hôpital de zone du Nord-Bénin: à propos de 122 cas. Med Afr Noire 2015; 62:165-72
- Illingham TR, Pezzin LE, Mc Kenzie EJ. Limb amputation and limb deficiency: epidemiology and recent trends in the United States. South Med J 2002;95:875-83.
- EITE, J., COSTA, L.O., FONSECA, W. M. ET AL. 2018. « General outcomes and risk factors for minor and major amputations in Brazil », Vascular, 26, 3 : 291-300.
- N book : In Fernandez L., Gaucher J., Psychologie clinique de la santé : 12 études de cas. Chapter: Amputation du membre inférieur et image du corps chez une personne âgée hospitalisée. M. B., 61 ans. Publisher: Paris : In Press, Concept psy. September 2012
- Olb LC. Disturbances in Body Image: In Arielis. Reiser MF, eds: American Handbook of Psychiatry, New York, Basic Books 1975; 4:810-37.
- Ewell R. Body image disturbance; Cognitive behavioral formation and intervention. Journal of Adv. Nur 1991; 16:1400-5.
- Pitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JB; Patient Health Questionnaire Primary Care Study Group. Validation and utility of a self-report version of PRIME-MD: the PHQ primary care study. JAMA. 1999;282:1737-1744
- Pitzer RL KK, Williams JB, Löwe B. A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: the GAD-7. Arch Intern Med 2006; (166):1092-7.
- Veen J, Bondjers K, Willebrand M. Psychometric properties of the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5: a pilot study. Eur J Psychotraumatology
- OUASSI Kouamé J-E, AKOBÉ Achié JR, KOUASSI AA Natacha, et al. Données épidémiologiques des amputations de membres chez l’adulte à Bouaké. Rev int sc méd -RISM- 2023;25,2:188-194.
- Isoh TC, Farikou I, Ngo Nonga B, Guifo ML, Mbah SN et al. Epidemiology of Extremity Amputations In Yaounde-Cameroon. Health Sci. Dec 2008 Dis:Vol 11(4)
- Halya PL, Mabula JB, Dass RM, et al. Major limb amputations: a tertiary hospital experience in northwestern Tanzania. J Orthopaedic Surg Research 2012; 7:18-23.
- Ié Essoh JB, Kodo M, Djè Bi Djè VL, et al. Limb amputations in adults in an Ivorian Teaching Hospital. Niger J Clin Pract 2009; 12:245-7.
- Gu TC, Ojiaku ME. The indications for major limb amputations: 8 years retrospective study in a private orthopaedic and trauma centre in the southeast Nigeria. J Clin Orthop Trauma 2016; 7:242-7
- Idjani IF, Chigblo P, Madougou S, et al. Profil épidémiologique et clinique des amputations de membres de l’adulte à Cotonou. Revue de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique 2017 ; 103:682-7.
- Choua O, Touré A, Mbainguinam D, Mahamat AAC, Ahmat MO et al ; Les amputations majeures des membres à l’Hôpital Général de Référence Nationale de N’djamena, Tchad. European Scientific Journal April 2016 édition vol.12, No.12 ISSN: 1857 – 7881.
- Ouna BS, Mamoudou A, Guigma AY, Ouhou NH. Les causes des amputations de membres : étude rétrospective et prospective de 87 cas d’amputations de membres. Mali med 2009;24:12-6.
- Su E, Cohen SP. Postamputation pain: epidemiology, mechanisms, and treatment. Journal of Pain Research 2013:6 121- 136.
- Elzack R. Phantom limbs and concepts of neuromatrix neuroscience. 1990,13: 88; 292-300
- Herman RA, Sherman CJ, Gall NF. A survey of current phantom limb pain treatment in the United States. Pain 1980; 8:85 99.
- Ezzin LE, Dillingham TE, Mackenzie EJ. Rehabilitation and long term outcomes of persons with trauma related amputations. Phys. Med Rehabil. 2000 :81 ; 292-300.
- Kenchnie PS, Jonhn A. Anxiety and depression following traumatic lower limb amputation: Systematic review. Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 45 (2014) 1859–1866.
- Iber GE, McFarland LV, Hubbard S, Maynard C, Blough DK, Gambel JM, et al. Servicemembers and veterans with major traumatic limb loss from Vietnam war and OIF/OEF conflicts: survey methods, participants, and summary findings.
- Smond DM. Coping, affective distress, and psychosocial adjustment among
- Ople with traumatic upper limb amputations.
- Nsoor I, Margoob M, Masoodi N. Prevalence of psychiatric co morbidities in traumatic amputees-a cross sectional study from Kashmir (Indian part).
- Ropean Psychiatry 2010; 25
- Puroglu C, Ozcan M, Yilmaz B, Gorgulu Y, Yakniz EAE.Acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder following traumatic amputation. Acta Orthop. Belg., 2010, 76, 90-93.
Obomè SR, Hodonou AM, Dadjo AY, et al. Amputations de membres dans un hôpital de zone du Nord-Bénin: à propos de 122 cas. Med Afr Noire 2015; 62:165-72
Illingham TR, Pezzin LE, Mc Kenzie EJ. Limb amputation and limb deficiency: epidemiology and recent trends in the United States. South Med J 2002;95:875-83.
EITE, J., COSTA, L.O., FONSECA, W. M. ET AL. 2018. « General outcomes and risk factors for minor and major amputations in Brazil », Vascular, 26, 3 : 291-300.
N book : In Fernandez L., Gaucher J., Psychologie clinique de la santé : 12 études de cas. Chapter: Amputation du membre inférieur et image du corps chez une personne âgée hospitalisée. M. B., 61 ans. Publisher: Paris : In Press, Concept psy. September 2012
Olb LC. Disturbances in Body Image: In Arielis. Reiser MF, eds: American Handbook of Psychiatry, New York, Basic Books 1975; 4:810-37.
Ewell R. Body image disturbance; Cognitive behavioral formation and intervention. Journal of Adv. Nur 1991; 16:1400-5.
Pitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JB; Patient Health Questionnaire Primary Care Study Group. Validation and utility of a self-report version of PRIME-MD: the PHQ primary care study. JAMA. 1999;282:1737-1744
Pitzer RL KK, Williams JB, Löwe B. A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: the GAD-7. Arch Intern Med 2006; (166):1092-7.
Veen J, Bondjers K, Willebrand M. Psychometric properties of the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5: a pilot study. Eur J Psychotraumatology
OUASSI Kouamé J-E, AKOBÉ Achié JR, KOUASSI AA Natacha, et al. Données épidémiologiques des amputations de membres chez l’adulte à Bouaké. Rev int sc méd -RISM- 2023;25,2:188-194.
Isoh TC, Farikou I, Ngo Nonga B, Guifo ML, Mbah SN et al. Epidemiology of Extremity Amputations In Yaounde-Cameroon. Health Sci. Dec 2008 Dis:Vol 11(4)
Halya PL, Mabula JB, Dass RM, et al. Major limb amputations: a tertiary hospital experience in northwestern Tanzania. J Orthopaedic Surg Research 2012; 7:18-23.
Ié Essoh JB, Kodo M, Djè Bi Djè VL, et al. Limb amputations in adults in an Ivorian Teaching Hospital. Niger J Clin Pract 2009; 12:245-7.
Gu TC, Ojiaku ME. The indications for major limb amputations: 8 years retrospective study in a private orthopaedic and trauma centre in the southeast Nigeria. J Clin Orthop Trauma 2016; 7:242-7
Idjani IF, Chigblo P, Madougou S, et al. Profil épidémiologique et clinique des amputations de membres de l’adulte à Cotonou. Revue de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique 2017 ; 103:682-7.
Choua O, Touré A, Mbainguinam D, Mahamat AAC, Ahmat MO et al ; Les amputations majeures des membres à l’Hôpital Général de Référence Nationale de N’djamena, Tchad. European Scientific Journal April 2016 édition vol.12, No.12 ISSN: 1857 – 7881.
Ouna BS, Mamoudou A, Guigma AY, Ouhou NH. Les causes des amputations de membres : étude rétrospective et prospective de 87 cas d’amputations de membres. Mali med 2009;24:12-6.
Su E, Cohen SP. Postamputation pain: epidemiology, mechanisms, and treatment. Journal of Pain Research 2013:6 121- 136.
Elzack R. Phantom limbs and concepts of neuromatrix neuroscience. 1990,13: 88; 292-300
Herman RA, Sherman CJ, Gall NF. A survey of current phantom limb pain treatment in the United States. Pain 1980; 8:85 99.
Ezzin LE, Dillingham TE, Mackenzie EJ. Rehabilitation and long term outcomes of persons with trauma related amputations. Phys. Med Rehabil. 2000 :81 ; 292-300.
Kenchnie PS, Jonhn A. Anxiety and depression following traumatic lower limb amputation: Systematic review. Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 45 (2014) 1859–1866.
Iber GE, McFarland LV, Hubbard S, Maynard C, Blough DK, Gambel JM, et al. Servicemembers and veterans with major traumatic limb loss from Vietnam war and OIF/OEF conflicts: survey methods, participants, and summary findings.
Smond DM. Coping, affective distress, and psychosocial adjustment among
Ople with traumatic upper limb amputations.
Nsoor I, Margoob M, Masoodi N. Prevalence of psychiatric co morbidities in traumatic amputees-a cross sectional study from Kashmir (Indian part).
Ropean Psychiatry 2010; 25
Puroglu C, Ozcan M, Yilmaz B, Gorgulu Y, Yakniz EAE.Acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder following traumatic amputation. Acta Orthop. Belg., 2010, 76, 90-93.