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Introduction. A low sodium diet is a dietary regimen limited in salt, specifically sodium. The objective of this study was to evaluate the compliance with a low sodium diet among hypertensive patients receiving outpatient care in Brazzaville. Methodology. We conducted a cross-sectional analytical study involving 363 hypertensive patients on treatment, receiving outpatient care at 3 major hospitals in Brazzaville from April 1st to October 30th, 2023. The evaluated data were: medication compliance using the Girerd test; low sodium diet using the Exsel test; and 24-hour natriuresis. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 25 software. Results. We recruited 363 hypertensive participants, with a sex ratio of 0.56. The most represented age group was 60 to 75 years old. Calcium channel blockers were the most commonly found antihypertensive medication class (68.9%). Poor compliance with medication treatment was observed in 23.7% of the patients. The average estimated 24-hour natriuresis was 20 ± 26.7 g/day. Excessive salt consumption was found in 84.6% of our patients, while only 13.8% had a low sodium diet. Conclusion. Compliance with a low sodium diet is poor among hypertensive patients receiving outpatient care in Brazzaville. It would be necessary to intensify therapeutic education sessions in order to improve patients' knowledge about the low sodium diet.


Hypertension low sodium diet Brazaville Hypertension régime hyposodé Brazaville

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Eyeni Sinomono, Dieudonné Ickonga, Ange Niama, Honal Mahoungou, Ngabe Gabdzali, Richard Loumingou, Ellenga Mbolla, Dobhat-Doukakini, & Sqalli Houssaini. (2024). Evaluation du Régime Sodé chez les Patients Hypertendus Suivis en Ambulatoire à Brazzaville . HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE, 25(2 Suppl 1). Suppl 1.5288


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