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Introduction. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a long-term condition in which the kidneys gradually lose their function over time, becomes impaired, leading to a buildup of waste and toxins in the body.This study aimed at evaluating the perception of CKD among newly diagnosed end-stage chronic renal failure patients. Methodology. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study with prospective data collection, which took place over the period from January 1 to October 30, 2023, in the Nephrology department of the Brazzaville university hospital. It covered 128 patients who were exhaustively identified. sociodemographic data and data on illness perception were collected from medical records and during individual interviews using pre-established survey forms. Microsoft Excel 2021 software enabled data analysis and processing. Results. We studied 128 participants with a sex ratio of 2.5 and the median age was 50. There was a misperception of CKD among 46.1% of our participants. CKD was thought incurable by 51,6% of them and it was considered a fairly worrying disease by 61.7% of patients. The belief of CKD having a supernatural cause was held by 46.9% of patients. Patients thought that CKD could be treated with traditional medicine (36,7%), modern medicine (27,3%) and through prayer (18%). CKD was unknown before hospitalization by 76,6% of patients. Conclusion. There is a wrong perception of chronic kidney failure by patients in the end stage of their kidney disease due to the general public's low level of knowledge about kidney diseases.
Introduction. La maladie rénale chronique (MRC) est une affection à long terme au cours de laquelle les reins perdent progressivement leur fonction au fil du temps, deviennent altérés, ce qui entraîne une accumulation de déchets et de toxines dans le corps. Cette étude visait à évaluer la perception de la MRC chez les patients atteints d'insuffisance rénale chronique au stade terminal récemment diagnostiqués. Méthodologie. Il s'agissait d'une étude descriptive transversale avec une collecte prospective des données, qui s'est déroulée du 1er janvier au 30 octobre 2023, au service de néphrologie de l'hôpital universitaire de Brazzaville. Elle concernait 128 patients qui ont été identifiés de manière exhaustive. Les données sociodémographiques et les données sur la perception de la maladie ont été collectées à partir des dossiers médicaux et lors d'entretiens individuels à l'aide de formulaires d'enquête préétablis. Le logiciel Microsoft Excel 2021 a permis l'analyse et le traitement des données. Résultats. Nous avons étudié 128 participants, avec un ratio homme-femme de 2,5 et un âge médian de 50 ans. Il y avait une méconnaissance de la MRC chez 46,1% de nos participants. 51,6% d'entre eux pensaient que la MRC était incurable et 61,7% des patients considéraient cette maladie comme assez inquiétante. 46,9% des patients pensaient que la MRC avait une cause surnaturelle. Les patients pensaient que la MRC pouvait être traitée avec la médecine traditionnelle (36,7%), la médecine moderne (27,3%) et par la prière (18%). La MRC était méconnue avant l'hospitalisation chez 76,6% des patients. Conclusion. Il existe une perception erronée de l'insuffisance rénale chronique chez les patients en stade terminal de leur maladie rénale dû à la faible connaissance du grand public sur les maladies rénales.
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- Mahoungou GH, Eyeni Sinomono DT, Clauvel Niama A, Ngoma P, Gandzali-Ngabé E. Cost of Therapeutic Care for Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis in a Public Hospital in Congo Brazzaville in 2022. Int J Nephrol Kidney Fail [Online]. 2023 [cited December 23, 2023];9(2):1-6. Available: -of-Therapeutic-Care-for-Patients-on-Maintenance-Hemodialysis-in-a-Public- Hospital-in-Congo-Brazzaville-in-2022.pdf
- Sinomono DE, Koumou GG, Loumingou R. Epidemiological profile of chronic renal failure at Brazzaville University Hospital in 2016. Nephrology & Therapeutics. 2017;13(5):396.
- Mahoungou GH, Sinomono DT, Nyanga YI, Tsiloulou EF, Mongo SB, Ngabe PE, et al. Epidemiological, Clinical and Evolutionary Profiles of Patients Admitted in a Dialytic Emergency Situation at the University Hospital of Brazzaville. Asian Journal of Research in Nephrology. 2021;4(3):18‑27.
- Mahoungou G, Niama AC, Batchi-Bouyou AL, Sinomono DE, Ngabe EN, Essie DM, et al. Knowledge and perceptions of kidney disease among workers of Marien Ngouabi University, Republic of Congo. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE [Online]. 2022 [cited December 29, 2023];23(6):109-112 Available:
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- Diakite F, Balde MS, Bah AB, Traore M, Cherif I, Barry AY, et al. Seroprevalence of viral hepatitis B and C, and human immunodeficiency virus in chronic renal failure patients in the Nephrology department of the Donka National Hospital. African Journal of Internal Medicine [Online]. 2019 [cited January 12, 2024];6(1‑3):28‑33. Available:
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- Diakite F, Traore A, Camara MLT, Camara1 M, Bah AO, Kaba ML. Emergency haemodialysis: risk factors for mortality at the Donka National Haemodialysis Centre. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE [Online]. 2023 [cited January 12, 2024]; 24(4): 40-4. Available:
- Konan SD,Guei MC, Diopoh SP, Kissou PF, Aka JA, Yao KH. First Emergency Hemodialysis Session at the Nephrology Department of Yopougon University Hospital: a Study of 146 Patients. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE [Online]. 2021 [cited January 12, 2024];22(7):83-7. Available:
- Ilboudo CS, Doro H, Guibla I, Belem F, Konate S, Semdé A, et al. Prognosis of Emergency Hemodialysis Patients in the Nephrology and Dialysis Department of the Souro Sanou University Hospital Center (Bobo Dioulasso). HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE [Online]. 2021 [cited January 12, 2024];22(6):11-14. Available:
- Dede Z, Fradi A, Boukadida R, Sow N, Aicha NB, Zellama D, et al. COVID-19 in diabetic patients with chronic renal failure: epidemiological and evolutionary profile. Nephrology & Therapeutics [Online]. 2022 [cited January 12, 2024];18(5):420. Available:
- Traore AK,Yattara H, Fofana AS, Coulibaly J, Sy S, Samaké M, et al. Epidemioclinical data and outcome of emergency haemodialysis patients in the Point G University Teaching Hospital (Mali). HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE [Online]. 2023 [cited January 12, 2024];24(6):71-7. Available:
- Bridge B,Pruijm M, Marques-Vidal P, Martin PY, Burnier M, Paccaud F, et al. Determinants and burden of chronic kidney disease in the population-based CoLaus study: a cross-sectional analysis. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation [Online]. 2013 [cited January 12, 2024];28(9):2329‑39. Available:
- Oluyombo R, Ayodele OE, Akinwusi PO, Okunola OO, Gbadegesin BA, Soje MO, et al. Awareness, knowledge and perception of chronic kidney disease in a rural community of South-West Nigeria. Niger J Clin Pract. 2016;19(2):161‑9.
- Ouango JG, Karfo K, Kere M, Ouedraogo M, Kabore G, Ouedraogo A. Traditional concept of madness and psychiatric therapeutic difficulties among the Moosé of Kadiogo. smq [Online]. 2007 [cited January 12, 2024];23(2):197-211. Available at:
- Konaré DAO,Koumaré B, Moro MR. Therapeutic pathways in Mali in mental health. The Other [Online]. 2014 [cited January 12, 2024];15(1):38-45. Available:
- Yao 1 YP, Yeo-Tenena 2 YJM, Assi-Sedji 3 C, Tetchi 4 EO, Ngongi 5 KPP, Delafosse 6 RCJ. Therapeutic itineraries for schizophrenics in Abidjan. Psychiatric information [Online]. 2009 [cited January 12, 2024];(5):461‑9. Available:
- African Traditional Medicine Day 2022 [Online]. WHO | Regional Office for Africa. 2024 [cited January 12, 2024]. Available:
Mahoungou GH, Eyeni Sinomono DT, Clauvel Niama A, Ngoma P, Gandzali-Ngabé E. Cost of Therapeutic Care for Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis in a Public Hospital in Congo Brazzaville in 2022. Int J Nephrol Kidney Fail [Online]. 2023 [cited December 23, 2023];9(2):1-6. Available: -of-Therapeutic-Care-for-Patients-on-Maintenance-Hemodialysis-in-a-Public- Hospital-in-Congo-Brazzaville-in-2022.pdf
Sinomono DE, Koumou GG, Loumingou R. Epidemiological profile of chronic renal failure at Brazzaville University Hospital in 2016. Nephrology & Therapeutics. 2017;13(5):396.
Mahoungou GH, Sinomono DT, Nyanga YI, Tsiloulou EF, Mongo SB, Ngabe PE, et al. Epidemiological, Clinical and Evolutionary Profiles of Patients Admitted in a Dialytic Emergency Situation at the University Hospital of Brazzaville. Asian Journal of Research in Nephrology. 2021;4(3):18‑27.
Mahoungou G, Niama AC, Batchi-Bouyou AL, Sinomono DE, Ngabe EN, Essie DM, et al. Knowledge and perceptions of kidney disease among workers of Marien Ngouabi University, Republic of Congo. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE [Online]. 2022 [cited December 29, 2023];23(6):109-112 Available:
Broadbent E, Petrie KJ, Main J,Weinman J. The Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire. Journal of Psychosomatic Research [Online].2006 [cited December 5, 2023];60(6):631-7. Available:
Diakite F, Balde MS, Bah AB, Traore M, Cherif I, Barry AY, et al. Seroprevalence of viral hepatitis B and C, and human immunodeficiency virus in chronic renal failure patients in the Nephrology department of the Donka National Hospital. African Journal of Internal Medicine [Online]. 2019 [cited January 12, 2024];6(1‑3):28‑33. Available:
Hamroun A, Frimat M, Beuscart JB, Buob D, Lionet A, Lebas C, et al. Specificities of nephropathy in the elderly. Nephrology & Therapeutics [Online]. 2019 [cited January 12, 2024];15(7):533-52. Available:
World Kidney Day Symposium – Kidney Foundation [Online]. [cited January 12, 2024]. Available:
Diakite F, Traore A, Camara MLT, Camara1 M, Bah AO, Kaba ML. Emergency haemodialysis: risk factors for mortality at the Donka National Haemodialysis Centre. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE [Online]. 2023 [cited January 12, 2024]; 24(4): 40-4. Available:
Konan SD,Guei MC, Diopoh SP, Kissou PF, Aka JA, Yao KH. First Emergency Hemodialysis Session at the Nephrology Department of Yopougon University Hospital: a Study of 146 Patients. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE [Online]. 2021 [cited January 12, 2024];22(7):83-7. Available:
Ilboudo CS, Doro H, Guibla I, Belem F, Konate S, Semdé A, et al. Prognosis of Emergency Hemodialysis Patients in the Nephrology and Dialysis Department of the Souro Sanou University Hospital Center (Bobo Dioulasso). HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE [Online]. 2021 [cited January 12, 2024];22(6):11-14. Available:
Dede Z, Fradi A, Boukadida R, Sow N, Aicha NB, Zellama D, et al. COVID-19 in diabetic patients with chronic renal failure: epidemiological and evolutionary profile. Nephrology & Therapeutics [Online]. 2022 [cited January 12, 2024];18(5):420. Available:
Traore AK,Yattara H, Fofana AS, Coulibaly J, Sy S, Samaké M, et al. Epidemioclinical data and outcome of emergency haemodialysis patients in the Point G University Teaching Hospital (Mali). HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE [Online]. 2023 [cited January 12, 2024];24(6):71-7. Available:
Bridge B,Pruijm M, Marques-Vidal P, Martin PY, Burnier M, Paccaud F, et al. Determinants and burden of chronic kidney disease in the population-based CoLaus study: a cross-sectional analysis. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation [Online]. 2013 [cited January 12, 2024];28(9):2329‑39. Available:
Oluyombo R, Ayodele OE, Akinwusi PO, Okunola OO, Gbadegesin BA, Soje MO, et al. Awareness, knowledge and perception of chronic kidney disease in a rural community of South-West Nigeria. Niger J Clin Pract. 2016;19(2):161‑9.
Ouango JG, Karfo K, Kere M, Ouedraogo M, Kabore G, Ouedraogo A. Traditional concept of madness and psychiatric therapeutic difficulties among the Moosé of Kadiogo. smq [Online]. 2007 [cited January 12, 2024];23(2):197-211. Available at:
Konaré DAO,Koumaré B, Moro MR. Therapeutic pathways in Mali in mental health. The Other [Online]. 2014 [cited January 12, 2024];15(1):38-45. Available:
Yao 1 YP, Yeo-Tenena 2 YJM, Assi-Sedji 3 C, Tetchi 4 EO, Ngongi 5 KPP, Delafosse 6 RCJ. Therapeutic itineraries for schizophrenics in Abidjan. Psychiatric information [Online]. 2009 [cited January 12, 2024];(5):461‑9. Available:
African Traditional Medicine Day 2022 [Online]. WHO | Regional Office for Africa. 2024 [cited January 12, 2024]. Available: