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Background. Two pilot studies of RBF have been conducted in some health districts of Benin since 2012, which results have been scaled up in 2015. Then, it’s important to see whether the impacts of health care from those studies will be confirmed by HFs performance in ID. Objective. To analyze the impact of RBF on ID performance in Parakou/N’dali and Nikki/Kalalé/Pèrèrè health district, through the quality of the structure and the process of supplying these services, and their possible association with the institutional delivery’s performance. Method. A retrospective study was conducted including all public and private functional HFs covered by the period of 14 quarters (Q1 2014 to Q2 2017). The dependent variable was the performance. The independent variables were the quality of the structure, the quality of the process and the environment. A linear regression model was adjusted; the significance threshold was 5%. Results. 55 HFs participated to the study; they were mostly in rural areas (76.4%) and 36.4% were at the first level of the pyramid. There was no improvement in the structure (p=0.761), in both trained staff (p=0.67) and midwifery staff (p=0.75), nor in the performance in ID (p=0.527); however there was a significant improvement in the supplying process of ID services (p=0.001). Conclusion. RBF should act not only on the processes of supplying services, but also on the structures, taking into account the environment.
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Canavan A, Toonen J, Elovainio R. Performance Based Financing An international review of the literature. Mauritskade 63 1092 AD Amsterdam: KIT Development Policy & Practice, 2008.
Projet de renforcement de la performance du système de santé (PRPSS). Document de cadrage du financement basé sur les résultats (FBR) au Bénin Version validée. PRPSS, MS. Cotonou: Programme de Renforcement de la Performance du Système de Santé, Ministère de la Santé, République du Bénin, 2014.
Projet de renforcement de la performance du système de santé (PRPSS). Mise à échelle du FBR: pari gagné pour le Bénin: les 34 zones sanitaires couvertes à compter de juin 2015. Bulletin d’Information électronique du Projet de Renforcement de la Performance du Système de Santé, March 2015.
Paul E, Dramé ML, Kashal J-P, et al. Performance-based financing to strengthen the health system in Benin: challenging the mainstream approach. Int J Health Policy Manag 2017; 6: 1–13.
Hodin SM, Caglia JM, Baye M, et al. From MDGs to SDGs: Implications for Maternal Newborn Health in Africa. Afr J Reprod Health 2016; 20: 26–28.
African Health Observatory, World Health Organisation (WHO). BENIN, Factsheets of Health Statistics 2016.
République du Bénin, Ministère de la Santé (MS). Plan national de développement sanitaire 2017-2021.
Rudasingwa M, Soeters R, Bossuyt M. The Effect of Performance-Based Financial Incentives on Improving Health Care Provision in Burundi: A Controlled Cohort Study. Glob J Health Sci 2015; 7: 15–29.
Fonds fiduciaire pour l’innovation en matière de résultats de santé (HRITF). Obtenir des résultats pour la santé des femmes et des enfants. Intermediary Report, New York: World Bank Group, 2015.
Soeters R, Peerenboom BP, Mushagalusa P, et al. Performance-Based Financing Experiment Improved Health Care In The Democratic Republic Of Congo. Health Aff (Millwood) 2011; 30: 1518–1527.
Fritsche GB, Soeters R, Meessen B, et al. Boîte à outils : financement basé sur la performance. WBG. Washington DC: World Bank Group, 2014.
Blacklock C, MacPepple E, Kunutsor S, et al. Paying for Performance to Improve the Delivery and Uptake of Family Planning in Low and Middle Income Countries: A Systematic Review. Stud Fam Plann 2016; 47: 309–324.
Donabedian A. Evaluating the Quality of Medical Care. Milbank Q 2005; 83: 691–729.
Ngah, P. C. M. N., Essi, M.-J., Bela, A. C., Tchamgoue, H., & Soeters, R. (2018). Financement Basé sur la Performance et Indicateurs de Santé Infantile: Cas du District de Santé de Messamena –Cameroun. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE, 19(3). Retrieved from https://hsd-