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Introduction. L’hypoglycémie est une pathologie fréquente en milieu pédiatrique, souvent greffée d’un mauvais pronostic. Le but de ce travail était de décrire la morbidité et la mortalité liées à l’hypoglycémie chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans. Patients et méthodes. Il s’est agi d’une étude transversale prospective de type cas-témoins réalisée de février à septembre 2017. La population d’étude était constituée d’enfants normonutris de 0 à 59 mois admis dans le service de pédiatrie. Les proportions et OR d’association avec leur intervalle de confiance à 95% ont été calculés ainsi que les facteurs indépendants à l’hypoglycémie au seuil de p<0,05. Résultats. Au total, 400 enfants ont été inclus dont 200 cas et de 200 témoins. Les facteurs en lien avec l’hypoglycémie étaient les niveaux d’instruction et socio-économique des parents (p=zéro), l’âge des enfants (p=0,03), le mode d’alimentation (p=zéro), le délai entre l’admission et le dernier repas (DADR) > 2 heures et le tri classé urgent (p=zéro). Le paludisme grave et l’infection pulmonaire ont été également retrouvés (p=zéro et p=0,04). Les facteurs liés au décès étaient le paludisme grave (p=0,00), le coma (p=0,01) et l’hypoglycémie (p=0,02). Après ajustement, seuls le mode d’alimentation, le DADR et le paludisme grave étaient des facteurs de risque d’hypoglycémie. Les facteurs de mortalité étaient le coma et le paludisme grave. Conclusion. L’hypoglycémie est une situation fréquente avec souvent un mauvais pronostic. Sa prise en compte doit être systématique chez l’enfant et passe par le contrôle des facteurs associés.
Introduction. Hypoglycemia is a common pathology in pediatrics often with a poor prognosis. The aim of this work was to study the morbidity and mortality related to hypoglycemia in children under five years of age. Patients and methods. This was a prospective cross-sectional case-control study carried out from February to September 2017. The study population consisted of normonutritized children aged 0 to 59 months admitted to the pediatric department. The proportions and OR of association with their 95% confidence interval were calculated as well as the factors independent of hypoglycaemia at the threshold of p<0.05. Results. A total of 400 children were included with 200 cases and 200 controls. The factors related to hypoglycemia were the education and socio-economic levels of the parents (p=zero), the age of the children (p=0.03), the diet (p=zero), the time between admission and the last meal (DADR) > 2 hours and urgent classified sorting (p=zero). Severe malaria and pulmonary infection were also found (p=zero and p=0.04). The factors related to death were severe malaria (p=0.00), coma (p=0.01) and hypoglycemia (p=0.02). After adjustment, only feeding mode, DADR and severe malaria were risk factors for hypoglycemia. Mortality factors were coma and severe malaria. Conclusion. Hypoglycemia is a frequent situation with often a bad prognosis. Its consideration must be systematic in children and involves controlling the associated factors.
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- Robin A., Newton O., Mike E., 2013. Mini-review: Management of hypoglycaemia in children aged 0-59 months. J Trop Pediatr, 56(4), 227-234.
- Harvengt J., Debray F.G., Lebrethon M.C., Bourguignon J.P., Richelle C., 2011. Comment j’explore les hypoglycémies chez l’enfant: à propos de deux cas. Rev Med Liège, 66(12), 631-635.
- WHO, 2013. Pocket Book for Hospital Care of Children: Guidelines for the Management of Common Illness with Limited Resources, 2nd edition. Geneva, Switzerland, WHO.
- Kupper A.W., Bruce B., Laura G., Becky J.W., Saraswati K., Darrell M.W., 2006. Association of hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and glucose variability with morbidity and death in the pediatric intensive care unit. Pediatrics 2006, 118(1), 173-179.
- Don M., Valerio G., Korppi M., Canciani M., 2008. Hyper- and hypoglycemia in children with community-acquired pneumonia. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab, 21(7), 657-64.
- Zijlmans W.C., van Kempen A.A., Serlie M.J., Sauerwein H.P., 2009. Glucose metabolism in children: influence of age, fasting, and infectious diseases. Metabolism, 58(9), 1356-65.
- Onyiriuka A.N., Peter O.O., Onyiriuka L.C., Awaebe P.O., Onyiriuka F.U., 2012. Point-of-admission hypoglycaemia among under-five Nigerian children with plasmodium falciparum malaria: prevalence and risk factors. Med J Islam Repub Iran, 26(2), 78-84.
- Sambany E., Pussard E., Rajaonarivo C., Raobijaona H., Barennes H., 2013. Childhood dysglycemia: prevalence and outcome in a referral hospital. PLoS ONE, 8(5), e65193.
- Paul J.R., William W.H.J., 2010. Describing hypoglycemia-Definition or operational threshold? Early Hum Dev, 86(5), 275-280.
- Elusiyan J.B.E., Adejuyigbe E.A., Adeodu O.O., 2005. Hypoglycaemia in a Nigerian paediatric emergency ward. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 52(2), 96-102.
- Madrid L., Acacio S., Nhampossa T., Lanaspa M., Sitoe A., Maculuve al., 2016. Hypoglycemia and Risk Factors for Death in 13 Years of Pediatric Admissions in Mozambique. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 94(1), 218-226.
- Nadjm B., Mtove G., Amos B., Hildenwall H., Najjuka A., Mtei F., et al., 2013. Blood glucose as a predictor of mortality in children admitted to the hospital with febrile illness in Tanzania. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 89(2), 232-237.
- Adedemy J., Agossou J., Alao M., Noudamadjo A., Ayivi B., 2015. Rôle de l’anémie sévère et de l’hypoglycémie dans la mortalité du paludisme grave de l’enfant en milieu hospitalier à Parakou (Benin). Mali Medical, 30(1), 19-24.
- Kamaye M., Alido S., Seyni F., Moumouni G., Aboubacar S., Maman O., 2019. Facteurs associés au décès chez les enfants atteints de paludisme grave à l’hôpital national de Niamey. J Afr Pediatr Genet Med, 7, 38-43.
- Camara B., Diagne G.N., Faye P., Fall M., Ndiaye J., Ba M., Sow H., 2010. Critères de gravité et facteurs pronostiques du paludisme chez l’enfant à Dakar. Med Mal Infect, 42(2), 63-7.
- Madrid L., Lanaspa M., Maculuve S.A., Bassat Q., 2015. Malaria-associated hypoglycaemia in children. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther, 13(2), 267-77.
- Barennes H., Sayavong E., Pussard E., 2016. High mortality risk in hypoglycemic and dysglycemic children admitted at a referral hospital in a non-malaria tropical setting of a low-income country. PloS ONE, 11(2), e0150076.
- Li Y., Bai Z., Li M., Wang X., Pan J., Li X., et al., 2015. U-shaped relationship between early blood glucose and mortality in critically ill children. BMC Paediatr, 15, 88.
- Merlin L.W., Mathieu F., Moussa I.D., 2010. Blood glucose and prognosis in children with presumed severe malaria: is there a threshold for ‘hypoglycaemia’? Tropical Medicine and International Health, 15(2), 232–240.
- Um SSN, Mekone I, Okenye KN, Kamo H, Ritha JTM, Kalla C, et al. Should Stress Hyperglycemia be Considered as Severity Criteria for Malaria and Sepsis in Children? Dysglycemia in children. Health Sci. Dis: Vol 23 (7) July 2022pp 34-39
Robin A., Newton O., Mike E., 2013. Mini-review: Management of hypoglycaemia in children aged 0-59 months. J Trop Pediatr, 56(4), 227-234.
Harvengt J., Debray F.G., Lebrethon M.C., Bourguignon J.P., Richelle C., 2011. Comment j’explore les hypoglycémies chez l’enfant: à propos de deux cas. Rev Med Liège, 66(12), 631-635.
WHO, 2013. Pocket Book for Hospital Care of Children: Guidelines for the Management of Common Illness with Limited Resources, 2nd edition. Geneva, Switzerland, WHO.
Kupper A.W., Bruce B., Laura G., Becky J.W., Saraswati K., Darrell M.W., 2006. Association of hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and glucose variability with morbidity and death in the pediatric intensive care unit. Pediatrics 2006, 118(1), 173-179.
Don M., Valerio G., Korppi M., Canciani M., 2008. Hyper- and hypoglycemia in children with community-acquired pneumonia. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab, 21(7), 657-64.
Zijlmans W.C., van Kempen A.A., Serlie M.J., Sauerwein H.P., 2009. Glucose metabolism in children: influence of age, fasting, and infectious diseases. Metabolism, 58(9), 1356-65.
Onyiriuka A.N., Peter O.O., Onyiriuka L.C., Awaebe P.O., Onyiriuka F.U., 2012. Point-of-admission hypoglycaemia among under-five Nigerian children with plasmodium falciparum malaria: prevalence and risk factors. Med J Islam Repub Iran, 26(2), 78-84.
Sambany E., Pussard E., Rajaonarivo C., Raobijaona H., Barennes H., 2013. Childhood dysglycemia: prevalence and outcome in a referral hospital. PLoS ONE, 8(5), e65193.
Paul J.R., William W.H.J., 2010. Describing hypoglycemia-Definition or operational threshold? Early Hum Dev, 86(5), 275-280.
Elusiyan J.B.E., Adejuyigbe E.A., Adeodu O.O., 2005. Hypoglycaemia in a Nigerian paediatric emergency ward. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 52(2), 96-102.
Madrid L., Acacio S., Nhampossa T., Lanaspa M., Sitoe A., Maculuve al., 2016. Hypoglycemia and Risk Factors for Death in 13 Years of Pediatric Admissions in Mozambique. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 94(1), 218-226.
Nadjm B., Mtove G., Amos B., Hildenwall H., Najjuka A., Mtei F., et al., 2013. Blood glucose as a predictor of mortality in children admitted to the hospital with febrile illness in Tanzania. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 89(2), 232-237.
Adedemy J., Agossou J., Alao M., Noudamadjo A., Ayivi B., 2015. Rôle de l’anémie sévère et de l’hypoglycémie dans la mortalité du paludisme grave de l’enfant en milieu hospitalier à Parakou (Benin). Mali Medical, 30(1), 19-24.
Kamaye M., Alido S., Seyni F., Moumouni G., Aboubacar S., Maman O., 2019. Facteurs associés au décès chez les enfants atteints de paludisme grave à l’hôpital national de Niamey. J Afr Pediatr Genet Med, 7, 38-43.
Camara B., Diagne G.N., Faye P., Fall M., Ndiaye J., Ba M., Sow H., 2010. Critères de gravité et facteurs pronostiques du paludisme chez l’enfant à Dakar. Med Mal Infect, 42(2), 63-7.
Madrid L., Lanaspa M., Maculuve S.A., Bassat Q., 2015. Malaria-associated hypoglycaemia in children. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther, 13(2), 267-77.
Barennes H., Sayavong E., Pussard E., 2016. High mortality risk in hypoglycemic and dysglycemic children admitted at a referral hospital in a non-malaria tropical setting of a low-income country. PloS ONE, 11(2), e0150076.
Li Y., Bai Z., Li M., Wang X., Pan J., Li X., et al., 2015. U-shaped relationship between early blood glucose and mortality in critically ill children. BMC Paediatr, 15, 88.
Merlin L.W., Mathieu F., Moussa I.D., 2010. Blood glucose and prognosis in children with presumed severe malaria: is there a threshold for ‘hypoglycaemia’? Tropical Medicine and International Health, 15(2), 232–240.
Um SSN, Mekone I, Okenye KN, Kamo H, Ritha JTM, Kalla C, et al. Should Stress Hyperglycemia be Considered as Severity Criteria for Malaria and Sepsis in Children? Dysglycemia in children. Health Sci. Dis: Vol 23 (7) July 2022pp 34-39