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Introduction. L’énucléation de la prostate au laser Holmium (HoLEP) est recommandée comme une alternative à la résection endoscopique de la prostate (RTUP) ou à l’adénomectomie par voie sus-pubienne. L’objectif général de cette étude était d’examiner la faisabilité de l’HoLEP en chirurgie ambulatoire dans le service d’Urologie-Andrologie de l’Hôpital Jacques Monod au Havre. Méthodologie. Il s’agissait d’une étude rétrospective de type descriptif à visée analytique ayant porté sur les patients pris en charge par HoLEP entre le 01er février 2018 et le 25 juin 2023. Les caractéristiques pré, per, postopératoires et les complications postopératoires des patients ont été analysées. Une analyse en uni variée des facteurs de risque ainsi que la distribution de ces facteurs de risque avait été effectuée. Résultats. Nous avons étudié 151 patients. L’âge moyen des patients était de 74 ans ±8,2. Les comorbidités étaient présentes chez 78,15% des patients. En préopératoire le volume de la prostate estimé était en moyen de 79,01 ±29,3cc. Le score ASA2 était le plus fréquent soit 47,68%. Tous les patients ont été opérés sous anesthésie générale. La durée opératoire moyenne était de 125,2 ±46,63 minutes. La durée moyenne du cathétérisme vésical postopératoire était de 42,46 ±20,07 heures. Trente cinq patients ont présenté au moins une complication post-opératoires et l’hématurie était la complication la plus fréquente(n=20) soit 57,14%. Nous avons enregistré 4 cas de transfusion post-opératoire soit 2,64%. Les 151 patients ont été opérés par 7 chirurgiens. Le plus expérimenté a effectuée 54 procédures soit 35,76%. La plupart des complications post-opératoires étaient de grade II selon la classification de Clavien-Dindo soit 88,53%. Conclusion. L’expérience du chirurgien au-delà de 50 cas est un atout majeur pour minimiser les risques de survenue de complications postopératoires. Il est nécessaire de mener d’autres études prospectives tout en élargissant l’échantillon, afin de mieux cerner les facteurs prédictifs.
Introduction. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) is recommended as an alternative to endoscopic resection of the prostate (TURP) or suprapubic adenomectomy. The general objective of this study was to examine the feasibility of HoLEP in outpatient surgery in the Urology-Andrology Department of the Jacques Monod Hospital in Le Havre. Methodology. This was a retrospective descriptive study of patients managed by HoLEP between 01 February 2018 and 25 June 2023. Pre-, intra- and post-operative characteristics and post-operative complications were analysed. A univariate analysis of risk factors and their distribution was performed. Results. We studied 151 patients. The mean age of the patients was 74 ±8.2 years. Comorbidities were present in 78.15% of patients. Preoperative prostate volume was estimated to be 79.01 ±29.3cc on average. The ASA2 score was the most frequent (47.68%). All patients underwent surgery under general anaesthesia. The average operating time wa s 125.2 ±46.63 minutes. The mean duration of postoperative bladder catheterisation was 42.46 ±20.07 hours. Thirty-five patients had at least one post-operative complication, and haematuria was the most frequent complication (n=20), i.e. 57.14%. We recorded 4 cases of postoperative transfusion (2.64%). The 151 patients were operated on by 7 surgeons. The most experienced performed 54 procedures (35.76%). Most of the postoperative complications were grade II according to the Clavien-Dindo classification, i.e. 88.53%. Conclusion. The surgeon's experience beyond 50 cases is a major asset in minimising the risk of postoperative complications. Further prospective studies, with a larger sample size, are needed to better identify the predictive factors.
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- - Foster HE, Barry MJ, Dahm P, et al. Surgical management of lower urinary tract symptoms attributed to benign prostatic hyperplasia : AUA guideline. J Urol 2018 ; 200 : 612-19.
- - Malaeb BS, Yu X, McBean AM, Elliott SP. National trends in surgical therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia in the United States (2000-2008). Urology. 2012; 79 (5) : 1111-17. doi:10.1016/j.urology.2011.11.084.
- - Gilling PJ, Kennet K, et al. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) combined with transurethral tissue morcellation: an update on the early clinical experience. J Endourol 1998 ; 12 : 457-9. 457.
- - Kuntz RM, Lehrich K. Transurethral holmium laser enucleation versus trans vesical open enucleation for prostate adenoma greater than 100 gm: a randomized prospective trial of 120 patients. J Urol 2002 ; 168 : 1465-9.
- - Tan AH, Gilling PJ, et al. A randomized trial comparing holmium laser enucleation of the prostate with transurethral resection of the prostate for the treatment of bladder outlet obstruction secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia in large glands (40-200 g). J Urol 2003 ; 170 : 1270-4. 0000086948.55973.00.
- - Wilson LC, Gilling PJ, et al. A randomized trial comparing holmium laser enucleation versus transurethral resection in the treatment of prostate larger than 40 grams: results at 2 years. Eur Urol 2006 ; 50 : 569-73.
- - Elzayat EA, Habib EI, et al. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate: a size-independent new ‘‘gold standard’’. Urology 2005 ; 66 : 10813.
- - Reichelt AC, Suarez-Ibarrola R, Herrmann TRW, Miernik A, Schöb DS. Laser procedures in the treatment of BPH: a bibliometric study. World J Urol. 2021 ; 39 (8) : 2903-2911. doi:10.1007/s00345-020-03532-1.
- - Huang SW, Tsai CY, Tseng CS, et al. Comparative efficacy and safety of new surgical treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia: Systematic review and network meta-analysis. The BMJ. 2019 ; 367: 5919. doi:10.1136/bmj.l5919.
- - Scoffone CM, Cracco CM. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate. Curr Opin Urol. 2019 ; 29 (3) : 304-305. doi:10.1097/MOU.0000000000000609.
- - Shvero A, Calio B, Humphreys MR, Das AK. HoLEP: the new gold standard for surgical treatment of bening prostatic hyperplasia. Can J Urol. 2021 ; 28 Suppl 2 : 6-10.
- - Gürlen G, Karkin K. Does Holmium laser enucleation of prostate (HoLEP) still have a steep learning curve Our experience of 100 consecutive cases from Turkey. Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2021; 93 : 4.
- - Descazeaud A, Robert G, Delongchamps NB, Cornu JN, Saussine C, Haillot O, et al. [Initial assessment, follow-up and treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia: guidelines of the LUTS committee of the French Urological Association]. Prog Urol 2012 ; 22 (16) : 977- 88.
- - Deepak K. Agarwal, Marcelino E. Rivera, Charles U. Nottingham, Tim Large, and Amy E. Krambeck.Catheter Removal on the Same Day of Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate : Outcomes of a Pilot Study Deepak. UROLOGY 2020; 146: 225-229.
- - Abdul-Muhsin H, Critchlow W, Navaratnam A, et al. Feasibility of holmium laser enucleation of the prostate as a 1-day surgery. World J Urol. 2020 ; 38 : 1017-25.
- - Lwin AA, Zeng J, Evans P, et al. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate is safe and feasible as a same day surgery. Urology. 2020 ; 138 : 119-24.
- - Oelke M, Bachmann A, Descazeaud A, Emberton M, Gravas S, Michel MC, et al. EAU guidelines on the treatment and follow-up of non-neurogenic male lower urinary tract symptoms including benign prostatic obstruction. Eur Urol 2013 ; 64 : 118-40.
- - Bowen JM, Whelan JP, Hopkins RB, et al. Photo selective vaporization for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Ont Health Technol Assess Ser 2013 ; 13 : 1-34.
- - Nguyen DD, Marchese M, Ozambela M, et al. Ambulatory based bladder outlet procedures offer significant cost savings and comparable 30-day outcomes relative to inpatient surgery. J Endourol 2020 ; 34 : 1248-54.
- - M. Mouton, C. Michel, A. Bourgi, H. Baumert. Énucléation prostatique au laser Holmium : analyse des complications précoces. Sélection des patients pour l’ambulatoire. Progrès en urologie 2020 ; 30 : 89-96.
- - G. Gabbay, C. Bernharda, O. Renarda , P. Ballanger , J.M. Ferrierea, J. Fallot, V. Comat , G. Robert. Énucléation de la prostate au laser Holmium en chirurgie ambulatoire : évaluation prospective des 30 premiers patients. Progrès en urologie 2015 ; 25 : 34-39.
- - S-M Lee, K Gordon, R Mc Millan, F Crystal, P Acher. Day-case holmium laser enucleation of the prostate: feasibility, safety and predictive factors. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2018 ; 100 : 475-479.
- - R. Blanco Fernández, I. González Rodríguez, S. Fernández-Pello Montes, P. Sánchez Verdes, P. Miranda García, P.J. Suárez Sal, L. Alonso Calvar, L. Rodríguez Villamil. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) as sameday surgery: A safe and feasible option. Actas Urológicas Españolas 2023 ; 47(7) : 457-461.
- - O.D. Yea, A. Tadrist, E. Di Croccoa, G. Karsenty, H. Toledanoa. Incontinence urinaire post énucléation endoscopique de la prostate au laser Holmium : aspects évolutifs et facteurs prédictifs associés. Progrès en Urologie 2023 ; 33(4) : 198-206.
- - B. Branchua, P. Léonb, R. Fournier, T. Lasserrea, R. Tambwea, L. Hoquetis, C. Joncour, S. Larréa. Impact des anticoagulants et antiagrégants sur complications hémorragiques chez les patients traités par HoLEP. Progrès en urologie 2020 ; 30 : 639-645.
- - Cynk M, Georgiadis G, Moore E et al. Day-case holmium laser enucleation of the prostate. J Clin Urol 2015 ; 8(4) : 268-273.
- - Larner TR, Agarwal D, Costello AJ. Day-case holmium laser enucleation of the prostate for gland volumes of < 60 ml: early experience. BJU Int 2003 ; 91 (1): 61-64.
- - Cullen DJ, Apolone G, Greenfield S, Guadagnoli E, Cleary P. ASA Physical status and age predict morbidity after three surgical procedures. Ann Surg 1994 ; 220 (1) : 3-9.
- - Rambachan A, Matulewicz RS, Pilecki M, Kim JY, Kundu SD. Predictors of readmission following outpatient urological surgery. J Urol 2014 ; 192 (1) : 183- 8.
- - Association of Anesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland; British Association of Day Surgery. Day case and short stay surgery : 2. Anesthesia 2011 ; 66 : 417- 434.
- - Elzayat E, Habib E, Elhilali M. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate in patients on anticoagulant therapy or with bleeding disorders. J Urol 2006 ; 175 (4): 1428-32.
- - Becker B, Netsch C, Hansen J, Bohme A, Gross AJ, Zacharias M, et al. Perioperative Safety in Patient Under Oral Anticoagulation During Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate. J Endourol 2019 ; 33(3) : 219-24.
- - Kuntz RM, Ahyai S, Lehrich K, Fayad A. Transurethral holmium laser enucleation of the prostate versus transurethral electrocautery resection of the prostate: a randomized prospective trial in 200 patients. J Urol 2004 ; 172 (3) : 1012-6.
- - Zhou Y, Xue B, Mohammad NA, Chen D, Sun X, Yang J, et al. Greenlight high-performance system (HPS) 120-W laser vaporization versus transurethral resection of the prostate for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a meta-analysis of the published results of randomized controlled trials. Lasers Med Sci 2016 ; 31 (3) : 485-95.
- - Pickard R, Emberton M, Neal DE. The management of men with acute urinary retention. National Prostatectomy Audit Steering Group. Br J Urol 1998; 81(5) : 712-20.
- - Mebust WK, Holtgrewe HL, Cockett AT, Peters PC, Writing Committee AUA. Transurethral prostatectomy: immediate and postoperative complications. Cooperative study of 13 participating institutions evaluating 3,885 patients. J Urol 1989 ; 141 : 243-7.
- - Patel A, Nunez R, Mmeje CO, Humphreys MR. Safety and feasibility of concomitant surgery during holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP). World J Urol 2014 ; 32 (6) : 1543-9.
- - Rattenberry W, Hertling A, Erskine R. Spinal anaesthesia for ambulartory surgery. Sci Rep. 2021 ; 11: 8311.
- Foster HE, Barry MJ, Dahm P, et al. Surgical management of lower urinary tract symptoms attributed to benign prostatic hyperplasia : AUA guideline. J Urol 2018 ; 200 : 612-19.
- Malaeb BS, Yu X, McBean AM, Elliott SP. National trends in surgical therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia in the United States (2000-2008). Urology. 2012; 79 (5) : 1111-17. doi:10.1016/j.urology.2011.11.084.
- Gilling PJ, Kennet K, et al. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) combined with transurethral tissue morcellation: an update on the early clinical experience. J Endourol 1998 ; 12 : 457-9. 457.
- Kuntz RM, Lehrich K. Transurethral holmium laser enucleation versus trans vesical open enucleation for prostate adenoma greater than 100 gm: a randomized prospective trial of 120 patients. J Urol 2002 ; 168 : 1465-9.
- Tan AH, Gilling PJ, et al. A randomized trial comparing holmium laser enucleation of the prostate with transurethral resection of the prostate for the treatment of bladder outlet obstruction secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia in large glands (40-200 g). J Urol 2003 ; 170 : 1270-4. 0000086948.55973.00.
- Wilson LC, Gilling PJ, et al. A randomized trial comparing holmium laser enucleation versus transurethral resection in the treatment of prostate larger than 40 grams: results at 2 years. Eur Urol 2006 ; 50 : 569-73.
- Elzayat EA, Habib EI, et al. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate: a size-independent new ‘‘gold standard’’. Urology 2005 ; 66 : 10813.
- Reichelt AC, Suarez-Ibarrola R, Herrmann TRW, Miernik A, Schöb DS. Laser procedures in the treatment of BPH: a bibliometric study. World J Urol. 2021 ; 39 (8) : 2903-2911. doi:10.1007/s00345-020-03532-1.
- Huang SW, Tsai CY, Tseng CS, et al. Comparative efficacy and safety of new surgical treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia: Systematic review and network meta-analysis. The BMJ. 2019 ; 367: 5919. doi:10.1136/bmj.l5919.
- Scoffone CM, Cracco CM. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate. Curr Opin Urol. 2019 ; 29 (3) : 304-305. doi:10.1097/MOU.0000000000000609.
- Shvero A, Calio B, Humphreys MR, Das AK. HoLEP: the new gold standard for surgical treatment of bening prostatic hyperplasia. Can J Urol. 2021 ; 28 Suppl 2 : 6-10.
- Gürlen G, Karkin K. Does Holmium laser enucleation of prostate (HoLEP) still have a steep learning curve Our experience of 100 consecutive cases from Turkey. Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2021; 93 : 4.
- Descazeaud A, Robert G, Delongchamps NB, Cornu JN, Saussine C, Haillot O, et al. [Initial assessment, follow-up and treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia: guidelines of the LUTS committee of the French Urological Association]. Prog Urol 2012 ; 22 (16) : 977- 88.
- Deepak K. Agarwal, Marcelino E. Rivera, Charles U. Nottingham, Tim Large, and Amy E. Krambeck.Catheter Removal on the Same Day of Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate : Outcomes of a Pilot Study Deepak. UROLOGY 2020; 146: 225-229.
- Abdul-Muhsin H, Critchlow W, Navaratnam A, et al. Feasibility of holmium laser enucleation of the prostate as a 1-day surgery. World J Urol. 2020 ; 38 : 1017-25.
- Lwin AA, Zeng J, Evans P, et al. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate is safe and feasible as a same day surgery. Urology. 2020 ; 138 : 119-24.
- Oelke M, Bachmann A, Descazeaud A, Emberton M, Gravas S, Michel MC, et al. EAU guidelines on the treatment and follow-up of non-neurogenic male lower urinary tract symptoms including benign prostatic obstruction. Eur Urol 2013 ; 64 : 118-40.
- Bowen JM, Whelan JP, Hopkins RB, et al. Photo selective vaporization for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Ont Health Technol Assess Ser 2013 ; 13 : 1-34.
- Nguyen DD, Marchese M, Ozambela M, et al. Ambulatory based bladder outlet procedures offer significant cost savings and comparable 30-day outcomes relative to inpatient surgery. J Endourol 2020 ; 34 : 1248-54.
- M. Mouton, C. Michel, A. Bourgi, H. Baumert. Énucléation prostatique au laser Holmium : analyse des complications précoces. Sélection des patients pour l’ambulatoire. Progrès en urologie 2020 ; 30 : 89-96.
- G. Gabbay, C. Bernharda, O. Renarda , P. Ballanger , J.M. Ferrierea, J. Fallot, V. Comat , G. Robert. Énucléation de la prostate au laser Holmium en chirurgie ambulatoire : évaluation prospective des 30 premiers patients. Progrès en urologie 2015 ; 25 : 34-39.
- S-M Lee, K Gordon, R Mc Millan, F Crystal, P Acher. Day-case holmium laser enucleation of the prostate: feasibility, safety and predictive factors. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2018 ; 100 : 475-479.
- R. Blanco Fernández, I. González Rodríguez, S. Fernández-Pello Montes, P. Sánchez Verdes, P. Miranda García, P.J. Suárez Sal, L. Alonso Calvar, L. Rodríguez Villamil. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) as sameday surgery: A safe and feasible option. Actas Urológicas Españolas 2023 ; 47(7) : 457-461.
- O.D. Yea, A. Tadrist, E. Di Croccoa, G. Karsenty, H. Toledanoa. Incontinence urinaire post énucléation endoscopique de la prostate au laser Holmium : aspects évolutifs et facteurs prédictifs associés. Progrès en Urologie 2023 ; 33(4) : 198-206.
- B. Branchua, P. Léonb, R. Fournier, T. Lasserrea, R. Tambwea, L. Hoquetis, C. Joncour, S. Larréa. Impact des anticoagulants et antiagrégants sur complications hémorragiques chez les patients traités par HoLEP. Progrès en urologie 2020 ; 30 : 639-645.
- Cynk M, Georgiadis G, Moore E et al. Day-case holmium laser enucleation of the prostate. J Clin Urol 2015 ; 8(4) : 268-273.
- Larner TR, Agarwal D, Costello AJ. Day-case holmium laser enucleation of the prostate for gland volumes of < 60 ml: early experience. BJU Int 2003 ; 91 (1): 61-64.
- Cullen DJ, Apolone G, Greenfield S, Guadagnoli E, Cleary P. ASA Physical status and age predict morbidity after three surgical procedures. Ann Surg 1994 ; 220 (1) : 3-9.
- Rambachan A, Matulewicz RS, Pilecki M, Kim JY, Kundu SD. Predictors of readmission following outpatient urological surgery. J Urol 2014 ; 192 (1) : 183- 8.
- Association of Anesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland; British Association of Day Surgery. Day case and short stay surgery : 2. Anesthesia 2011 ; 66 : 417- 434.
- Elzayat E, Habib E, Elhilali M. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate in patients on anticoagulant therapy or with bleeding disorders. J Urol 2006 ; 175 (4): 1428-32.
- Becker B, Netsch C, Hansen J, Bohme A, Gross AJ, Zacharias M, et al. Perioperative Safety in Patient Under Oral Anticoagulation During Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate. J Endourol 2019 ; 33(3) : 219-24.
- Kuntz RM, Ahyai S, Lehrich K, Fayad A. Transurethral holmium laser enucleation of the prostate versus transurethral electrocautery resection of the prostate: a randomized prospective trial in 200 patients. J Urol 2004 ; 172 (3) : 1012-6.
- Zhou Y, Xue B, Mohammad NA, Chen D, Sun X, Yang J, et al. Greenlight high-performance system (HPS) 120-W laser vaporization versus transurethral resection of the prostate for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a meta-analysis of the published results of randomized controlled trials. Lasers Med Sci 2016 ; 31 (3) : 485-95.
- Pickard R, Emberton M, Neal DE. The management of men with acute urinary retention. National Prostatectomy Audit Steering Group. Br J Urol 1998; 81(5) : 712-20.
- Mebust WK, Holtgrewe HL, Cockett AT, Peters PC, Writing Committee AUA. Transurethral prostatectomy: immediate and postoperative complications. Cooperative study of 13 participating institutions evaluating 3,885 patients. J Urol 1989 ; 141 : 243-7.
- Patel A, Nunez R, Mmeje CO, Humphreys MR. Safety and feasibility of concomitant surgery during holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP). World J Urol 2014 ; 32 (6) : 1543-9.
- Rattenberry W, Hertling A, Erskine R. Spinal anaesthesia for ambulartory surgery. Sci Rep. 2021 ; 11: 8311.