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Nous reportons un cas de tuberculose orbitaire chez un enfant de 30 mois sans notion de contage tuberculeux. Le diagnostic clinique n’était pas évocateur. C’est l’analyse histopathologique qui a posé le diagnostic à travers la découverte d’une nécrose caséeuse avec tissus fibro-nécrotiques et présence des cellules géantes. La prise en charge pluridisciplinaire associant la chirurgie à la chimiothérapie a été suivie d’une bonne réponse avec un recul de 9 mois.
We report the case of a 30 months old child who presented with an orbital mass without any positive history of tuberculosis. Clinical examination was not conclusive. Histopathological exam confirmed the diagnosis, showing caseous necrosis and fibrotic tissue associated with giant cells. Treatment was multidisciplinary, associating surgery and chemotherapy. The clinical evolution showed a good response 9 months after.
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- - D. Bouvry. Tuberculose. Rev Mal Respirat Actu 2012; 4: 34-37.
- - Ministère de la Santé Publique du Niger, PNLT. Plan stratégique national de laboratoire de tuberculose. 2019-2021; 11-15.
- - Khrifi Z, Abdellaoui M, Alaoui A, Benatiya I A, Tahri H. Tuberculose orbitaire : à propos d'un cas Pan Afr Med J 2014;17:64-.3872.
- - Mahender K Narula, Vikas Chaudhary, Dhiraj Baruah, Manoj Kathuria, Rama Anand. Pictorial essay: Orbital tuberculosis. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2010 ; 2(20) : 1, 6-10.
- - Moutaouakil A, Kari B, Zadnass A. La tuberculose orbitaire à propos d'un cas. Maghreb Med 2002; 361: 93-94.
- - Ministère de la Santé Publique du Niger, PNLT. Plan stratégique national de laboratoire de tuberculose. 2019-2021; 11-15.
- - Dalvin L A, Smith W M. Orbital and external ocular manifestations of Mycobacterium tuberculosis : A review of the literature. J Clin Tuberculosis Mycobact Dis 2016; 4 : 50–57.
- - Kalila Steen K, Jeffrey Fialkov J. A Misdiagnosed Case of Orbital Tuberculosis With Intracranial Extension: Case Report. Plastic Surg Case Stud 2017 ; 3(4): 1 - 4.
- - Banait S, Jain J, Parihar PH, Karwassara V. Orbital tuberculosis manifesting as proptosis in an immunocompromised host. Indian J Sex Transm Dis 2012 Jul-Dec; 33(2): 128-130.
- - Simon N. Madge, Venkatesh C. Prabhakaran, Debraj Shome, Usha Kim, Santosh Honavar & Dinesh Selva Orbital Tuberculosis: A Review of the Literature. Orbit 2008; 27:267–277.
- - Schneider E, Moore M, Castro KG. Epidemiology of tuberculosis in the United States. Clin Chest Med 2005; 26(2):183–195.
- - Rieder HL, Snider DE Jr, Cauthen GM. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the United States. Am Rev Respir Dis 1990; 141(2):347–351.
- - Amadou MLH, Abdoulaye O, Amadou O, et al. Profil épidémiologique, clinique et évolutif des patients tuberculeux au Centre Hospitalier Régional (CHR) de Maradi, République du Niger. Pan Afr Med J 2019;33:120, 1- 6.
- - Kumudini S, Vikas K, Anu J, Sukhdeep B, Suvarna S. Tuberculous orbital abscess associated with thyroid tuberculosis. J Ophthalmic Vis Res 2011 July; 6(3): 204-207.
- - Tuli N. Orbital tuberculosis in childhood with intracranial extension: a case report. Cases J 2010 ; 3 : 38, 1- 4.
- D. Bouvry. Tuberculose. Rev Mal Respirat Actu 2012; 4: 34-37.
- Ministère de la Santé Publique du Niger, PNLT. Plan stratégique national de laboratoire de tuberculose. 2019-2021; 11-15.
- Khrifi Z, Abdellaoui M, Alaoui A, Benatiya I A, Tahri H. Tuberculose orbitaire : à propos d'un cas Pan Afr Med J 2014;17:64-.3872.
- Mahender K Narula, Vikas Chaudhary, Dhiraj Baruah, Manoj Kathuria, Rama Anand. Pictorial essay: Orbital tuberculosis. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2010 ; 2(20) : 1, 6-10.
- Moutaouakil A, Kari B, Zadnass A. La tuberculose orbitaire à propos d'un cas. Maghreb Med 2002; 361: 93-94.
- Ministère de la Santé Publique du Niger, PNLT. Plan stratégique national de laboratoire de tuberculose. 2019-2021; 11-15.
- Dalvin L A, Smith W M. Orbital and external ocular manifestations of Mycobacterium tuberculosis : A review of the literature. J Clin Tuberculosis Mycobact Dis 2016; 4 : 50–57.
- Kalila Steen K, Jeffrey Fialkov J. A Misdiagnosed Case of Orbital Tuberculosis With Intracranial Extension: Case Report. Plastic Surg Case Stud 2017 ; 3(4): 1 - 4.
- Banait S, Jain J, Parihar PH, Karwassara V. Orbital tuberculosis manifesting as proptosis in an immunocompromised host. Indian J Sex Transm Dis 2012 Jul-Dec; 33(2): 128-130.
- Simon N. Madge, Venkatesh C. Prabhakaran, Debraj Shome, Usha Kim, Santosh Honavar & Dinesh Selva Orbital Tuberculosis: A Review of the Literature. Orbit 2008; 27:267–277.
- Schneider E, Moore M, Castro KG. Epidemiology of tuberculosis in the United States. Clin Chest Med 2005; 26(2):183–195.
- Rieder HL, Snider DE Jr, Cauthen GM. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the United States. Am Rev Respir Dis 1990; 141(2):347–351.
- Amadou MLH, Abdoulaye O, Amadou O, et al. Profil épidémiologique, clinique et évolutif des patients tuberculeux au Centre Hospitalier Régional (CHR) de Maradi, République du Niger. Pan Afr Med J 2019;33:120, 1- 6.
- Kumudini S, Vikas K, Anu J, Sukhdeep B, Suvarna S. Tuberculous orbital abscess associated with thyroid tuberculosis. J Ophthalmic Vis Res 2011 July; 6(3): 204-207.
- Tuli N. Orbital tuberculosis in childhood with intracranial extension: a case report. Cases J 2010 ; 3 : 38, 1- 4.