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Introduction. Au Cameroun, la prévalence de candidose buccale chez les enfants est de 11%. L’objectif de notre étude est de déterminer le profil épidémiologique de la candidose buccale chez les nouveau-nés et les nourrissons à Yaoundé afin d’en prévenir les complications. Méthodologie. Il s’agissait d’une étude descriptive et analytique avec une collecte prospective des données. L’étude s’est déroulée dans le service de pédiatrie de l’Hôpital Gynéco-obstétrique et Pédiatrique de Yaoundé (HGOPY) sur une période de sept mois, allant du 1er novembre 2023 au 31 mai 2024. Elle concernait tous les enfants âgés de 0 à 24 mois vus en consultation ambulatoire. Résultats. Durant cette période, 356 enfants ont été examinés parmi lesquels 50 d’entre eux présentaient un muguet soit une incidence de 14%. Parmi ces derniers, 26 cas (52%) étaient de sexe féminin et 35 (70%) avaient moins de six mois. La principale forme clinique était la candidose buccale pseudomembraneuse. Les facteurs associés à celle-ci étaient : la prise antérieure d’antibiotiques à larges spectre [ORa 4,01 (10,69 ; 16,84) ; P=0,00] et l’absence du nettoyage des mamelons/aréoles avant l’allaitement [ORa 9,4 (0,37 ;4,42) ; P=0,04] alors que le lavage systématique des mains avant l’allaitement des nouveau-nés et/ou nourrissons préservait de la contamination [ORa 12,9 (7,41 ; 9,67) ; P=0,0001]. Conclusion. La candidose buccale était fréquente chez les enfants de moins de six mois avec une prédominance féminine, concernant un nourrisson sur sept avec comme principale forme la candidose pseudomembraneuse. Ses principaux facteurs déterminants sont évitables par des mesures d’hygiène avant l’alimentation du nourrisson.
Introduction. In Cameroon, the prevalence of oral candidiasis in children is 11%. The aim of our study was to determine the epidemiological profile of oral candidiasis in newborns and infants in Yaoundé in order to prevent complications. Methodology. This was a descriptive and analytical study with prospective data collection. The study took place in the paediatric ward of the Yaoundé Gynaecological-Obstetric and Paediatric Hospital (HGOPY) over a period of seven months, from 1 November 2023 to 31 May 2024. All children aged 0 to 24 months seen as outpatients were included. Results. During this period, 356 children were examined, 50 of whom had thrush, an incidence of 14%. Of these, 26 (52%) were female and 35 (70%) were less than six months old. The main clinical form was pseudomembranous oral candidiasis. The factors associated with pseudomembranous candidiasis were: previous use of broad-spectrum antibiotics [ORa 4.01 (10.69; 16.84); P=0.00] and failure to clean the nipples/areolas before breastfeeding [ORa 9.4 (0.37; 4.42); P=0.04], whereas systematic hand washing of newborns and/or infants before breastfeeding prevented contamination [ORa 12.9 (7.41; 9.67); P=0.0001]. Conclusion. Oral candidiasis was common in children under six months of age, with a female predominance, affecting one in seven infants, the main form being pseudomembranous candidiasis. Its main determining factors can be prevented by hygiene measures prior to infant feeding.
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- Vila T, Sultan AS, Montelongo-Jauregui D, Jabra-Rizk MA. Oral Candidiasis: A Disease of Opportunity. J Fungi (Basel). 2020 Jan 16;6(1):15. doi: 10.3390/jof6010015. PMID: 31963180; PMCID: PMC7151112.
- Karajacob AS, Azizan NB, Al-Maleki ARM, Goh JPE, Loke MF, et al. Candida species and oral mycobiota of patients clinically diagnosed with oral thrush. PLoS One. 2023 Apr 17;18(4):e0284043. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0284043. PMID: 37068057; PMCID: PMC10109505.
- Vainionpää A, Tuomi J, Kantola S, Anttonen V. Neonatal thrush of newborns: Oral candidiasis? Clin Exp Dent Res. 2019 Jul 21;5(5):580-582. doi: 10.1002/cre2.213. PMID: 31687193; PMCID: PMC6820580.
- Yilmaz AE, Gorpelioglu C, Sarifakioglu E, Dogan DG, Bilici M, Celik N. Prevalence of oral mucosal lesions from birth to two years. Niger J Clin Pract. 2011 Jul-Sep;14(3):349-53. doi: 10.4103/1119-3077.86782. PMID: 22037083.
- McMullan BJ, Blyth CC, Jones CA, Thursky KA, Cooper C, Spotswood N, et al. Antifungal prescribing in neonates: Using national point prevalence survey data from Australia. Med Mycol. 2021 Oct 4;59(10):1048-1051. doi: 10.1093/mmy/myab037. PMID: 34169961.
- Okolo OM, Ayanbimpe MG, Toma OB, Envulado AE, Olubukunnola I, Izang A et al. Neonatal Oral Colonization with Candida in Jos, North-Central Nigeria. J Biomed Res Clin Pract 2020; 3: 430–4.
- Shuping L, Mpembe R, Mhlanga M, Naicker SD, Maphanga TG, Tsotetsi E, et al. Epidemiology of Culture-confirmed Candidemia Among Hospitalized Children in South Africa, 2012-2017. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2021 Aug 1;40(8):730-737. doi: 10.1097/INF.0000000000003151. PMID: 33872278.
- Sakaguchi H. Treatment and Prevention of Oral Candidiasis in Elderly Patients. Med Mycol J. 2017;58(2):J43-J49. Japanese. doi: 10.3314/mmj.17.004. PMID: 28566666.
- Ngaba-Mambo ON, Ebogo M, Etoundi T, Bengondo C and Ze Minkande J. Candidose Buccale chez les Personnes Vivant avec le VIH à l’Hôpital Central de Yaoundé : Prévalence et Formes Cliniques. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE, 2021 22(12).
- Institut National de la Statistique (INS), and ICF. 2019. Cameroon Demographic and Health Survey 2018. Yaoundé, Cameroon and Rockvile, Maryland, USA; 2020. 739 p.
- Stecksén-Blicks C, Granström E, Silfverdal SA, West CE. Prevalence of oral Candida in the first year of life. Mycoses. 2015 Sep;58(9):550-6. doi: 10.1111/myc.12355. Epub 2015 Jul 27. PMID: 26214300.
- Khalaf RH, and Sarhat AR. Oral thrush among Infants admitted at Tikrit Teaching Hospital. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 2019, 13(2):348. DOI:10.5958/0973-9130.2019.00143.9
- Jammil NN, Yehia MM. Oral yeasts infection in children. Iraqi J Pharm 2019; 14 (1): 7–15. doi: 10.33899/iphr.2019.161188.
- Mussa W, Modest B, Hokororo A, Mashuda F, Silago V, Mshana S et al. Candida Colonization among Neonates with Low Birth Weight: There Is Much More to Explore. Open Journal of Pediatrics, 2020,10, 626-34. doi: 10.4236/ojped.2020.104064.
- Rasti S, Asadi MA, Taghriri A, Behrashi M, Mousavie G. Vaginal candidiasis complications on pregnant women. Jundishapur J Microbiol. 2014;7(2):e10078. doi: 10.5812/jjm.10078. Epub 2014 Feb 1. PMID: 25147665; PMCID: PMC4138689.
- Yadav K, Prakash S. Prevalence of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis in Pregnancy. Glob J Med f Sci 2016; 4 (1): 108–116.
- Azevedo MJ, Pereira ML, Araujo R, Ramalho C, Zaura E, Sampaio-Maia B. Influence of delivery and feeding mode in oral fungi colonization - a systematic review. Microb Cell. 2020;7(2):36-45. doi: 10.15698/mic2020.02.706. PMID: 32025512; PMCID: PMC6993125.
- Mensana MP, Ernawati DS, Nugraha A P, Soebadi B, Triyono EA, Husada D, et al. (2018). Oral candidiasis profile of the Indonesian HIV-infected pediatric patients at UPIPI Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia. HIV and AIDS Review, 2018 : 17(4), 272-77.
- Tumwine D. Prevalence and factors associated with oral candidiasis in severely malnourished children admitted to Mwanamugimu Nutritional Unit, Mulago Hospital, (2018, accessed 30 May 2024).
- Tinoco-Araujo JE, Araújo DF, Barbosa PG, Santos PS, Medeiros AM. Invasive candidiasis and oral manifestations in premature newborns. Einstein (Sao Paulo). 2013;11(1):71-5. doi: 10.1590/s1679-45082013000100013. PMID: 23579747; PMCID: PMC4872971.
- Aghighi Hatamipour, S., Kheirollahi, K., Ghafur Zadeh, M. Relationship Between Candida Albicans Fungal Colonies From the Infant’s Mouth and Mother’s Nipple. Jundishapur Scientific Medical Journal, 2022; 21(3): 352-361. doi: 10.32598/JSMJ.21.3.2527
- Babeluk R, Jutz S, Mertlitz S, Matiasek J, Klaus C. Hand hygiene--evaluation of three disinfectant hand sanitizers in a community setting. PLoS One. 2014;9(11):e111969. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111969. PMID: 25379773; PMCID: PMC4224390.
Vila T, Sultan AS, Montelongo-Jauregui D, Jabra-Rizk MA. Oral Candidiasis: A Disease of Opportunity. J Fungi (Basel). 2020 Jan 16;6(1):15. doi: 10.3390/jof6010015. PMID: 31963180; PMCID: PMC7151112.
Karajacob AS, Azizan NB, Al-Maleki ARM, Goh JPE, Loke MF, et al. Candida species and oral mycobiota of patients clinically diagnosed with oral thrush. PLoS One. 2023 Apr 17;18(4):e0284043. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0284043. PMID: 37068057; PMCID: PMC10109505.
Vainionpää A, Tuomi J, Kantola S, Anttonen V. Neonatal thrush of newborns: Oral candidiasis? Clin Exp Dent Res. 2019 Jul 21;5(5):580-582. doi: 10.1002/cre2.213. PMID: 31687193; PMCID: PMC6820580.
Yilmaz AE, Gorpelioglu C, Sarifakioglu E, Dogan DG, Bilici M, Celik N. Prevalence of oral mucosal lesions from birth to two years. Niger J Clin Pract. 2011 Jul-Sep;14(3):349-53. doi: 10.4103/1119-3077.86782. PMID: 22037083.
McMullan BJ, Blyth CC, Jones CA, Thursky KA, Cooper C, Spotswood N, et al. Antifungal prescribing in neonates: Using national point prevalence survey data from Australia. Med Mycol. 2021 Oct 4;59(10):1048-1051. doi: 10.1093/mmy/myab037. PMID: 34169961.
Okolo OM, Ayanbimpe MG, Toma OB, Envulado AE, Olubukunnola I, Izang A et al. Neonatal Oral Colonization with Candida in Jos, North-Central Nigeria. J Biomed Res Clin Pract 2020; 3: 430–4.
Shuping L, Mpembe R, Mhlanga M, Naicker SD, Maphanga TG, Tsotetsi E, et al. Epidemiology of Culture-confirmed Candidemia Among Hospitalized Children in South Africa, 2012-2017. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2021 Aug 1;40(8):730-737. doi: 10.1097/INF.0000000000003151. PMID: 33872278.
Sakaguchi H. Treatment and Prevention of Oral Candidiasis in Elderly Patients. Med Mycol J. 2017;58(2):J43-J49. Japanese. doi: 10.3314/mmj.17.004. PMID: 28566666.
Ngaba-Mambo ON, Ebogo M, Etoundi T, Bengondo C and Ze Minkande J. Candidose Buccale chez les Personnes Vivant avec le VIH à l’Hôpital Central de Yaoundé : Prévalence et Formes Cliniques. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE, 2021 22(12).
Institut National de la Statistique (INS), and ICF. 2019. Cameroon Demographic and Health Survey 2018. Yaoundé, Cameroon and Rockvile, Maryland, USA; 2020. 739 p.
Stecksén-Blicks C, Granström E, Silfverdal SA, West CE. Prevalence of oral Candida in the first year of life. Mycoses. 2015 Sep;58(9):550-6. doi: 10.1111/myc.12355. Epub 2015 Jul 27. PMID: 26214300.
Khalaf RH, and Sarhat AR. Oral thrush among Infants admitted at Tikrit Teaching Hospital. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 2019, 13(2):348. DOI:10.5958/0973-9130.2019.00143.9
Jammil NN, Yehia MM. Oral yeasts infection in children. Iraqi J Pharm 2019; 14 (1): 7–15. doi: 10.33899/iphr.2019.161188.
Mussa W, Modest B, Hokororo A, Mashuda F, Silago V, Mshana S et al. Candida Colonization among Neonates with Low Birth Weight: There Is Much More to Explore. Open Journal of Pediatrics, 2020,10, 626-34. doi: 10.4236/ojped.2020.104064.
Rasti S, Asadi MA, Taghriri A, Behrashi M, Mousavie G. Vaginal candidiasis complications on pregnant women. Jundishapur J Microbiol. 2014;7(2):e10078. doi: 10.5812/jjm.10078. Epub 2014 Feb 1. PMID: 25147665; PMCID: PMC4138689.
Yadav K, Prakash S. Prevalence of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis in Pregnancy. Glob J Med f Sci 2016; 4 (1): 108–116.
Azevedo MJ, Pereira ML, Araujo R, Ramalho C, Zaura E, Sampaio-Maia B. Influence of delivery and feeding mode in oral fungi colonization - a systematic review. Microb Cell. 2020;7(2):36-45. doi: 10.15698/mic2020.02.706. PMID: 32025512; PMCID: PMC6993125.
Mensana MP, Ernawati DS, Nugraha A P, Soebadi B, Triyono EA, Husada D, et al. (2018). Oral candidiasis profile of the Indonesian HIV-infected pediatric patients at UPIPI Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia. HIV and AIDS Review, 2018 : 17(4), 272-77.
Tumwine D. Prevalence and factors associated with oral candidiasis in severely malnourished children admitted to Mwanamugimu Nutritional Unit, Mulago Hospital, (2018, accessed 30 May 2024).
Tinoco-Araujo JE, Araújo DF, Barbosa PG, Santos PS, Medeiros AM. Invasive candidiasis and oral manifestations in premature newborns. Einstein (Sao Paulo). 2013;11(1):71-5. doi: 10.1590/s1679-45082013000100013. PMID: 23579747; PMCID: PMC4872971.
Aghighi Hatamipour, S., Kheirollahi, K., Ghafur Zadeh, M. Relationship Between Candida Albicans Fungal Colonies From the Infant’s Mouth and Mother’s Nipple. Jundishapur Scientific Medical Journal, 2022; 21(3): 352-361. doi: 10.32598/JSMJ.21.3.2527
Babeluk R, Jutz S, Mertlitz S, Matiasek J, Klaus C. Hand hygiene--evaluation of three disinfectant hand sanitizers in a community setting. PLoS One. 2014;9(11):e111969. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111969. PMID: 25379773; PMCID: PMC4224390.