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Introduction. La mangiférine est une substance au potentiel thérapeutique inexploité, abondante dans la décoction du tronc de Mangifera indica. Cette étude avait pour but d’évaluer l’activité antibactérienne des extraits d’écorces du tronc de Mangifera indica sur Lactobacilles, Actinomyces et Streptocoques. Matériel et méthodes. Nous avons mené une étude expérimentale de phase 1, multicentrique. L’extraction alcoolique, la décoction, la collecte de la salive et l’analyse antibactérienne ont été faites selon les méthodes décrites dans la littérature. Le test statistique de Mann-Whitney a été utilisé pour les comparaisons entre les CMI et CMB des différents extraits. Résultats. Tous les extraits possédaient un diamètre d’inhibition supérieur à 12 mm. Le plus grand diamètre d’inhibition a été celui de la décoction sur Lactobacilles, à savoir 16,5mm. La CMI des trois germes était 80mg/ml pour la décoction et 120mg/ml pour l’extrait méthanoïque. La CMB qui permettrait de tuer les trois souches avec la décoction a été de 100mg/ml et 520mg/ml pour l’extrait méthanoïque. Conclusion. La décoction est plus active que l’extrait méthanoïque sur les trois souches bactériennes, avec une CMI de 80 mg/ml, une CMB de 100 mg/ml et une activité bactéricide, CMB/CMI<4.
Introduction. Mangiferin is a substance with untapped therapeutic potential, abundant in the decoction of Mangifera indica trunk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of Mangifera indica trunk bark extracts on Lactobacilli, Actinomyces and Streptococci. Material and methods. We conducted an experimental phase 1, multicenter study. Alcoholic extraction, decoction, saliva collection and antibacterial analysis were performed according to methods described in the literature. The Mann-Whitney statistical test was used to make comparisons between the MICs and BMCs of the different extracts. Results. All extracts had an inhibition diameter greater than 12 mm. The largest inhibition diameter was that of the Lactobacillus decoction, namely 16.5 mm. The MIC for all three germs was 80mg/ml for the decoction and 120mg/ml for the methanoic extract. The BMC that would kill all three strains with the decoction was 100mg/ml and 520mg/ml for the methanoic extract. Conclusion. The decoction is more active than the methanoic extract on the three bacterial strains, with a MIC of 80mg/ml, a BMC of 100mg/ml and a bactericidal activity, BMC/MIC<4.
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- Penmetsa RKR, Sri Rekha A, Poppuri KC, Sai Prashanth P, Garapati S. An in vitro evaluation of antibacterial properties of self-etching dental adhesive systems. J Clin Diagnos Research: JCDR, 2014; 8(7): ZC01. PMID: 25177626
- Phankhongsap A, Chailertvanitkul P, Juntavee A, Peerapattana J, Puasiri S. Effectiveness of root canal irrigant from mangosteen pericarp extract with papain and propolis extracts with papain on the mixture of Streptococcus gordonii and Enterococcus faecalis. J dent Assoc Thai, 2014; 64:234–42.
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- Oyewole, O I , Owoseni, A A and Faboro, E O : “Studies on medicinal and toxicological properties of Cajanus cajan, Ricinus communis and Thymus vulgaris leaf extracts.” J Med Plants Res, 2010 Vol. 4(19): Pp 2004 – 2008.
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- Elliott, T, Worthinton T, Osman, H and Gill, M “Medical Microbiology and infection. Fourth Edition, Massachusetts Blackwell Publishing, U.S.A.”2007 pp 153 – 166.
- Darveau R P. Periodontitis: A polymicrobial disruption of host homeostasis. Nature reviews [abstract], Microbiology, 2010 ; 8(7): p. 481-90.
- El-Kamali, H H and Mahjoub, S A “Antibacterial activity of Francoeuria cripsa, Pulicaria undulate, Zizphus spina-Christ and Cucurbita pepo against seven standard pathogenic bacteria.”. Ethnobotanical Leaflets,2009 vol. 13: pp 722-723.
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- Gregorio Martinez, Rene Delgado, Gema Perez, Gabino Garrido, Alberto J : Evaluation of the in vitro antioxidant activity of Mangifera indica. Phytotherapy research, 2000 (14) : 424-7.
- Nikhal S et Mahajan SD. Evaluation antibacterial and antioxidant activity of Mangifera indica leaves. J Pharmaceut Scien Re, 2010,(2) : 45-7.
Penmetsa RKR, Sri Rekha A, Poppuri KC, Sai Prashanth P, Garapati S. An in vitro evaluation of antibacterial properties of self-etching dental adhesive systems. J Clin Diagnos Research: JCDR, 2014; 8(7): ZC01. PMID: 25177626
Phankhongsap A, Chailertvanitkul P, Juntavee A, Peerapattana J, Puasiri S. Effectiveness of root canal irrigant from mangosteen pericarp extract with papain and propolis extracts with papain on the mixture of Streptococcus gordonii and Enterococcus faecalis. J dent Assoc Thai, 2014; 64:234–42.
McGhie D, Hutchison J, Nye F, Ball A. Infective endocarditis caused by Streptococcus mutans. Heart, 1977; 39(4):456–8.
Bokhout B, Van Loveren C, Hofman FXW, Buijs JF, Van Limbeek J, Prahl-Andersen B. Prevalence of Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli in 18-month-old children with cleft lip and/or palate. The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal. 1996; 33(5):424–8.
Oyewole, O I , Owoseni, A A and Faboro, E O : “Studies on medicinal and toxicological properties of Cajanus cajan, Ricinus communis and Thymus vulgaris leaf extracts.” J Med Plants Res, 2010 Vol. 4(19): Pp 2004 – 2008.
Kaneria M, Kanani B, Chanda S. Évaluation de l'effet des méthodes hydroalcooliques et de décoction sur l'extraction d'antioxydants à partir de plantes médicinales indiennes sélectionnées. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed, 2012;2(3):195-202. doi:10.1016 /S2221-1691(12)60041-0).
Elliott, T, Worthinton T, Osman, H and Gill, M “Medical Microbiology and infection. Fourth Edition, Massachusetts Blackwell Publishing, U.S.A.”2007 pp 153 – 166.
Darveau R P. Periodontitis: A polymicrobial disruption of host homeostasis. Nature reviews [abstract], Microbiology, 2010 ; 8(7): p. 481-90.
El-Kamali, H H and Mahjoub, S A “Antibacterial activity of Francoeuria cripsa, Pulicaria undulate, Zizphus spina-Christ and Cucurbita pepo against seven standard pathogenic bacteria.”. Ethnobotanical Leaflets,2009 vol. 13: pp 722-723.
Ribereau-gayon J, Peynaud E. Les composés phénoliques des végétaux, traités d’œnologie.Paris, Dunod éd. 1968 :254.
Gregorio Martinez, Rene Delgado, Gema Perez, Gabino Garrido, Alberto J : Evaluation of the in vitro antioxidant activity of Mangifera indica. Phytotherapy research, 2000 (14) : 424-7.
Nikhal S et Mahajan SD. Evaluation antibacterial and antioxidant activity of Mangifera indica leaves. J Pharmaceut Scien Re, 2010,(2) : 45-7.