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Background. Molecular biology quantification of plasma viral Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) is a biological marker of treatment failure or success through Viral Load (VL). The Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genetic diversity is important and is steadily increasing, mainly due to genetic recombination phenomena and drug pressure. The aim of this study was to compare two platforms of HIV-RNA quantification targeting two different regions. Methods. The performance of the Generic HIV-RNA assay from Biocentric (Bandol – France) was compared to the Abbott m2000 Real-Time HIV-1 (Abbott Molecular Inc. Des Plaines, USA) in Laquintinie Hospital. A total of 84 HIV-1 plasma samples were tested, the Cohen’s Kappa concordance, spearman correlation, Bland-Altman analysis, and Lin’s concordance were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 20.0 software; the significance was set at 5%. Results. The proportion of patients with no detectable viral load was 44.0% (37/84) with Abbott versus 65.5% (55/84) with Biocentric. The Cohen’s Kappa coefficient was 0,16 (95% CI: -0,08 to 0,39) showing slight agreement. The results were clinically concordant for 64/84 samples. The Bland Altman analysis revealed a bias of -0.49 (CI=-1.51-0.54) Log10 copies/mL in favor of Biocentric indicating an underestimation of Viral Load (VL) by the Abbott technique. The range of 95% limits of agreement of (-3.50 to 2.51) Log10 copies/mL was wide compared to the clinically acceptable threshold (+/-0.5 Log10 copies/mL). Conclusion. The two methods used to quantify viral load in our context are not well correlated and there is a poor agreement, sequencing should be done routinely and reagent adapted.
Contexte. La quantification par biologie moléculaire de l'acide ribonucléique (ARN) viral plasmatique est un marqueur biologique de l'échec ou du succès du traitement par détermination de la charge virale (CV). La diversité génétique du virus de l'immunodéficience humaine de type 1 (VIH-1) est importante et en augmentation constante, principalement en raison des phénomènes de recombinaison génétique et de la pression médicamenteuse. Le but de cette étude était de comparer deux plates-formes de quantification de l'ARN-VIH ciblant deux régions différentes. Méthodes. Les performances du test Generic HIV-RNA de Biocentric (Bandol – France) ont été comparées à celles du test Abbott m2000 Real Time HIV-1 (Abbott Molecular Inc. Des Plaines, USA) à l'hôpital Laquintinie. Au total, 84 échantillons de plasma VIH-1 ont été testés, la concordance Kappa de Cohen, la corrélation de Spearman, l'analyse de Bland-Altman et la concordance de Lin ont été analysées à l'aide du logiciel Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 20.0 ; la significativité a été fixée à 5 %. Résultats. La proportion de patients sans charge virale détectable était de 44,0 % (37/84) avec Abbott versus 65,5 % (55/84) avec Biocentric. Le coefficient Kappa de Cohen était de 0,16 (IC à 95 % : -0,08 à 0,39) montrant une très légère concordance. Les résultats étaient cliniquement concordants pour 64/84 échantillons. L'analyse de Bland Altman a révélé un biais de -0,49 (IC=-1,51-0,54) Log10 copies/mL en faveur de Biocentric indiquant une sous-estimation de la charge virale (CV) par la technique d'Abbott. La plage des limites d'accord à 95 % de (-3,50 à 2,51) Log10 copies/mL était large par rapport au seuil cliniquement acceptable (+/-0,5 Log10 copies/mL). Conclusion. Les deux méthodes utilisées pour quantifier la charge virale dans notre contexte ne sont pas bien corrélées et il y a un mauvais accord, le séquençage doit être fait en routine et les réactifs adaptés.
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- Yekayo KD, Fatoumata KK, Cyrielle AT, De Paul YV, Aquin TTD, Hugues A, et al. Comparison of 2 HIV1 RNA VL measurement commercial kits in Cote d’Ivoire. Issues Biol Sci Pharm Res. 11 oct 2021 [cited jan 14th 2023];9(3). Available on:
- UNAIDS_FactSheet_en.pdf. [cited jan 14th 2023]. Available on:
- 2025-AIDS-Targets_en.pdf. [cited jan 14th 2023]. Available on:
- World Health Organization. Guideline on when to start antiretroviral therapy and on pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 [cited jan 14th 2023]. 76 p. Available on:
- Kilmarx PH, Simbi R. Progress and Challenges in Scaling Up Laboratory Monitoring of HIV Treatment. PLOS Med. 23 août 2016;13(8):e1002089.
- Luft LM, Gill MJ, Church DL. HIV-1 viral diversity and its implications for viral load testing: review of current platforms. Int J Infect Dis. 1 oct 2011;15(10):e661‑70.
- Muenchhoff M, Madurai S, Hempenstall AJ, Adland E, Carlqvist A, Moonsamy A, et al. Evaluation of the NucliSens EasyQ v2.0 Assay in Comparison with the Roche Amplicor v1.5 and the Roche CAP/CTM HIV-1 Test v2.0 in Quantification of C-Clade HIV-1 in Plasma. PLOS ONE. 26 août 2014;9(8):e103983.
- Holguín A, López M, Molinero M, Soriano V. Performance of Three Commercial Viral Load Assays, Versant Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) RNA bDNA v3.0, Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan HIV-1, and NucliSens HIV-1 EasyQ v1.2, Testing HIV-1 Non-B Subtypes and Recombinant Variants. J Clin Microbiol. sept 2008;46(9):2918‑23.
- Damond F, Avettand-Fenoel V, Collin G, Roquebert B, Plantier JC, Ganon A, et al. Evaluation of an upgraded version of the Roche Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan HIV-1 test for HIV-1 load quantification. J Clin Microbiol. avr 2010;48(4):1413‑6.
- No evidence of a change in HIV-1 virulence since 1996 in France. - Abstract - Europe PMC. [cited jan 14th 2023]. Available on:
- Semengue ENJ, Armenia D, Inzaule S, Santoro MM, Dambaya B, Takou D, et al. Baseline integrase drug resistance mutations and conserved regions across HIV-1 clades in Cameroon: implications for transition to dolutegravir in resource-limited settings. J Antimicrob Chemother. 13 avr 2021;76(5):1277‑85.
- Updated recommendations on first-line and second-line antiretroviral regimens and post-exposure prophylaxis and recommendations on early infant diagnosis of HIV. [cited jan 14th 2023]. Available on:
- What’s New in the Guidelines | NIH. [cited jan 14th 2023]. Available on:
- Fokam J, Takou D, Njume D, Pabo W, Santoro MM, Njom Nlend AE, et al. Alarming rates of virological failure and HIV-1 drug resistance amongst adolescents living with perinatal HIV in both urban and rural settings: evidence from the EDCTP READY-study in Cameroon. HIV Med. août 2021;22(7):567‑80.
- Daniel-1995-Biostatistics.pdf. [cited jan 15th 2023]. Available on:
- 53059-CAMPHIA-Report_EN_Web_V4.pdf. [cited jan14th 2023]. Available on:
- GENERIC HIV Charge Virale. biocentric. [cited jan 21th 2023]. Available on:
- RealTime HIV-1 Viral Load Assay CE | Abbott Molecular. [cited jan 21 2023]. Available on:
- Torimiro JN, Mafopa NG, Ndongo A, Moyo ST, Lobe EE, Sosso SM, et al. Evaluation of Virologic Methods for Early Detection of HIV-1 in a Resource-limited Setting: Performance and Cost Analysis. Health Sci Dis. 30 août 2013;14(3). Available on:
- McBride2005.pdf. [cited jan 15th 2023]. Available on:
- Comparaison des Techniques de Mesure de la Charge Virale du VIH-1: Comparaison des techniques de mesure de la charge virale du VIH-1 en Afrique de ... VIH-1 en Afrique de L’Ouest (Mali- Burkina) | Available on:
- Ngo-Malabo ET, Ngoupo T. PA, Zekeng M, Ngono V, Ngono L, Sadeuh-Mba SA, et al. A cheap and open HIV viral load technique applicable in routine analysis in a resource limited setting with a wide HIV genetic diversity. Virol J. 14 nov 2017;14(1):224.
- Avettand-Fénoël V, Mélard A, Gueudin M, Maillard A, Dina J, Gousset M, et al. Comparative performance of the Biocentric Generic Viral Load, Roche CAP/CTM v1.5, Roche CAP/CTM v2.0 and m2000 Abbott assays for quantifying HIV-1 B and non-B strains: Underestimation of some CRF02 strains. J Clin Virol. 1 janv 2019;110:36‑41.
- Fokam J, Takou D, Semengue ENJ, Teto G, Beloumou G, Dambaya B, et al. First case of Dolutegravir and Darunavir/r multi drug-resistant HIV-1 in Cameroon following exposure to Raltegravir: lessons and implications in the era of transition to Dolutegravir-based regimens. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control. 26 août 2020;9(1):143.
- Abongwa LE, Nyamache AK, Torimiro JN, Okemo P, Charles F. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 ((HIV-1) subtypes in the northwest region, Cameroon. Virol J. 15 août 2019;16:103.
- Billong SC, Fokam J, Aghokeng AF, Milenge P, Kembou E, Abessouguie I, et al. Population-Based Monitoring of Emerging HIV-1 Drug Resistance on Antiretroviral Therapy and Associated Factors in a Sentinel Site in Cameroon: Low Levels of Resistance but Poor Programmatic Performance. PLoS ONE. 26 août 2013;8(8):e72680.
- Fokam J, Elat JBN, Billong SC, Kembou E, Nkwescheu AS, Obam NM, et al. Monitoring HIV Drug Resistance Early Warning Indicators in Cameroon: A Study Following the Revised World Health Organization Recommendations. PLoS ONE. 17 juin 2015;10(6):e0129210.
Yekayo KD, Fatoumata KK, Cyrielle AT, De Paul YV, Aquin TTD, Hugues A, et al. Comparison of 2 HIV1 RNA VL measurement commercial kits in Cote d’Ivoire. Issues Biol Sci Pharm Res. 11 oct 2021 [cited jan 14th 2023];9(3). Available on:
UNAIDS_FactSheet_en.pdf. [cited jan 14th 2023]. Available on:
2025-AIDS-Targets_en.pdf. [cited jan 14th 2023]. Available on:
World Health Organization. Guideline on when to start antiretroviral therapy and on pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 [cited jan 14th 2023]. 76 p. Available on:
Kilmarx PH, Simbi R. Progress and Challenges in Scaling Up Laboratory Monitoring of HIV Treatment. PLOS Med. 23 août 2016;13(8):e1002089.
Luft LM, Gill MJ, Church DL. HIV-1 viral diversity and its implications for viral load testing: review of current platforms. Int J Infect Dis. 1 oct 2011;15(10):e661‑70.
Muenchhoff M, Madurai S, Hempenstall AJ, Adland E, Carlqvist A, Moonsamy A, et al. Evaluation of the NucliSens EasyQ v2.0 Assay in Comparison with the Roche Amplicor v1.5 and the Roche CAP/CTM HIV-1 Test v2.0 in Quantification of C-Clade HIV-1 in Plasma. PLOS ONE. 26 août 2014;9(8):e103983.
Holguín A, López M, Molinero M, Soriano V. Performance of Three Commercial Viral Load Assays, Versant Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) RNA bDNA v3.0, Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan HIV-1, and NucliSens HIV-1 EasyQ v1.2, Testing HIV-1 Non-B Subtypes and Recombinant Variants. J Clin Microbiol. sept 2008;46(9):2918‑23.
Damond F, Avettand-Fenoel V, Collin G, Roquebert B, Plantier JC, Ganon A, et al. Evaluation of an upgraded version of the Roche Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan HIV-1 test for HIV-1 load quantification. J Clin Microbiol. avr 2010;48(4):1413‑6.
No evidence of a change in HIV-1 virulence since 1996 in France. - Abstract - Europe PMC. [cited jan 14th 2023]. Available on:
Semengue ENJ, Armenia D, Inzaule S, Santoro MM, Dambaya B, Takou D, et al. Baseline integrase drug resistance mutations and conserved regions across HIV-1 clades in Cameroon: implications for transition to dolutegravir in resource-limited settings. J Antimicrob Chemother. 13 avr 2021;76(5):1277‑85.
Updated recommendations on first-line and second-line antiretroviral regimens and post-exposure prophylaxis and recommendations on early infant diagnosis of HIV. [cited jan 14th 2023]. Available on:
What’s New in the Guidelines | NIH. [cited jan 14th 2023]. Available on:
Fokam J, Takou D, Njume D, Pabo W, Santoro MM, Njom Nlend AE, et al. Alarming rates of virological failure and HIV-1 drug resistance amongst adolescents living with perinatal HIV in both urban and rural settings: evidence from the EDCTP READY-study in Cameroon. HIV Med. août 2021;22(7):567‑80.
Daniel-1995-Biostatistics.pdf. [cited jan 15th 2023]. Available on:
53059-CAMPHIA-Report_EN_Web_V4.pdf. [cited jan14th 2023]. Available on:
GENERIC HIV Charge Virale. biocentric. [cited jan 21th 2023]. Available on:
RealTime HIV-1 Viral Load Assay CE | Abbott Molecular. [cited jan 21 2023]. Available on:
Torimiro JN, Mafopa NG, Ndongo A, Moyo ST, Lobe EE, Sosso SM, et al. Evaluation of Virologic Methods for Early Detection of HIV-1 in a Resource-limited Setting: Performance and Cost Analysis. Health Sci Dis. 30 août 2013;14(3). Available on:
McBride2005.pdf. [cited jan 15th 2023]. Available on:
Comparaison des Techniques de Mesure de la Charge Virale du VIH-1: Comparaison des techniques de mesure de la charge virale du VIH-1 en Afrique de ... VIH-1 en Afrique de L’Ouest (Mali- Burkina) | Available on:
Ngo-Malabo ET, Ngoupo T. PA, Zekeng M, Ngono V, Ngono L, Sadeuh-Mba SA, et al. A cheap and open HIV viral load technique applicable in routine analysis in a resource limited setting with a wide HIV genetic diversity. Virol J. 14 nov 2017;14(1):224.
Avettand-Fénoël V, Mélard A, Gueudin M, Maillard A, Dina J, Gousset M, et al. Comparative performance of the Biocentric Generic Viral Load, Roche CAP/CTM v1.5, Roche CAP/CTM v2.0 and m2000 Abbott assays for quantifying HIV-1 B and non-B strains: Underestimation of some CRF02 strains. J Clin Virol. 1 janv 2019;110:36‑41.
Fokam J, Takou D, Semengue ENJ, Teto G, Beloumou G, Dambaya B, et al. First case of Dolutegravir and Darunavir/r multi drug-resistant HIV-1 in Cameroon following exposure to Raltegravir: lessons and implications in the era of transition to Dolutegravir-based regimens. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control. 26 août 2020;9(1):143.
Abongwa LE, Nyamache AK, Torimiro JN, Okemo P, Charles F. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 ((HIV-1) subtypes in the northwest region, Cameroon. Virol J. 15 août 2019;16:103.
Billong SC, Fokam J, Aghokeng AF, Milenge P, Kembou E, Abessouguie I, et al. Population-Based Monitoring of Emerging HIV-1 Drug Resistance on Antiretroviral Therapy and Associated Factors in a Sentinel Site in Cameroon: Low Levels of Resistance but Poor Programmatic Performance. PLoS ONE. 26 août 2013;8(8):e72680.
Fokam J, Elat JBN, Billong SC, Kembou E, Nkwescheu AS, Obam NM, et al. Monitoring HIV Drug Resistance Early Warning Indicators in Cameroon: A Study Following the Revised World Health Organization Recommendations. PLoS ONE. 17 juin 2015;10(6):e0129210.