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We report the case of a 16 years old adolescent male admitted in the pediatric unit of the  Yaounde  Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital for severe malaria with convulsions. On the second day of admission he developed with abundant epistaxis which led  to severe anemia.  After investigations, malaria induced- thrombocytopenia was retained as cause of the epistaxis.  Management included quinine infusions for the malaria, and  transfusions with  fresh whole blood, direct nasal compressions with  gauze  pledgets. The outcome was favorable and the patient was discharged on the 11th day of admission day. 


Epistaxis thrombocytopenia malaria Plasmodium falciparum

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Chiabi, A., Nguefack, S., Kewe, I., Mbono, R., Mah, E., Bogne, J. B., … Mbonda, E. (2014). Massive Epistaxis due to Profound Malaria-Induced Thrombocytopenia in an Adolescent : A Case Report at the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital, Cameroon. HEALTH SCIENCES AND DISEASE, 15(3).


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